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Through a Chicken's Eyes: A Week in the Life of a MineCraft Chicken

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jeenveev's Avatar jeenveev
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
Welcome to my first blog! This is a story written from the perspective of a MineCraft chicken. It will eventually end up having 13 parts - one for each day and one for each night, except the last. I will try to update frequently :D.
*Thank you all so much for getting this on Pop Reel! Cookies for all!*

Day 1:

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When I spawned today, I immediately checked for other chickens in the area. Safety in numbers, right? However, there were none. I was all alone.

A player spawned into my world. She was so near that I could see her username. It was Gen_Moustache. I clucked loudly, terrified. I waited for the painful punch of her fist. I waited for my slow death. But none came. She was walking away, towards a tree which she began to punch down. At least now my death would be slightly quicker - death by wooden sword. Yet even once she had crafted a sword, she did not attack me. Had she really not noticed me? There was no way she would ignore me, no minecraft player would. But maybe, if she had not seen me, I had a chance to escape. I waited until she was busy building a safe place for the night, then ran, ran to find a hiding place.

It took me a long time to find a place where I could hide from Gen_Moustache. At last I came to a small village, one with only 6 villagers and 3 houses in it. The villagers were busy, and did not bother to take notice of me.

When one of the villagers opened the door to a house, I slipped inside. I was only just in time. I could already hear the villagers rushing around, terrified because of the begginning of night.
Night 1:
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There were still 2 villagers outside. They were panicking, running around and opening every door in the village, yet not going into any of the rooms. I could already hear zombies moaning, getting closer and closer. I heard a villager cry out as a zombie attacked it. I heard the thud as it fell to the ground. The other villager ran into the room I was in, slamming the door shut behind it. A zombie smashed into the door and fell to the ground.

I had barely breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the noise of an enderman as it teleported into the midst of the village. It immediately began to steal blocks from the houses, making holes that the zombies could enter through. More endermen came. Soon there was nowhere to hide. The zombies outnumbered the villagers, and it was not long until all the villagers had been killed and eaten. Then the zombies turned to me. They were not fast, but the endermen could teleport. I began to sprint, flaping my wings, squawking at the top of my lungs.Yet no matter how fast I ran, an enderman was always waiting. Soon they surrounded me, trapping me, waiting for the zombies to come and attack.

Just then, I saw a glint of light on the horizon. The sun was rising...
Day 2:
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With the light, came hope. If the sun rose before the zombies got to me, it would set them on fire! But my hope was soon killed. I could see the zombies, quicker then usual in their desperation to get to me before the sun rose.

In one last desperate attempt to keep my life, I sprinted at one of the endermen. But he simply grabbed me with one of his long arms, and threw me back into the centre of the endermen.

I squawked with pain as I landed. My wing was broken! Tears filled my tiny black eyes. There was no more hope. I was doomed to be eaten by zombies - if only I hadn't run from that player yesterday! At least I would have died by sword, not by zombie fist!

Sudddenly a ray of light hit the ground in front of me. The sun had risen! One of the zombies burst into flame, setting several of his fellow zombies alight. The endermen were disoriented by the light, and I managed to get past them. I sprinted as fast as I could, not worrying about which direction I was going in, just wanting to escape. Spikes of pain were piercing my wing. I only began to think about where I was going when I fell into cold water.

I squawked from the cold. However, I did not attempt to get out. The cold was numbing my wing, and the pain was lessening quickly.

I must of been in the water for hours when I decided to get out. I instantly began to shiver and shake, but I knew that I had to find shelter. The sun was high in the sky, but it wouldn't be long until it started to sink.

The pain in my wing escalated with every step. After travelling for a little while, I could bear it no longer. I lay down, planning on resting for a few minutes before I continued.

When I woke up, the sky was dark. The sun had set, and I had nowhere to hide...

Night 2:
Spoiler - click to reveal

My heart was pounding as I searched desperately for a place to shelter from the night. It was so dark I could barely see, but I somehow managed to spot a cave in the distance. I hurried towards it, the pain in my wing hardly less then it had been earlier. At last I came to the cave. By now I could see mobs spawning, and did not wait to check the cave out. I dove behind a piece of stone, hoping that the zombies would not smell me.

The pain in my wing was almost unbearable. Remembering how it had lessened with sleep, I closed my eyes, and drifted off...

I was awoken by a moan behind me. Terrified, I turned around, shaking at the sight of zombies, almost a hundred of them, glaring at me. The story of my escape must have spread - they hated me now. There was no way to escape. The daylight would not enter the cave. I turned around, searching desperately for a way out, but there were none.

Then I heard a deep voice, almost painful to listen to. One of the zombies was speaking! He moaned in a language I did not understand, and anger and annoyance quickly spread amongst the zombies. Although I could not understand what they were saying, it was clear that they were arguing about me. It's ridiculous to think that one tiny chicken has caused this much of a fuss.

I seized my chance, and sprinted through the ranks of the zombies. They were so deep into their argument that they didn't even realise that I was gone. I ran as fast as I could away from the cave, ignoring the mobs that had spawned around the cave. I reached a tree, and tried to climb it. I couldn't. I had forgotten the pain in my wing, but it came back now. There was no way I could fly, but I kept trying to climb it. I refused to give up.

At last, I managed to climb up the smooth trunk of the tree. I pushed through a layer of leaves, and reached the very top. I sat there, my heart pounding, hoping that the endermen wouldn't notice me. I was lucky. Before long, the sun began to rise. I was safe, at least for now.

I will post the next part, the third day, soon! :D

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09/19/2014 10:04 pm
Level 42 : Master Hunter
Radrobin25's Avatar
MOOOOORE i love this so much!
09/20/2014 12:53 am
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
I'm gonna try and unabandon this at some point :P
07/11/2014 8:52 am
Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
Haydenjames's Avatar
The thing is zombies don't attack chickens, you should do baby zombies trying to ride on the chicken
07/14/2014 4:43 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
KansasCityGirl's Avatar
Lol its a STORY. duh
07/14/2014 5:03 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
Haydenjames's Avatar
* Facepalm *

07/11/2014 8:27 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Pirate
Nyan_Thor's Avatar
After this is done make a video with morph mod on it :D

thankyou for my cookie

07/10/2014 11:33 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Robot
TheEnderCat5's Avatar
Zombies killing chickens? What has the world come to >__<

LOL nice story!
07/10/2014 11:40 pm
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
Lol, thanks :)
07/10/2014 9:14 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Warrior
oolliiee123's Avatar
Nice blog! Keep updating it quicker please!
07/10/2014 3:50 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
KansasCityGirl's Avatar
Key keep me posted when you come out with another. PM ME. ;)
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