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Up the Irons! | Iron Maiden Tribute

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The Sound Of MusicG1's Avatar The Sound Of MusicG1
Level 9 : Apprentice Community
Phantom of the Opera
Iron Maiden

Recorded 11-8-2023 between 9:53 and 9:54 AM EST
Song Meaning: The name gives it away, but this song is based on The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux.
Comments: This honestly sounds so much better with actual instruments playing in the background as opposed to me just singing it.

Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Recorded 11-8-2023 between 10:00 and 10:01 AM EST
Song Meaning: This classic heavy metal song is Iron Maiden's title track, and my interpretation of the lyrics has always been that it's about Eddie (their mascot) inviting someone over to show them his torture chamber and then give them a first-hand look at all the devices...

Recorded 11-8-2023 between 10:04 and 10:05 AM EST
Song Meaning: This song is about a man who goes on a quest to get revenge on his father for abandoning he and his mother during his childhood.
Comments: I like the way the verses sound; it's pretty cool.

Run to the Hills
The Number of the Beast
Recorded 11-8-2023 between 10:10 and 10:12 AM EST
Song Meaning: This is one of Iron Maiden's history lesson songs, telling the story of the arrival of the Europeans in America and the slaughter of the Native Americans.
Comments: That intro, man... classic.

Hallowed Be Thy Name
The Number of the Beast

Recorded 11-8-2023 between 10:16 and 10:18 AM EST
Song Meaning: This is the story of a prisoner who is condemned to execution, which he is at first scared of, but then he realizes that life isn't important, and awaits his beheading.
Comments: I love how the song goes from slow and sad to fast and crazy.

The Trooper
Piece of Mind
Recorded 11-17-2023 between 4:30 and 4:32 PM EST
Song Meaning: In this song, Bruce sings from the perspective of a soldier in the Charge of the Light Brigade and the song is based on Tennyson's poem about the battle.
Comments: I don't care what all the music sites say about "Hallowed Be They Name;" this is the best Iron Maiden song (and my dad agrees). (And yes, I said "woar" instead of "roar.")

2 Minutes to Midnight
Recorded 11-17-2023 between 4:34 and 4:37 PM EST
Song Meaning: This is a war-themed song inspired by the Doomsday Clock, which is representation of how close the world is its destruction.
Comments: ...this song has some of the most unique metal lyrics I've ever seen.

Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Recorded 11-17-2023 between 4:55 and 5:00 PM EST
Song Meaning: This one is based on Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, a poem about a mariner who kills an albatross, which is then hung around his neck. The albatross curses the mariner and his crew, and horrors ensue.
Comments: Simply amazing.

Somewhere in Time Medley
Up the Irons!

Recorded 11-20-2023 between 4:43 and 4:47 PM EST
Song Meaning: (The meanings of "Wasted Years and "The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner are not here, as I sang them individually and put their meanings there.) "Caught Somewhere in Time" was inspired by Time After Time, in which H.G. Wells chases Jack the Ripper across time. "Sea of Madness" is either about someone going insane or someone trying to find any goodness in mankind. "Heaven Can Wait" is about a near-death experience (obviously). "Stranger in a Strange Land" is about an Arctic explorer who gets frozen in ice and is found 100 years later. The meaning of "Deja-Vu" is obvious, and "Alexander the Great" is essentially an 8-minute history lesson on the eponymous king.
Comments: My dad's favorite Iron Maiden album.

Wasted Years
Somewhere in Time

Recorded 11-20-2023 between 4:49 and 4:52 PM EST
Song Meaning: As the chorus says, "realize your living in your golden years" and don't waste your life trying to find them.
Comments: Easily one of the best opening riffs in metal history. Change my mind. I dare you.

The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
Somewhere in Time
Recorded 11-22-2023 between 11:41 and 11:43 AM EST
Song Meaning: A song based on "The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner," a short story by Alan Sillitoe, which is about a boy who experiences social alienation and takes up long-distance runner as a way to escape.
Comments: I'd like to dedicate this recording to my dad, as this song is his favorite Iron Maiden song, and he plays it when he goes running in the morning.

Can I Play With Madness?
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Recorded 11-22-2023 between 11:45 and 11:47 AM EST
Song Meaning: Seventh Son of a Seventh Son is a concept album based on the belief that the seventh son of a seventh son will have special powers. In this song, the third track on the album, the Seventh Son visits a prophet to learn more about the upcoming birth of his seventh son, but the prophet won't give up his answers so easily and may be a bit crazy.
Comments: (Yes, I know the official name of the song doesn't have a question mark. I just think it looks better with one.) So, can I play with madness?

The Evil That Men Do
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Recorded 11-22-2023 between 11:57 and 11:59 AM EST
Song Meaning: This song is track 4 on the album, and the seventh son of a seventh son's birth is soon, which means both God and Satan want control over the boy to make them either good or evil. The name of the song comes from a Mark Anthony quote from Shakespeare's Julius Caeser, which goes as follows: "The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones; so let it be with Caesar." Bruce tends to say the quote before singing the song (sans everything past the semicolon), but he flips around the two parts of the phrase.
Comments: Ah yes, my favorite Iron Maiden song; 'tis a beautiful one.

Holy Smoke
No Prayer for the Dying
Recorded 12-12-2023 between 5:03 and 5:05 PM EST
Song Meaning: It's about those darn televangelist scandals!
Comments: Well, it's smooth sailing from here. All the upcoming songs are ones I know much better than this one, which was literally thirsty work. takes a sip of water

Childhood's End
Fear of the Dark
Recorded 1-21-2024 between 3:36 and 3:38 PM EST
Song Meaning: I like the meaning of this song; it's about how there's no place in the world now where kids can go and be kids. Nowadays (and in the 90s, when this song came out), children are exposed to so many horrible things, be it wars, murders, or something else.
Comments: My God, this song is good.

Fear of the Dark
Fear of the Dark
Recorded 1-21-2024 between 3:44 and 3:47 PM EST
Song Meaning: This eerie track follows a man with a fear of the dark on his walk home in the night... insert evil laughter
Comments: I love it goes from eerie to metal and then back to eerie at the end.

Sign of the Cross
The X Factor
Recorded 1-21-2024 between 3:50 and 3:52 PM EST
Song Meaning: This song was based on The Name of the Rose, which is about a monk in medieval Italy that tries to defend himself from accusations of heresy.
Comments: The first two verses (right after the intro) and the way lead into the third (right before the chorus) is my favorite part of the song to sing.

Lord of the Flies
The X Factor
Recorded 1-21-2024 between 3:53 and 3:56 PM EST
Song Meaning: Based on William Golding's book of the same name, this song is about a group of British children who get stranded on an island and devolve into a twisted society bent on survival at any cost.
Comments: This is definitely one of my favorite Iron Maiden songs to both listen to and sing... especially to sing.

Lightning Strikes Twice
Virtual XI
Recorded 1-21-2024 between 3:57 and 3:59 PM EST
Song Meaning: This song appears to be about a coming thunderstorm and a person's fear of such a thing, possibly related to a childhood incident.
Comments: This song really makes me picture the ominosity (apparently that's a word) of the storm and how it's slowly nearing the town, and the chorus really feels like it could be sung over a bunch of different scenes of lightning striking rapidly.

The Clansman
Virtual XI
Recorded 1-21-2024 between 4:02 and 4:06 PM EST
Song Meaning: This one's based on Braveheart, and tells the story of the Scottish clans fighting for freedom from the British Empire. It appears be sung from the perspective of the main character, Sir William Wallace, which makes it funny that he says he'll never taken alive, since he was captured and horrifically executed. (For those wondering, he was hanged, drawn, and quartered, but while he was still alive, they emasculated and eviscerated him. The Brits were crazy back then.)

Brave New World Medley
Up the Irons!
Recorded 1-25-2024 between 4:46 and 4:52 PM EST
Song Meaning: (The meanings of "Brave New World and "Dream of Mirrors" are below.) According to Genius, the lyrics of "The Wicker Man" "describe the general apathy of our modern society and our egoistic disinterest in what is happening in the world, until something actually happens and the events leave us astonished." "Ghost of the Navigator" uses ships sailing into the sunset as a metaphor for life and death. "Blood Brothers" was written by Steve Harris as a way of dealing with his father's passing. "The Mercenary" makes many references to the Predator. "The Fallen Angel" is about Lucifer. "The Nomad" is about the Bedouin. "Out of the Silent Planet" was based on the novel Forbidden Planet. "The Thin Line Between Love and Hate" discusses free will and a person's choice to lead of life of good or evil.
Comments: Not gonna lie, I'm pretty proud of how that turned out. I was nervous about "The Fallen Angel" part, since I don't know that song at all, but listening to it over and over again helped me memorize it. Anyways, I think this was a good way to pay tribute to my favorite Maiden album.

Brave New World
Brave New World
Recorded 1-28-2024 between 1:04 and 1:07 PM EST
Song Meaning: It's based on Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, a book about a dystopian future society called the World State, which individually conditions emotions out of children on the basis that "every one belongs to every one else. The book is often compared to George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, also about a dystopian society.
Comments: I was on a good track on take 2... then my mom started texting about confirming a time for the next D&D session... what you're hearing (or just heard) is take 3.

Dream of Mirrors
Brave New World
Recorded 1-28-2024 between 1:14 and 1:20 PM EST
Song Meaning: This track is about a man who is having recurring dream about a maze of mirrors, and generally focuses on the dark side of people's thoughts and dreams.
Comments: Definitely one of my favorite tracks from Brave New World. I love the part when Bruce sings the chorus, but it's sped up.

No More Lies
Dance of Death
Recorded 2-20-2024 between 3:27 and 3:30 PM EST
Song Meaning: This song is about a man who is about to die, but he isn't afraid, as he believes he's lived his life to fullest.
Comments: Always found that one fun to sing.

Dance of Death
Recorded 2-20-2024 between 3:31 and 3:35 PM EST
Song Meaning: Another history song, this time about the Third Battle of Ypres, also known as the Battle of Passchendaele, which was a World War I campaign in 1917 that the Allies initiated to secure ridges south and east of Ypres, Belgium. The British suffered 270000 casualties, and the Germans 220000.
Comments: I flippin' love this track.

The Longest Day
A Matter of Life and Death
Recorded 2-20-2024 between 3:38 and 3:43 PM EST
Song Meaning: Yet another war/history song, sung about the Normandy landings, also known as D-Day, which was (for those who don't know) the Allied invasion of Normandy, France during World War II.
Comments: My favorite part of this song to sing are the verses. I constantly picture it being played over a scene from some movie of the Allied troops on their way to Normandy.

For the Greater Good of God
A Matter of Life and Death
Recorded 2-24-2024 between 11:22 and 11:27 AM EST
Song Meaning: Now, I am planning to someday write an essay or something like that analyzing this song, but in the meantime, there's this one website that summed up its meaning really well and I'm sad because I can't find which one it was. Anyways, according to that site, this song is an "indictment against religion," specifically about how people constantly kill for religion and start wars over it.
Comments: This is my third-favorite Iron Maiden song, and, in my opinion, it sort of summarizes a lot of my views on religion, which is something I've thought significantly more about since joining PMC. (And yes, I yawned a few times during the song.)

The Final Frontier
Recorded 2-24-2024 between 11:33 and 11:37 AM EST
Song Meaning: This song's lyrics see Bruce Dickinson pointing out religion's flaws and how being religious doesn't make you a good person, but doing good in the world does.
Comments: Second-favorite Maiden track, and if any of the band members are reading this, (please) PLAY THIS SONG LIVE! I MUST HEAR A PERFORMANCE OF IT!

When the Wild Wind Blows
The Final Frontier
Recorded 2-24-2024 between 11:40 and 11:45 AM EST
Song Meaning: A song based on Raymond Briggs' graphic novel When the Wind Blows, which is about a British couple preparing for a nuclear attack from the Soviet Union. The song is largely the same as the book, with the only difference being the ending. In the book, the couple die of radiation poisoning, but in the song, they poison themselves after mistaking an earthquake for the missile hitting England.
Comments: Dang, first time today I've gotten a song right on take 1... just a few more to go...

The Book of Souls Medley
Up the Irons!

Recorded 3-9-2024 between 10:17 and 10:24 AM EST
Song Meaning: (The meanings of "If Eternity Should Fail," "The Book of Souls," and "Empire of the Clouds" are included below.) "Speed of Light" is about exploring the unknown regions of space at the speed of light. The music video is a tribute to video games. Iron Maiden Bulgaria suggests that "The Great Unknown" is about how "violence distorts virtue." "The Red and the Black" was likely inspired by Le Rouge et le Noir. "When the River Runs Deep" is about a group of soldiers about to fight, and while they wait, they realize that their lives will not last forever. "Death or Glory" contains references to the Red Baron of WWI fame. "Shadows of the Valley" is about sins and the afterlife, and has several references to the Bible, namely Psalm 23. "Tears of a Clown" is a tribute to the late, great Robin Williams. "The Man of Sorrows" is inspired by the Biblical term.
Comments: This was pretty cool, in my opinion.

If Eternity Should Fail
The Book of Souls
Recorded 3-9-2024 between 10:28 and 10:32 AM EST
Song Meaning: This song was originally written by Bruce Dickinson for a solo concept album, but he was convinced to put it on Iron Maiden's next album instead. The spoken word outro at the end was intended to be played at the beginning of the concept album, setting up the story and introducing one of the main characters, Dr. Necropolis, but Steve decided to put it at the end of the song, arguing that it didn't matter since it was about souls and thus fit with the theme of the album. About a week ago at the time of recording the song, "Eternity Has Failed," a rewritten version of this track, was included on the release of the aforementioned solo album, titled The Mandrake Project.
Comments: This song is an awesome way to open the Book of Souls album!

The Book of Souls
The Book of Souls
Recorded 3-9-2024 between 10:33 and 10:36 AM EST
Song Meaning: More history! This one's inspired by the Mayans and their end, which in turn inspired the artwork for the album. The line about an alien invasion likely refers to Hernán Cortés and his conquistadors' massacre of the Aztecs, which led to Mexico being subject to Spanish rule.
Comments: My favorite parts to sing are the second pre-chorus and the bridge.

Senjutsu Medley
Up the Irons!
Recorded 3-9-2024 between 10:41 and 10:47 AM EST
Song Meaning: (The meanings of "The Writing on the Wall," "The Parchment," and "Hell on Earth" are all down there.) The word "Senjutsu" loosely translates to "tactics and strategy," and the song itself describes preparations for an incoming attack from rival groups. "Stratego" continues the "tactics and strategy" theme of the previous song and is about a dying warrior. "Lost in a Lost World" is another song about the Native Americans and their fate. "Days of Future Past" is based on the Hellblazer comics and their movie adaptation. "The Time Machine" is about a man who's traveled through time and wants to tell the listener all about his travels. "Darkest Hour" is about Winston Churchill. "Death of the Celts" is about, well, the ancient Celts.
Comments: Firstly, the entire album is a lyrical and musical masterpiece. Secondly, we're gonna pretend I didn't initially messing up saying "spirits" during the "Death of the Celts" part. Lastly, yes, I didn't sing the end of "Hell on Earth" (the last song) like I would in a medley, since the whole "Love in anger, life in danger" thing doesn't feel like a good conclusion to the song without the instrumental part.

The Writing on the Wall
Recorded 3-9-2024 between 10:50 and 10:52 AM EST
Song Meaning: Iron Maiden primarily does songs about war, religion, history, or literature. This is a religion song, based on the story of Belshazzar's Feast. The music video reflects that and adds an Iron Maiden twist, with it being a story about the motorbike-riding Four Horsemen, all based on past versions of their mascot Eddie the Head, going on a mission to rescue Adam and Eve from Belshazzar at his feast.
Comments: This song has one of the coolest music videos in existence. Change my mind.

The Parchment
Recorded 3-9-2024 between 10:56 and 10:59 AM EST
Song Meaning: Truth be told, I have no idea what these lyrics are about. There's plenty of analyses online, though.
Comments: Steve Harris, you incredible son of a biscuit. Why have you not played these 12 minutes of awesomeness live yet?!
Take 1

Hell on Earth
Recorded 3-9-2024 between 11:00 and 11:03 AM EST
Song Meaning: This song is based on Steve Harris' views on the world we're creating, which is one full of hate, pain, and destruction, and how death is an escape from this "Hell on Earth."
Comments: This song needed a reprise of the "I wish I could back" part, so I gave it one. So glad it's being played live.

Empire of the Clouds
The Book of Souls
Recorded 3-9-2024 between 11:08 and 11:13 AM EST
Song Meaning: This epic track is about the fatal maiden voyage of the R101, which, due to an engine fire coming in contact with leaking hydrogen gas, was sent down in flames above Beauvais, France in October 5th, 1930.
Comments: This is peak Bruce Dickinson. Can't get much better than this song. (And he sang it with a golf ball-sized tumor in his throat.) Also, I'M DONE! WOOOOOOOO!

This is it! After many months of work, I'm done with all the recordings, descriptions, and no, I'm not illustrating a cover for this because I have so much other stuff to do! This'll probably be the last singing blog for a while; I'll still post recordings in wall posts, though. I hope you like this!
CreditIron Maiden, for being awesome, dedicated, and making sick music

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