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The story of how Steve came to be "Steve"

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XenosMC's Avatar XenosMC
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
Me: Hello Steve.
Me: So what's up?
Steve: The sky...
Me: Well then... I have a question for you...
Steve: Ask on.
Me: How did you come to be???
Steve: Well... it all happened in the hospital. I newly saw the light and the newly generated blocky world. It looked beautiful. Until it started raining. It rained and rained and rained. There were floods, we actually took in some skeletons just to make em' fell good about themselves. The rain kept pouring and pouring and pouring. Until our house was swept away into the creeper's shack. I ran away but looked back just in time to see the cave explode and my parents with it. I ran and ran, until I found a group of wolves. I had the common sense not to hit them because I once saw there eyes turn red and devour a pig... Well then, I found a bone outside from a burning skeleton I doused him in water, then BEAT THE S*** out of him... I was accepted by these wolves and was raised by them. (#BRIBERY!!!). I was taught how to be agile, strong & loving. I loved these wolves and they named me Stevie in the honor of Papa Stevie. I was very happy here. Until one night I heard one of the dogs whimpering I went in the dog house to see if everything was o-k. It turns out that there was a man wondering these woods in search of gold and diamonds. I had gone mining that day and had giving all my minerals to the wolves, (as a thank you gift for the dinner they made me). It so happened that I was face to face with the stranger. I looked up into his pale white eyes and I saw that he had no pupils. I punched him in the gut meaning to take out at least half a heartof damage. Only to get him laughing in a voice so deep it could not be from this realm. He pulled out his sword and everything went black. I eventually respawned and went back to the wolves den to see if everyone was okay. To find that my home and our home had been destroyed by this man, I then found out that his name was Herobrine. I devoted my life to kill him, and out do him in this world. I trained for several years and I had a 12 pack (hey ladies!) I was mining when I saw those terrible pale white eyes again. All he said was "good night Steve" he did not know how long and how hard I had trained however. For when he came down with his sword I perried and sent him flying back into the pit of lava. However I know that he respawned and is somewhere out there. My name is Steve and I have devoted my life to killing Herobrine and killing his monsters he calls mobs. I was almost done building my civilization and my city. When at night I heard one of the scouts yell "Herobrine's attacking!!!" I knew that this was my moment of destiny. I put on my chain mail armor. And I heard the archers fire the first volley of arrows. It hit all of the first row of mobs. But for every one mob down, there was five to take it's place. The archers fired every last arrow. But we had still not made a dent in their lines. I knew that his was either the rise of Minecraftia (my city) or the downfall. I took no chances I charged those mobs with the carefully hand picked soldiers I had drafted. We were losing the fight, when I saw that a couple of my old wolf brothers had survived. They also seeked revenge on the Lord Herobrine. So we know had 2 lines of men and wolves attacking. It was the training and skill and hardwork we had put in that was why we made a dent in their line. We were about to win the fight when they fired the arrows. The arrows that blocked out the sun and killed half of our men. I yelled "SHIELDS!!!" and most of the men responded in time. However not all of them. We were outnumbered 2 to 1, however our men were fueled directly by Notch's help and rage. We charged their lines until we eventually saw Lord Herobrine him self. He was laughing at our puny army. Our men were beginning to become tired, so I yelled "FOR MINECRAFTIA!!!" And I charged, my men got the memo and we charged at full speed towards their lines. My men were beginning to get shot down or killed. I was the last one standing, but so was Herobrine. We knew that it was either now or never. He did that "I'm about to kill you face." I put on the "OH HECK NO!!!" Face. And the battle begun me powered by the rage that these things cause our city. Both of us knowing that this would be the final respawn. We charged... We drew our swords and fought for hours on end. Until I finally was starting to win. I don't want to get into the details but I killed him. I now help anybody that wants to play Minecraft or start a new world. Defeat Herobrine's greatest minion, the ENDER DRAGON. My mission is to kill every mob out there. For I am like no other, I am Steve raised by wolves. Fuled courage. I am the defender of Minecraft, Notch's first pick. I am the greatest there ever was.

Hey guys what is up XenosMC and this was my first story of how Steve came to be. If you liked it remember to diamond this awesome story and subscribe to me. Tell me if I should do more. Bye!!!http://www.youtube.com/user/MrXenosGaming

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03/15/2014 8:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
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