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The truth about PMC

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NamedCow750's Avatar NamedCow750
Level 27 : Expert Unicorn
I know some will ignore this and/or not believe me, but you can check yourself.

New People
I too am a fairly new person to join this website and I am not complaining about this, I just think it is the truth. On PMC, the only way it supports new people who just joined this website is through "recently uploaded". There is nothing to help get these new people early-subs so they stay on this website longer. This is probably why sometimes I see inactive low-level people. I am not suggesting that we start with 10 fake subs or anything but there should be something to help support this so that new people stay interested in this site for example a "first submission" tab or something where peoples first submissions they post are featured.

(Kinda) Broken XP
This isn't exactly broken and PMC might want it to be like this but again, I think it is kinda unfair. You can get loads of XP from spamming terrible/bad-quality things all over the site. But then, if you spend your time making a massive city in a ravine guarded by demonic angels and then upload it, yes, you may get attention, but only a small ammount of XP. Another way is by people commenting or diamonding and favouriting, but if that was your first build then there is a small chance you will get to the top and/or be featured on the pop-reel. Speaking of which...

The Pop-reel
The Pop-reel... Where people all around can see what someone else has made and be wowed... But it is another kinda broken feature. If you have lots of supportive subscribers, every time you upload, they will rush to it and throw diamonds at it and scream praise. If you barely have any, or your subscribers are unactive then you will only be noticed through the recently uploaded tab which no one might look at. Sometimes, I click on something on the pop-reel and notice that barely anyone has diamonded it and commented on it and I wonder, "How did that get on there?" This feature of PMC is a good idea, but I personally think it hasn't been put together properly.

High-leveled people
If we go onto "members" and we start looking at all the high level people with a bajillion subs each, first I noticed most of them joined in 2011, and secondly, I noticed that the higher level they were, the bigger the chance of them being in-active. Look at it yourself, some people haven't posted for 2 years. I know there are some active people there too, but the majority are inactive.

Declining Members
I don't know if this is happening or people are just becoming too lazy to enter a contest, but if you go into contests and then check each one for the ammount of submissions it has, it has been getting smaller and smaller... The early ones were around 1,000s and 2,000s, but the new ones are around 300. How could around 1,800,700 members be inactive? (1,900,000 total) Or if they're not inactive, why do they not enter contests? Is it because they're afraid to lose? Or is it because they just can't be bothered? Whatever it is, they should join anyway. It's not about winning, it's about taking part. I don't care how bad your skins are, join the contest anyway. I don't care if you can't build, join anyway! Anyway, I can't really say alot since I haven't entered the 3 I had a chance to enter.

I don't really know how to end this so I will just tell you that and then end this.

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06/17/2016 6:32 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
Maloy's Avatar
People are just giving you xp by commenting, well here's some more
06/18/2016 4:27 am
Level 27 : Expert Unicorn
NamedCow750's Avatar
Thank you for the delicious XP.
05/14/2016 5:20 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Electrician
BLARG85's Avatar
Actually the part about the pop-reel isn't 100% true. I got popular just by making something that people thought was interesting at the time and more people flooded to look at it. Dreams can come true buddy :)
01/06/2016 3:41 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
I understand all of your frustrations, but I do think you're off base on a few topics.

1 - Despite what many claim, you absolutely can climb the ranks of PMC through hard work.  Nobody's going to ascend to level 40 with their first build, nor should they.  If it were that easy, then reaching a high level would become meaningless.  However, I've seen people become marginally popular after uploading just a few quality builds.  It can be done, though I will grant you that it takes skill and effort to get it done right.

2 - The reason why high-level PMC users are typically inactive is because of the innate correlation between success and time.  These users tend to take years to achieve the insane amount of exp you're talking about.  And, like with all things in life, spending a lot of time devoted to something can turn it stale.  Consequently, many of the high-level users on PMC have had their time and their glory, and have simply thrown in the towel.  It's not an indication that they haven't worked hard for their success, they're just 'retired' if you want to think of it that way.

3 - While I will grant you that the pop-reel isn't exactly accommodating to rookies, I have to ask: how could it be?  The pop-reel is simply an algorithm.  It's incapable of making distinctions between anything that isn't related to view, diamond, or download rates.  That's just something you're going to have to get used to.

So, in summation, I would say you're right on one count: being an unknown on PMC does, indeed, suck.  However, the only way that you're going to realistically mitigate that situation is to legitimately beat it.  The algorithms and the exp system are not going to change.  You simply have to provide content that's popular among the PMC community members.  There's a wide range of options for you to choose from.  You can build flying steampunk castles, make massive terrains (very popular right now), or you can try your hand at the blogging section.  Whatever you choose, it can be done.  It just takes a little skill, effort, and smarts.
01/06/2016 1:27 pm
Level 27 : Expert Unicorn
NamedCow750's Avatar
I may have to rename this to "Problems with PMC that I Shouldn't be Complaining about"

Or maybe "The Hypocritical Blog" since I am against myself in all parts of this...
01/07/2016 1:38 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
It's alright to complain, you just have to make sure there's a reasonable solution to the things you're complaining about.  This, like many things in life, just doesn't have one.  xD
01/07/2016 10:42 am
Level 27 : Expert Unicorn
NamedCow750's Avatar
01/05/2016 2:46 pm
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
I agree with Zitzabis. Too many posts like this just complain without offering any solutions.


Experience isn't broken. Good submissions get attention, though they'll get more if they're advertised well by the person that posts them. I see a ton of people complain about their submissions not getting attention, but most of the time those same people don't advertise their work. The internet doesn't read minds and it's a big place. If you want attention, you need to advertise. Spamming crap submissions accross the site for experience breaks our rules, so why don't you report spam? Not being as skilled as someone else is one thing, but if it's very obvious that someone didn't even try, report it and we'll be happy to take a look.


Pop Reel isn't broken either. What gets on there is determined by popularity. Yes, this of course referrs to things with tons of diamonds, views, and comments, but it also referrs to things that have gained what the algorithm considers "many" of those things in a short period of time. 

For example, if I post a blog that gets 5 diamonds, 15 views, and 2 comments in 1 minute, it'd probably go straight to the Pop Reel because that's a lot of attention in a short period of time. If a blog that was a week old reached that same amount of attention, it might not make it to the Pop Reel. If my new submission doesn't continue growing in terms of attention recieved, then another submission will surpass it in popularity and replace it on the Pop Reel.

Like Zitzabis, I'm also confused that you complain about people getting a lot of attention and getting on the reel as well as seemingly unkown users getting to Pop Reel with a very new submission with few diamonds and views. It makes it sound like you're upset that YOU aren't on the Pop Reel and that's why you feel it's broken.

Some people are active and some people aren't. There's nothing anyone can do about whether or not your subs actively use the site or not. Of course, the more subs you have the higher the chance is that more of them will be active and the higher your chance of reaching someone who has subbed to you is. If you have few subs, the chance is less. Again, advertising.


Eventually people move on, even people who did really well within the community. We can't force them to post, so I'm not sure why you included that section about high-leveled members.


Fewer people playing, fewer people on PMC. Minecraft is in a decline, which is natural given that it's been available for a long time. I'm also convinced that something like 15% of our users are alternate accounts belonging to the same person, if not more than that.

Just because you have an account doesn't mean that you participate in the community either. They may just have an account to diamond, favorite, and subscribe to other users so they can quickly access their favorite content. Maybe they don't like to make content and aren't good at it so they don't? If someone thinks they're not skilled enough to post something and don't enjoy making content, I don't see why anyone should push them to post. Fewer bad-quality submissions on our site that way.

Same thing with entering contests. There are a lot of contests I don't enter even though I like making skins, projects, and blogs. Some contest themes don't inspire me, so I don't enter. You're right that it's not about winning, but if I don't have any good ideas for an entry, making SOMETHING just so I can get a participation trophy doesn't bring me any joy.
01/05/2016 3:13 pm
Level 27 : Expert Unicorn
NamedCow750's Avatar

I honestly don't care about me being on the pop-reel :)
01/04/2016 10:55 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Sailor
tillwill's Avatar
Well, I don't think this is true.

2.5 years ago, I joined pmc, this is before i built ships. At the beginning of 2015 I started posting my ships here, and what i found was two things:

1: You will gradually get more subscribers and more attention to your builds as you go on. It is a slow process, but every build got me farther along.

2: there is something you can do to speed the process as stated in 1, and this usually happens naturally over time anyways:
- quality content: While people like Master G (as seen below) will say that the more you upload, the more attention you get (and this is true to a certain extent), quality projects simply cannot be ignored. and if you combine this with #1, you will surely get more attention from the community.
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