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The programmer's point of view

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KurodaAkira's Avatar KurodaAkira
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Programmer
A programmer's point of view

What I'm now going to write about is a very common illness (people who are infected by this are also known as Developers, Programmers, Modders).

First let me tell you a story:
It was in the late days of August 2011 when one 16 years old lad decided to start modding minecraft.
(Maybe you are now asking yourself why an innocent boy like that wants to do such things - to be honest: I don't have the slightest clue)
The first Java development Kit was installed and the first Minecraft version decompiled (for those of you who don't know what decompiling is: A decompiler transforms machine code [the code a computer can work with] to something humans can read and understand - well by humans I mean these infected ones).
But then this 16 years old boy was shocked!
He saw something like this (yeah that's no original minecraft code):

private static void drawCustomBar(boolean outline, Gui par1, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5, double par6, int par7, int par8, int par9, int par10, int par11)
    if (par6 < 0.0D)
         par6 = 0.0D;

     int var1 = (int)Math.round(par6 / 100.0D * (double)(par4 - 2));
     if(outline)drawOutline(par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par7);
     int var2 = par4 - 2;

     if (var2 < 0)
          var2 = 0;

     int var3 = par5 - 2;

    if (var3 < 0)
        var3 = 0;

    int var4 = (int)Math.round((double)var3 / 6.0D * 2.75D);
    Gui.drawRect(par2 + 1, par3 + 1, par2 + 1 + var1, par3 + var4 + 1, par11);
    Gui.drawRect(par2 + 1, par3 + 1 + var4, par2 + 1 + var1, par3 + var3 + 1, par10);

    if (var2 - var1 > 0)
         Gui.drawRect(par2 + 1 + var1, par3 + 1, par2 + 1 + var2, par3 + var4 + 1, par9);
         Gui.drawRect(par2 + 1 + var1, par3 + 1 + var4, par2 + 1 + var2, par3 + var3 + 1, par8);

Yeah. Most of you probably understand as much as that boy did.
But that lad had no itention of giving up.
At times like that he could have done only one thing: He searched with google for tutorials (seriously google is used so often if you don't know the code you need).
There were so many tutorials and he decided to just start with one.
Afterwards he started to create a mod - a very simple one.
It added a new block - without any function but a crafting recipe.
It took him almost 1h and a copy&paste (glorious beginning!).
Most of you already noticed it, but I'm saying it anyways: This lil' boy was me.
And see what he achieved: Now he is employed as a software engineer and has a decent living!
And all of it started with this game!
But enough of this story.

Now I'll tell you something many infected ones experience every day.
Do you know the "<>" button at the toolbar (yeah here on minecraft if you want to write something)?
That's something I use for writing texts. I don't use the graphical layout. Just the raw code of the text - with all these ugly BB-Commands that look like [url=http:/something-you-never know][/url]. Yeah these brackets.

Another common symptome of this illness:
Programmer can't count like normal people!
They all start at 0.
So if you ask a programmer how many 'A' there are in the next line, he'll say 4!
Incredible and unbelieveable, isn't it?
But it's true. Sadly but yes.

Also if you ask a person what he (or she) needs to survive they'll probably answer with: Food, Water and maybe a place to live.
But for a programmer there are two more important things! Internet and electricity. Who can life without them? I defenitly can't.
Food and Water are only secondary.

Sometimes Programmer even have some odd punctuation at their sentences; They'll end their sentences with a ";" not the common dot;
You think I'm joking, right? - No I'm not;

Sometimes you even see wild programmer aruging over things like this (spot the difference)
public void numberOne(int var1) {
   //DO something unnecessary

And here comes the second:
public void numberOne(int var1)
   //DO something unnecessary

These are the types of common programmers you'll find. (Did you find the difference?)

Also colors aren't specified with names like "red", "blue" or "green" (don't ask why I put green there instead of yellow! - just google RGB).
They are specified with odd codes like this:
#FFFFFF - that's suppose to be what normal people call "white"
#000000 - that's seems to be called "black"
#FFFF00 - you missed the "yellow"? Here you go!

Yeah these numebers indicate which color it is - yeah NUMBERS! "F" is a number.

I hope you enjoyed reading this. Tell me what you think about this "illness" - is it serious or would you be able to live with it?
Also If you enjoyed it leave a Diamond so I can see it.
(I heard there are cookies on the subscribtion button - maybe you'll get one!)
Have a nice day (I wasted enough of your time) and have fun playing Minecraft.


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08/23/2014 2:23 am
Level 40 : Master Geek
person124's Avatar
Something strange about me is I can just shift coding styles depending on the language; I also don't count starting at 0, and since my mom is an english teacher she would probibility give me like an hour long talk if I ended a sentence in a semicolon. Other then that though, this blog was accurate. I do often get into arguements with friends about colors (I have one friend who thinks: 0xffffff is NOT a color).
08/23/2014 12:27 am
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
qaupperops's Avatar
Diamond. Learning Java and starting to understand the "illness"
08/22/2014 7:27 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Programmer
deadrecon98's Avatar
Oh god... The second conflict just annoys the crap out of me. xD
08/22/2014 11:43 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Geek
Lazyboy159951's Avatar
It's really cool! You deserve a diamond :D
08/22/2014 12:00 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Programmer
KurodaAkira's Avatar
Thanks man :)
08/22/2014 11:17 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
phase's Avatar
Omg, I luved that :3

Aceept the Math part, I'm great at Math, and so is anyone who has to deal with circles.
08/22/2014 11:20 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Programmer
KurodaAkira's Avatar
There are always exceptions :D Use try/catch that could help :)
08/22/2014 8:19 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
phase's Avatar
So, a try/catch magicaly makes a circle? derp
08/22/2014 9:56 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Programmer
KurodaAkira's Avatar
nah, the try/catch wasn't for the circle.
08/23/2014 2:54 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
phase's Avatar
Was it for a sqaure? Maybe a trianlge?
08/23/2014 12:04 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Programmer
KurodaAkira's Avatar
nah, for the exception that is good at math :p
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