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Unoriginality in skins. (A mild blog/rant) By Falcon

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Knyghtfalcon's Avatar Knyghtfalcon
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
(I expected this to die out, but it has not. The people are keeping it up and i really apreciate all you guys! Even the haters! They help too! I don't think haters realize when they comment it just gives me XP and keeps this up longer, it would make more sense for them to ignore it :P But thank you haters, your making me famous! So hate all you want, all you haters!)

This is a Blog/Mild RANT by: Knyghtfalcon

Brought to you by: Potatoes INC.

EDIT #1 - Very quickly to fix some spelling errors.

EDIT #2 - Added a section on the assassin skins.


This blog contains:

The whole truth

Nothing but the truth

And even the truth you cant handle.

As some people know, I attempted to make a blog a few days ago touching on the topic of an over population of unoriginal skin content, but I did it in a very immature and offensive way. Even though many stood by me, thato s no excuse for breaking site policy and Io m sorry if anyone was offended. This hopefully will be better, and easier for people to enjoy, but if you feel the need to hate, do it respectfully in the comments, thereo s no need to call anyone out or go on a hate fueled rampage. If you find something offensive, let me know and I will consider removing it from this blog or removing peoples comments.

This blog is about the large amount of horrible, unoriginal and pointless skins posted hourly on this site. I will break this down in parts to make it easier for people to read. Lets do this!

(Identifying the skins)

The skins im referring too are not hard to miss these days. Among many horrible and unoriginal ideas, there are a few that dominate and can get very annoying. Teenage Girl skins, Emo guy/girl skins, Steve skins, hoodie skins and many more. A lot of these skins gain un-deserved attention in the community and generally make it harder for other people to get themselves known. These skins are bad for a number of reasons, and among the two listed above, they are:

Wasting space on the site

non deserved fame(Ito s unfair[At least in my opinion]to earn so much popularity over something stolen, or that has clearly been done before[In excessive amounts])

Annoying to browse the site for decent skins and having to sift through the crap.

(Got anything else to add? Leave a comment)

(What makes the skins bad)

Io m going to break down what I think makes these skins bad, and try not to offend people in the process :D So, let us start with one of the most hated, teenage girls skins.

The concept is completely over used and abused, almost 40% of skinners on the website have done some of these(At least 1) and they are in a complete state of overpopulation. They generally only appeal to a few people, a lot of guys and girls detest the skins and want them gone. Almost every teenage girl skin is identical with another with only a few changes in color and pixels. If you compare one to the other you find not much difference and its almost as if there Is a template being passed around that is just filled out.

You can spot these pretty easily, they normally have hair over the shoulders and down the back, sometimes with headphones or bows and big sparkly eyes. Some of them are really good, but if you put them side by side they are almost exact look-a-likes.

Now that I have touched on that, leto s move onto the Emo Guys/Girls

They generally do not appeal to people, a lot of them try to put makeup, dark clothing, and I have even seen some swastikas and attempts at putting scars and such O_o I just dono t see the point in these, they are kind of offensive in some ways and just creepy in other ways. I dono t think they should have a place on the website, but thato s my opinion. I don't know what compells people to make skins like these, but i do not really approve of them. They almost seem kind of evil.

Now, lets move on down to the Steve skins.

Some people want to be classy, some people think they are cool, but I just consider it spam. I have seen skins of all kinds. All Steve, all the time. There is no originality in these skins, they have all been done before and it just wastes space. I dono t think Steve would fit in any other context anyway, he is who he is in the minecraft world.

Now the overdone, annoying hoodie skins.

I have no clue what is up with these, they are just weird. There are so many skins with creeper/enderman hoodies on them. People will take existing skins and put them on, or create their own(Usually bad) Skin then add it. I dont see the point in all of these, there are literally thousands of them and they clutter up the website pretty bad. They are normally shady and look weird and not very well done as well.

Now lets touch on our Shadow friends, assassins and ninjas.

You have seen them, constantly and never ending. With every release of a new assassin/hitman/ninja related game, thousands of these skins pop up. Whether hooded fellows, hiding in the shadows waiting to strike, or men in suits, menacing and waiting for the right moment, they exist. But, even though a lot of these skins are generally good, there are too many unoriginal skins and even more stolen. Just by looking at the skin list i see about 5 assassins creed skins every 30 minutes or so, and most of them look suspiciously the same.

(What we can do to make this better!)

What you can do to stop these is simple, Just report them! You can even link to this blog as reasoning if you feel like you need some help. There are too many of these skins out there and they need to be taken down, the mods cano t stop all plagiarism alone. Do your part in the community! If you see someone who is a repeat offender, who posts the kind of stuff all the time, drop them a comment or PM. There needs to be more Original Content, and less copied and overused stuff.

Keep in mind, you can't just report because you don't like it, there are some skins that are annoying but don't break the rules. So don't go reporting willy-nilly, if you find something you think is a blatant copyright, go ahead. Find a Steve skin, go ahead. But be careful when reporting. If you see something your not sure about, try to find the exact same thing on another place, and link to that when reporting to show its copyright.

(Some more info)

A big problem is that this will never go away. There are even many famous people who got there by Re-skinning over and over. I cant call on any names, but if you look close enough you will find them. A lot of these submissions don't get removed, people assume they will and just look the other way, but mods cant be on top of every situation.

(Have anything to add? Any suggestions? Leave a comment and diamond/Fav this if you enjoyed.)

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12/23/2016 7:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
mosildinha's Avatar
lol i have a enderman skin but it's completely custom, it's wearing a dress since i'm a girl and i did a complete recolor of it - it's white and light gray, never seen someone before with my skin.
08/05/2016 3:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Flyiron2's Avatar
Can I use an edited version of this rant in a rant video? I will give credit to you. Here is my YT channel.
07/17/2016 11:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Yoyleberry's Avatar
I know what you mean. But I have seen worse on the Skindex.
Okay, so I was trying to find a MALE Flareon Hoodie skin for my character, since I was getting tired of my old skin.
Using my Flareon Plushie as refrence, I jump on the computer.
So, I go on the Skindex and search up Flareon, but what I saw were mostly Flareons themselves and GIRL skins. Whazefuk?
But the worst part was that someone LITERALY edited a FOX HOODIE skin so it was scarlet colored, and tried to pass it off as a "Flareon Hoodie."
Don't believe me? Click the link and scroll down a bit.
I made an entire account to post on this. wow.
12/20/2014 10:25 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist
Bloodworx's Avatar
The overused teen girl skins drive me insane. I used to use them, but I changed that and started making my own. I made my own style of bangs and I saw a few others using them! I just really hope they don't overtrend like those awful scene bangs on every girl skin I see..
10/03/2014 3:16 am
Level 1 : New Network
Kirbyna321's Avatar
I totally agree, but I also have a girl skin submitted, and I've worked very hard on it. I've died my hair many times irl and love to cosplay. That explains why I have so many skins that look like something out of an anime or a fantasy series. My hair is long, down to my chest and I make my skins that way sometimes. I sometimes hate teen girl skins for many reasons, keep up the good work! :)
06/04/2014 9:12 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Ackman1217's Avatar
With the hair, I use the over shoulder and on the back BUT I did that because thats what my hair is like irl. I hate teen girl skins, and the hoodie ones. I also put headphones on mine like the teen girl ones BUT I love headphones too much not to put them on my skin. I agree with this 100%.
03/23/2013 4:54 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Toast
XXX_Unknown's Avatar
02/10/2013 11:55 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
falkok15's Avatar
I hate all teen skins, all ninja skins, and all unoriginal stuff.
02/10/2013 1:58 am
Level 28 : Expert Skinner
Creeper_for_life's Avatar
i used to be an editer of different skins last time. but it wasnt other people's skin,it was my skin the remaked. i feel bad but now im original.
02/10/2013 1:57 am
Level 28 : Expert Skinner
Creeper_for_life's Avatar
is making a bear with a small nose with an orange plad vest with blue-purple pants and the mouth is so friggin big and the teetch are yellow original?
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