This Blog is an entry in the completed Tales from the Nether Minecraft Writing Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Story

The Nether Path

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FishyBusiness's Avatar FishyBusiness
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pyro Nerd
“The Nether is a terrible place” Vivian told Joey

“How do you know? Have you ever been?” Joey asked

“Oh yes, I remember the day I entered the portal there…” Vivian said “Let me tell you a little story Joey”


Young Vivian Ryal was a nice little girl living with her father in the countryside. She loved the outdoors just as much as she loved her father. Often they went on walks together. One day she was taking a stroll in the nearby forest by herself as her father was very busy that day. hopping down the old path she had walked down many times before, she heard a strange almost lava-like sound deep in the woods. Getting closer to the odd sound she sees a strange black rocky material. She’s never seen anything like it, getting closer she sees that there's a weird purple swirly thing in the middle of the formation. She got closer and then touched it, her hand disappeared and she jumped back falling on the ground, her hand came back through the purple thing. Vivian wondered what would happen if she walked in. And so Vivian did just that.


Vivian opened her eyes and found lava right in front of her, she jumped back startled but someone caught her. She turned around to see who and saw a disgusting zombie pig mix. She screamed and backed up shocked and quickly ran away. Far from the strange zombie pig mix, she got to see what the place looked like. It was very cavelike but way bigger with blood red stone, fire, lava and…. a building? Vivian ran over to it, hoping someone there could help her. She walked in and slowly turned the corner in case one of those zombie pigs were there. No zombie pigs, it was something worse, much worse. She saw a black skeleton.


Vivian practically jumped out of her boots. So scared she couldn’t move. Only the sound of something approaching her from behind caused her to move again. What she saw was a floating pile of red sticks on fire. The more time she spent in that place the crazier she felt. She quickly escaped from the fiery sticks. She crashed into the pitch black skeleton and noticed it was holding a weapon of some sort in its left arm. She scrambled to her feet and tried to run but the black skeleton grabbed her hand. Struggling to get away she kicked the skelly in the stomach to let go of her hand. Vivian escaped the area and saw a chest. She walked over to see what was in it; an iron ingot, flint, and horse armor. She took the items and returned to the portal and stepped through. Hoping she still had time for the walk Vivian found herself in an entirely different place.

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