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The White Terror-For Diamonddozen's contest!

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Zoralink's Avatar Zoralink
Level 32 : Artisan Button Pusher
Greetings humanoids, Zoralink here with a story! Woo! This particular story concerns a terrifying Ghast, and is for Diamonddozen's writing contest! Enter here! The theme is a story along these lines: Steve was once a man who lived a normal life. Mining, farming, cutting wood, and other things that any regular Minecraftian does. However, one day when he finds an odd portal in his friendo s house he is watching over, his world changes. He is forced to make peace with these weird pig-like beings and slay the ghast. Can he do it? Or will Steve be forever forgotten?


Steve awoke to the sound of a scream. o AAAGH!o He yelled, sitting bolt upright and reaching for his sword. However, as he looked around, he could see no creepers, skeletons, nor any zombies. Moreover, the entire village that he lived in was silent. Steve shivered, and decided to head over to his friend Charleso house, as the scream had emanated from there. Charles hadno t been home for weeks now, and Steve was watching his house for him. When Steve arrived, however, he noticed something strange. Purple particles were emanating from Charleso basement. When Steve went to investigate, he saw a large structure made of obsidian. It had a filmy, distorted purple doorway, emitting strange purple wisps. Suddenly, Steve felt a tugging sensation. He was being sucked into the Doorway! He tried to grab onto a chest, to no avail. Steveo s vision became blurred, and he became woozy. The world burst apart, then reassembled itself in five different shades of purple. Then, finally, Steve saw red.

He was in a giant cave made out of red rock, with lakes of lava everywhere. He picked himself up, looked around, then yelled, as he saw a grotesque half-pig, half-zombie thing cowering in front of him. He cautiously approached it, holding out his hand. The pigman squealed, then pointed behind Steve. A towering beast, white as the fires of Hades and tentacled, was hovering behind him. It let out a chilling, babyish shriek, then opened its enormous mouth and spat a fireball at Steve. He jumped out of the way, but the pigman was not so lucky. Its bones were incinerated, turning the creature into burning mush. Steve ran.

He ran toward a nearby cave, diving for cover. The beast let out a frustrated shriek, then floated off. Steve wiped his brow, then turned toward the cave. Inside was a brownish-red structure, made of a dark brick. As Steve approached the hut, many more of the pigmen came out, curious to see what this stranger was. Some had scorchmarks on their faces, suggesting that the white beast had been here before. One pigman came up to Steve, holding out a sword. Charles' sword, Bane, was before Steve.

"Has it taken the other human?" Steve asked apprehensively. The pigman replied with "Oink."

"What does that mean?"



Steve took Bane, and was imbued with a sense of power. This sword, Steve thought, could come in handy. He thanked the creature, and was turning around to leave, when he heard a shriek. Steve readied Bane, then turned to face the white terror. The beast howled with glee and spat out four sizzling bolts of fire. 'Hyah!" Steve yelled, dodging the fireballs with ease. He ran toward a ledge, then blocked two more fireballs sent in his direction. Steve stood ready as the beast swelled to enourmous proportions, then let out a block-wide fireball that burned its way through Steve's cover. Steve swung with Bane, deflecting the fireball and sending it speeding back to its sender. The White Terror let out a final ghostly shriek, then imploded. As Steve walked toward the portal, nearly exhausted, one pigman approached him, carrying a gold nugget. "Is this for me?" Steve asked.


"Thank you."

And the world went purple. Another journey through the Void between dimensions, and Steve was home.

Now, Bane has a resting place, over Charles' grave, and a new name: Terrorbane.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this story, I enjoyed writing it so much I might even make more!

--Zoralink Out--


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05/15/2013 4:38 pm
Level 29 : Expert Ninja
bebopper5's Avatar
Very good!! Thought I would check out your stuff, very impressed.
04/18/2013 1:03 pm
Level 29 : Expert Nerd
SkylanderR2001's Avatar
Hey can i use the subscribe pic?
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