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Time Paradox?! (Theory)

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Pacmantacco's Avatar Pacmantacco
Level 38 : Artisan Taco
Recently a friend of mine, frozen_chaos, touched on the idea of time travel in Minecraft in his recently posted blog. He briefly looked at the possibility that the End and the Nether may be the same world existed in different time periods. This really got me thinking.

If this true, this means that the player has access to three different time periods; the Nether (Past), the Overworld (Present) and the End (Future). The player can also travel with relative ease between the worlds using the portals. Let’s take a closer look at each of these time periods.

==The Nether==

Don't think of the Nether as hell. That would imply destruction, anarchy or the end of life. Think of it as the result of an apocalypse caused by the Earth drifting closer towards the sun. A world that got flash fried. Some massive explosion or exposure to heat stripped away all the water and eradicated most life. That lava is the molten remains of all the dirt and cobblestone of the world. The netherrack is former smoothstone that was charred by some unknown event.

The only things durable enough to survive whatever happened were the fortresses, and even they lie in ruins. Perhaps most of the dominant life of the Nether, such as blazes, wither-skeletons and nether wart, took refuge in the safety provided by the fortresses.

Only with close inspection do you notice evidence of the world before the catastrophic event. Perhaps Pigmen were the dominant life form. Creeper souls seem trapped within Soulsand with frozen looks of horror. You can see them screaming, but they are unable to manifest the physical form of plant life because the extreme heat would not allow it.

==The Overworld==

There is a large gap missing between the time periods of the Nether and the Overworld. A gap that probably expanded over millions upon millions of years took place. In this time, we can see that the result was an extreme drop in temperature. Perhaps an ice age of some sort took place? This drastic change would’ve forced creatures that previously thrived in the hellish heat to either adapt to the change, or face extinction.

Evidence of creatures undergoing a possible evolution that prepared them for the drop in temperature is seen. Magma cubes and Slimes are our strongest link between the two time periods.

This event not only changed life, but paved the path for new life to flourish. Vegetation and animal life spread with ease. Perhaps returning and spreading from parts of the world not so heavily hit by the flash fire.

After life settled, two new highly destructive species appeared. The Endermen and the Ender Dragon would see to a second mass extinction event.

==The End==

There are three naturally occurring blocks that both Endermen can’t pick up and the Dragon is unable to destroy. These blocks are Obsidian, End Stone and Bedrock; two of which exclusively make up the End.

The End at one point in time may have very well been a normal world, much like ours. Or in this case, was ours. Perhaps due to the destructive nature of the Endermen and the Dragon, all but the most durable of materials have been destroyed. Maybe with enough effort even Endstone and Obsidian will be destroyed. Meaning if we don't kill the dragon it will eventually wear away the land of the End itself into nothing.

The Endermen’s behavior seems to imply this as well. The fact that they only pick up blocks such as dirt, grass and vegetation rather than manufactured blocks such as bricks seems to suggest they are attempting to restore their world.

But travelling through the three time periods does not come without a cost. As we progress in the game, we see the makings of a time loop. Once the player makes the perilous journey to the End they strike down the dragon. But it doesn’t stop there. Most players take back a trophy, the egg. They bring the egg back to the Overworld, long before the events of the End. The egg hatches into the Ender Dragon which will go on to become the Ender Dragon in the End completing the loop.

Chew on that gamers!

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10/26/2014 7:37 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
02/15/2014 5:58 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Fox
BlazingKrystal's Avatar
Cool theory!
The L3g3nd3
01/20/2014 10:56 pm
Level 1 : New Network
The L3g3nd3's Avatar
01/21/2014 4:15 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Taco
Pacmantacco's Avatar
01/04/2014 10:13 am
Level 21 : Expert Taco
Theslop_'s Avatar
This is very interesting, but this is not a time paradox. This is actually the opposite. This seems like a solution to a possible temporal paradox that is prevented in a way similar to the Novikov Self-Consistency Principle, which a solution to Temporal Paradoxes because of their illogical and inconsistent occurences, effects, and some other word that means what they are made of... By this I mean that because you killed the dragon and brought back the egg, you created the dragon. Yes it creates a loop, but a loop that makes sense! A temporal paradox using the same variables would be if you killed the dragon and smashed the egg, meaning that the dragon would never exist, but it does not exist because you did something as it existed, which made it not exist, which makes it exist, which makes it not exist, so on and so on. But, again using the Novikov Self-Consistency Principle, if you did somehow smash the egg, the dragon would just be created another way. Maybe the Endermen created a creature in your present (the Overworld) which is why they stole all of the blocks, that then evolved into the dragon. Again, that is the theory if you solve the second time paradox.
Hope this wasn't confusing!
Also, the realm of temporal paradoxes is a very interesting subject, specifically the Novikov S.-C.P., which you can read about at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novikov_self-consistency_principle, I read it in my free time after playing Timeshift on the Xbox 360 (I'm 13). It is a good read and very interesting, as it finally makes paradoxes make sense, by making them nonexistent (pretty much)!
05/15/2014 12:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
owlcool's Avatar
I think that Slop is correct. It is a Time Loop.
01/04/2014 12:48 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Taco
Pacmantacco's Avatar
Timeshift :D

But that excellent point! I guess it would be better to rename this a time loop rather than a paradox.
01/04/2014 8:18 pm
Level 21 : Expert Taco
Theslop_'s Avatar
Wonderful! Always happy to explain concepts about time!... I need a hobby...
01/03/2014 9:58 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Loremaster
washd's Avatar
Don't think of the Nether as hell. Well, I have to think of it as hell. When I press F3, it says b: Hell.
01/04/2014 12:46 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Taco
Pacmantacco's Avatar
I meant as don't think of it as the stereotypical hell. :P
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