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The Shattered: Part 2 - Destiny fanfiction

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DerpySwagger's Avatar DerpySwagger
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
Eris Morn, Ikora Rey, a Guardian Warlock and eight civilians hid in a large ventilation room in the Tower. The Hive’s initial assault had ended, and all was still. The Tower had been taken over by Oryx. They could feel the Darkness around them. Every Guardian who stayed on the plaza must have died; no Guardian had ever seen Him before, except Xûr, let alone defeat Him. Xûr visited twice, but only for very short amounts of time, to deliver them news about what was going on. The plaza floor above them was riddled with craters from the Hive’s bombs, Guardians’ mangled died bodies lay everywhere, and the fog-like spell Oryx cast was still there. Nobody knew how many Guardians were still alive. Ikora felt she was getting weaker and weaker by the second. Eris had survived something similar before; she had been trapped in Crota’s lair without her Ghost, and her Light diminished, for what would seem like a lifetime. How, though?

‘Try to think of something else.’ Eris suddenly said, as if reading Ikora’s mind.

Ikora just nodded. Despite her pain, she understood it was much harder for Eris and Xûr to bear. One was practically reliving what almost killed her, killed her friends, scarred her for life and took away her will to live, and the other was still partly trapped in the Hive’s world. He ventured too far into the Dark, and had gone too long without Light, and found himself stuck between two worlds, meaning he barely existed, and had no physical effect on either of the dimensions. It was not always an unfortunate situation for Xûr, though. Having access to the Hive’s psychological dimensions meant that many of their secrets were also accessible.

Xûr explored the Hive’s world endlessly, trying to unravel the origins of the Hive, and their ultimate Gods. Eir. Ur. Xol. Yul. He believed that they were the ones who created the Hive. He said to have heard the screams or their names, and was also on the trail of the fifth one. He said that Oryx was a direct creation of at least one of them, too. The Guardians had always discovered high ranking members of the Hive who were the spawns of them. Ikora’s thoughts returned to the present. The Tower was ominously quiet. Oryx. If He created Crota, what would He be able to do Himself? Why would He be here? He was the highest Hive they had ever known. Unless He was not, He would not personally visit. The Hive was not that desperate yet. No, not even close. But who would bring Him to Earth? These thoughts haunted Ikora.

‘If we do not escape the Tower, none of us will live.’ Eris said, breaking the silence once more, making Ikora jump this time.

‘There are no jumpships we can take, and no ways we can escape without being noticed.’ Ikora replied flatly. Her Light being sapped exhausted her and made her thoughts unclear.

‘But they would find us here eventually. They will search every corner of the Tower. We must run.’

‘We would not survive.’

‘We would not survive if we sit here and do nothing.’

‘There are eleven of us against an army.’

‘I have survived Crota before, alone.’

‘You never reached Crota!’ Ikora was shouting now, anger, fear and desperation clearly in her voice. ‘I apologise. That was insensitive. Eris, I am more frightened now than I have ever been, and I hope you can understand.’

And then they hear the shriek of a Thrall.

The civilians immediately back into the corner of the wall, terrified. Xabr, the Guardian Warlock, finally stirred. He had been quiet the whole time they were in that room. They all reached for their weapons. Ikora’s shout had exposed them. Their little room was above a narrow corridor near the jumpship storage. The Hive must have been near. The lack of lighting made it impossible for the Guardians, even Eris, to see what was below them.

Suddenly, the sound of gunfire filled the air for the first time in many hours. This time, however, it sounded like there was only one Guardian, maybe two, battling a large group of Hive. After a while, the Hive fired less and less, and they realised that most of them were already dead. Then the gunfire stopped altogether, and was replaced by the sound of punches and a Thrall’s scream cut short, followed by someone’s panting and grunting which filled the air.

‘We have to get away. They will keep coming.’ A tired, harsh voice panted quickly.

‘We can rest for a little in the vents, and get to other places in them without being heard.’ An official, slightly mechanical but just as tired voiced replied.

Before Eris and Ikora knew what was happening, the small mesh cover for the vents in front of where they were crouching smashed open, and the head of Lord Shaxx appeared. Upon sight he stumbled backwards, clearly surprised, falling onto the floor with a shout. Eris and Ikora looked at each other.

‘You could have said something up there!’ He shouted at them, his voice more joyful than anything they had ever heard.

‘Who is it?’ the other voice asked.’

‘Just Ikora and Eris and some people.’ Shaxx replied, and climbed back into the room. His armour was covered with dirt, blood and goo, and was sprayed with bullet holes, even though he seemed alright. He was followed by Lakshmi-2, who was in a much better condition. They both sat down in front of the rest of them.

‘They’ve been chasing us for a long time now. Finally got to close and we had to get rid of them.’ Lakshmi told even though no-one asked. She always loved getting straight down to business.

‘We were thinking about getting to ground level and to the nearest outpost,’ Shaxx said casually after a brief period of silence. ‘and then try to reconnect with other Guardians out there. What we need is a large community so we can decide on what to do. We could try and find Lord Salandin’s people, or even bargain with the Queen of the Reef.’ They Guardians knew they would never get close to retaking their home if they were alone. Were they already thinking of retaking their home, though?

‘Yes, we should follow the vents downwards.’ Eris continued.

‘I took some weapons and armour from the Cult office. Some are prototypes, but I doubt you’d mind.’ Lakshmi offered. ‘Lots of ammunition, explosives, tools, food and meds, too, so you flesh creatures can heal.’ She smiled a little, and dumped a giant metal container she wore on her back onto the ground and opened it, revealing its contents.

‘Everybody get ready; eat some if you’re hungry. We move in half an hour.’ Shaxx ordered, and started to reload his machine gun. It was surprising how quickly he took command.

While everyone was preparing, Ikora putting armour of civilians and arming them with basic pistols, Shaxx hoarding grenades in his giant chestplate, and Lakshmi tuning her weapons (and herself), Eris thought of how tough and strong Exos were. It reminded her of Eriana-3, whom she lost during her ill-fated raid in the Hellmouth. Her bravery was the thing that killed her; she was slain by Omnigul, Will of Crota, after if killed Sai Mota, another friend. Eris remembered when she charged at it, infuriated at what it had done, and how she was eventually overpowered.

And then she was thinking about the months she spent acting like a Hive creature, to not be discovered; something “Xûr” taught her, which led her to be scarred, for the strange liquids and gasses in the Hive’s tunnels mutated her. But because of that method, she still lived.

Xur. Eris hoped he would visit again soon. He was the only one still alive who understood her pain, and experienced it himself. He still was.

Thought is strange.


Hey guys, sorry you had to wait so long for the second part, I’ve been pretty busy. This is about as long as each part is going to be, since I need to work on my other projects too during the day. This entire series is going to be extremely long, that is for sure. I really hope you enjoyed. Please give a diamond to show some support!

Part 1- http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/the-shattered-part-1---destiny-fanfiction/



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04/13/2015 6:29 am
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
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04/13/2015 6:43 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DerpySwagger's Avatar
That face - I can just imagine it irl xD
04/13/2015 7:30 am
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
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04/13/2015 8:50 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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