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The PMC Times 6/28

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Malik807's Avatar Malik807
Level 48 : Master Blacksmith


The fourth installment of Youtubers Reviewed! Also check out the reviews of BlueXephos, SkyTheKidRs and CaptainSparklez!

Note: This is in no way a rant, a stream of criticisms or a poisonous volley of unnecessary hatred. It is in fact, the exact opposite. I merely intend to raise awareness of a Youtuber who, in my humble opinion, deserves a lot more than 250,000 subscribers (though of course, this is a huge number.) So, chances are, you haveno t heard of RageGamingVideos and youo ll probably like the sound of him because in short, Rage is magnificent.

Why should you subscribe? Just take a look at his o Minecraft Quick Build Challengeso , which see four players thrown into an arena with just 10 minutes to come up with something as creative as possible. Although ito s not exactly an exhibition for building brilliance, the results are usually hilarious.

For instance, in a video with the theme of o schoolo , one builder decided to make a Nazi swastika and slapped a sign on it saying o school is this bado . He then burnt it down and had a staring contest with Rage, during which another player leaped upon the opportunity to make a giant pencil and a paddock full of creepers with a sign on it saying o Teachero s loungeo . Meanwhile, the rest of the builds came out so horrendous, they were laughable.

Over all the madness was Rageo s effortlessly smooth and totally fluid commentary. This is the kind of commentary that makes a Minecraft video worth watching. Perhaps the swearing could be toned down and the arena could be spruced up to look a little prettier, but overall the Quick Build videos are simply brilliant. Ito s easy to see why they always rake in the most views for Rage.

On top of this is o Minecraft Mapstravaganzao . If you like British accents and want to soak up as much Rage as possible, youo re in luck, as these videos last 30-40 minutes. They showcase a variety of impressive maps and mini-games, accompanied by banter with Peasy93 (AKA Hollow.)

In the most recent episode of o Mapstravaganzao , inviting Evanz into the game as a special guest (o very special indeedo in the words of Rage) turned out to be a stroke of genius. After the magic trick that was Evanz appearing in the game, Rage made himself invisible and, with the help of zombies and potions, wreaked havoc while Peasy and Evanz scrambled around a village made of quartz.

Need I say more? Well, yes. Rage also does series on Worms and Portal 2, as well as Q&A videos (called o Dono t Question Ito ) and rap battles with Evanz. His channel has diversity and originality, and many of his videos are worth your time. At least good enough to have them on in the background while you play Minecraft. At least.

Rage truly has the charisma and likeability to deserve a place among the ranks of A-list Minecraft Youtubers. To find out if you agree with me, check him out yourself.

- SoggyTractor, Writer


Hey it's Rusty! And fresh out of the oven, is a new, crisp blog!

If you don't know what Cube World is, check out this link.

Ok, let's get this ball rolling!


At first look, you may think cube world is a Minecraft "rip-off", well it is not a rip-off, rather one of the many inspirations of the game. As many people do think it is a clone of Minecraft, as the game progress', it doesn't appear to be, people just automatically think of Minecraft whenever they see a voxel game. In technicality, Cube world is sort of a Zelda Adventure, with a Minecraft-like voxel generator and appearance. Cube world was aiming to have infinite RPG land to explore. Above all, I think Cube world will be better than Minecraft, (after a livestream of closed alpha, look's "WAY" better), so much, Mojang tried to hire the creator, Wollay, to work with them, now, now, tell me what does that show you? It show's in some way that Mojang knows Cube world is going to be better than Minecraft, I mean, Minecraft was inspired by a lot of games, so when a game is inspired by Minecraft, doesn't each generation of games just get better?


Cube world, I've been watching it's development since the beginning, and all I ever saw at the start was "This is MC Rip off! MC RULEZ!!!", yeah... What noobs XD. Anyways the difference between the two, while Cube world was inspired by Minecraft, the game itself is probably nothing like Minecraft. Cube world focus' more on an RPG element of infinite land to explore, while Minecraft focus' on an infinite land which to build and mine upon, whilst facing enemies with a limited amount of weaponry Please keep in mind that you may think that these two games have a lot in common, or you might not be part of the large group that might just go from Minecraft to cube world.

Read the rest of the article here.

- TheRustyCreeper, Writer


Three Months of inactivity D: Soo sorrryyyy. Here is well (I hope it's in I doubt it) the latest Weekly Skin.

This week we will be showing the skin made by Miss Shadow a Chat Mod known as Sheogorth.


Well as you see it has quite a nice shading texture and it fits well for the skin itself. It is brought out perfectly with Miss Shadowz Wonderful Skinning Skills. Thato s all for this Week! (This Article hasn't been quite active recently :/)

- Madnezz_, Writer


Solomon: Would you be interested in taking an interview with me for the PMC times?

alecdent: Hmm. What would we talk about? o.o

Solomon: Just about you, what you do, why you choose PMC, and things along those lines. Doesnt have to be personal

alecdent: Lol. Why i chose PMC is a funny story. I was bet that I couldn't reach level 50 in a month or two

Solomon: Lmao. Already good

alecdent: and I did of course

Solomon: H4x! So.. you were dared to reach level 50 and you did it in a month.

alecdent: Then my community wanted more peeps so I worked to get aeries post more popular

Solomon: Yet people strive to get level 30 in a few months; Maybe even a year.

alecdent: More like a bit over two monthso ¦ Around there o.o

alecdent: But yea, level 50 to 57 = same amount of xp from 1 to 50o ¦ Nuts. These next three levels will be like climbing from 1 to 50 AGAIN ._.

Solomon: Fun. One of my friends, Expertise101, is level 63, but he stopped posting and quit Minecraft.

alecdent: Lol. When you get to around 60, you're gonna need like.. a popular texturepack or mod or just luck.

Solomon: He went up 3 levels just being afk. He was like you, but he was a builder and had less submissions

alecdent: Nice

Solomon: Mhm

alecdent: I do think I've earned my place though.. xD

Solomon:What do you plan on accomplishing now on PMC?

alecdent: There isn't that /oddball/ post that got 50k views. Well.. I don't plan on accomplishing anything really. I suppose my only goal for now is 60. That'll come with time though. Well.. That and judging this contest correctly

Solomon: Do you plan on using adfocus links to earn money from your builds?

alecdent: Naw, Everything we've done has always been /non-profit/. Making money from stuff is.. Eh.. I wouldn't really enjoy it.

Solomon: You get paid to be a judge?

alecdent: No, it was one of my goals and I tried not to mess it up.

Solomon:If you love something, you dono t need money to enjoy it. I understand so that one goal started an entire career for you.

alecdent: Wouldn't call it a career, more of coming out of the shadows. I've always been renown with many other people in classic as one of the best. Some people don't exactly hear much from classic though.

alecdent:Used to be a time when Aeries would have upwards of 200 on and 50 constant for two years. Then classic died xD

Solomon: Yeah I remember.

alecdent: We were left with some great builders

alecdent: Came to PMC like, Oh Lawd! This is what they consider good? Y'know, retarded attitude.

Solomon: lol

alecdent: I could do this

Solomon: *Pokemon theme song starts*

alecdent: xD. Anything else really? I don't have much to say haha. Hollow goals and not really a great story.

Solomon: Why did you make the server, why did you choose your name, what is your inspiration?

alecdent: Alecdent = Alec Dento ¦ My real name. Not very creative. I didn't make the server, Aeries was founded by Aeries himself. He ran it extremely well for the first half a year, then he had to leave. It had become the most sophisticated server out there at the time. We couldn't let it just die, so a moderator named bigdawg revived it. Host was EricKilla. Had some fights with eric :D; long story.

After about a year I finally, and coldly, found a way to jade him out from ownership because it was destroying the community. I've owned it ever since. My inspiration per say well at first, I had no inspiration. There weren't many builders that were even as good as some of the ok people on PMC.

Solomon: no kidding

alecdent: I just googles types of architecture and tried to replicate it. After a good 5 months of doing that, I actually had a great sense of building. Then padfoot joined and pwned us all. He became my inspiration.

Solomon: lol

alecdent: Along with murps, fixeron, d0ddy, moufisto

Solomon: So who do you think is the best builder?

Stay tuned for the next issue for the answer!

- xXLordSolomonXx, Reporter


Building advice for beginners, by Biscuit_S.

I myself am in no way promoting myself as a master builder, I however have been taught by some very talented guys from Pwegoserver. I am here to share their wisdom with you all today.

Don't be over ambitious with your project. Single-person projects are often over amibitioius which leads to the player giving up on his/her works. This has happened to me many times. Planning ahead as to much how much you'll work on the project usually results in a much more determined and reasonable mindset, as the player knows exactly what he/she will do and when they'll do it.

Building styles work for different people. Don't ever try and stick to one style of building right off the back. It's a common mistake to think that modern style building is the most simple. This is in fact not true at all. I myself have found modern builds to be very difficult and tedious to arrange. Different strokes for different folks.

Be open to ideas. A stubborn builder will inevitably develop a repetition of dull and similar builds, in contrast to a flexible builder whom will have colorful and uniquely different builds, because two ideas is better than one.

So far, I've listed characteristics that present a builder as talented, but now it's time for how to improve your actual builds. The LARGEST two issues I've seen with new builders are block variety and shape. Builds are supposed to be versatile, captivating, and made unique under the builder's talent. Diamond block houses cannot achieve this. I've recently just figured out how to make a great shaped house: Make the foundation first. It can be absolutely random and made out of any blocks. After a foundation is laid out, build in and around it so you have a basis for your build, and it won't be all over the place. Foundations at any time can be altered, as I usually change mine as I go along to maximize the atheistics of my builds.

(An example of a before and after on a foundation. Notice the significant changes added to the original foundation)


- Biscuit_s, Writer


Hello All, Sorry I haven't written anything in a while, I've been facing some errors with Microsoft Word. But they're fixed now, so I'm back! Anyway, today I'll be reviewing Folicorow's Comic Blog! By Folicorow. I've never reviewed an art blog before, so this'll be a new thing for me! So, without further ado, let's get to the review!

Ahhh, Folicorow. One of PMC's most beloved Satirists and Cartoonists. Pretty much all of us have seen his work, and laughed our heads off after doing so.
But the tragic event of the new rule of members only being allowed to post art in one post is a hard one to deal with. I myself can definitely see the reasoning behind it, "We did it because many users were found to be profiteering xp from multiple blogs being posted one after the other with the content just being a single image. The rule aims to cut out this unfair gain of experience through blogs based on art." o OliverFrenchie.
Folicorow still perseveres, however, by putting all of his archived comics into one blog, and plans to update them as he creates more comics. This blog so far includes seven of his funniest and most popular comics. Reading the comics was truly a pleasure, half was a blast to the past, and the other half was an opportunity to see some work of his that I hadn't gotten a chance to see before.
All in all, I think that the blog was quite good. Now, giving it an overall review is rather hard, because I'm rating his work over the ages rather than a post, but I'd give it about 4 1/2 stars. A mix of comedy and exposition makes these witty cartoons incredibly fun to read.

Well, that's all I have for this week! See you next time I do a review!

- Skullduggerycain, Writer



As you may be aware there was a recent interview with the head of Creeper Events which organizes Virtual Minecon in the PMC Times. Virtual Minecon is an ingame version of the real thing and is supported by everyone from Mojangstas, top texture pack makers on PMC including Sphax and Ovocean and Cpt Corn as well as YouTubers like SSundee (600k subs). Creeper Events is partnered with www.CreeperHost.net which is one of the top server providers available, and is certainly worth a visit. PMC times is an official newspaper of Virtual Minecon and so we are happy to report that they are currently on a recruitment drive. The recruitment event will be taking place over the next month or so when extra effort is being devoted to getting the best staff. The organization is renowned for being quite picky with its staff as they want the best experience for customers, but if you think you have got what it takes it is certainly worth applying!

You can find their PMC forum post in the 'Server Events' section, or you can check out the VMC website at www.CreeperEvents.com or go directly to their recruitment site at Creeper Recruitment and the Facebook is CreeperEvents and the thread is Virtual Minecon.

- Mal
CreditTheRustyCreeper, Terrazh, SoggyTractor, Biscuit_s, xXLordSolomonXx, Madnezz_

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07/07/2013 7:03 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Taco
LauritsW's Avatar
Super awesome !!

I sub and diamonded :D Didn't knew you got payed to be a judge ??
07/01/2013 6:38 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Architect
--NECK--'s Avatar
xD that's Alec's personality in a nut shell
07/01/2013 3:59 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Herobrine
XxLordSoloMonxX's Avatar
awww yuh, that's not even half of the interview
06/30/2013 9:18 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Answer
hotguysixpack's Avatar
Can't wait for Cube World demo :D
Anyways, always love these, was out for the week so wasn't able to get a submission in, I'll try to get net week for sure!
06/30/2013 9:20 pm
Level 48 : Master Blacksmith
Malik807's Avatar
Good to have you back ^_^
06/30/2013 6:53 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Cake
69cheeseburger's Avatar
I love it! You should add a interview section! If you do would you mind if you interviewed me?
06/30/2013 8:21 am
Level 48 : Master Blacksmith
Malik807's Avatar
Lol there is an interview section.
06/30/2013 8:29 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Cake
69cheeseburger's Avatar
Is there
06/30/2013 1:13 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Herobrine
XxLordSoloMonxX's Avatar
Yeah, I am the one who did the interview...
06/30/2013 2:12 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Cake
69cheeseburger's Avatar
I've realised....
Planet Minecraft


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