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The Immersion of Steve (19th Place)

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PukedOutKiwi's Avatar PukedOutKiwi
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
In 2011, Minecraft was officially released. It was also around this time that a sect of Mojang was working on a new update for Minecraft, as Mojang knew that hype for the official release of Minecraft would die down sooner or later. The new update was a secret, as only the people working on it and other senior members of Mojang knew of the project. The update was known as "Project Steve," based off the main character of Minecraft, who was known as Steve. The change to Minecraft would use a burgeoning technology know as "Immerse," which would let the players customize the character on a personal level, and make it feel like they were "in the game." Since Immerse was still in development, Mojang would push different updates out while they waited for Immersion's prototype to be complete.

It was now 2014, 3 years after the offical release. 5 testers were selected to test the new 1.9 update. These testers were avid players of Minecraft since the Alpha version was out, and were dying to learn the secrets of this new update. They were sick of the monotony of Single-Player survival, and wanted something new and fresh. Out of the 5 testers, 3 were guys, and two were girls. The lead developer at the time, Ross, gave the five people the rundown of the update, and would send them into the game.

"You five are about to experience Minecraft in a whole new way," he said. "This update will affect all five of your senses, so we hope you enjoy your experience in our world. How do you want to start your journey into the new update? On Survival, and if so, which difficulty?"

"Hard Mode!" they chanted, as Minecraft Survival was too typical for them. As the "Immerse" gear was put on them, they were sent into a new world. I was sent into a new world.

As I entered the world, it wasn't the astounding visuals that excited me. It was the realism, the new senses that I had never felt before. How I could feel the clothes I wore. How I could smell the morning dew in the grass. And how I could taste the sweet, fresh air in this world. Immerse had gone all out in this update, bringing this much realism. This wasn't simply an update. This was a revolution.

We were all experienced in Minecraft, so becoming started wasn't that hard. We had diamonds by the end of day 1, and we had built our establishments. The trouble started on day 5 though. It was around this time that our group had started to explore a ravine which was nearby, when one of the guys stumbled into a pit of lava. We had all slept in a bed, so we thought that he would be okay. We went back to our base immediately, looking for him. He never returned, not even after 4 days. We at first thought that he forgot to set spawn. But we made our base approximately 100 blocks from where we all spawned. It would not take 4 entire days to find it. But we brushed it off. Maybe he left the group, and went to live by himself. That's what we thought, until the second death.

We were 10 days in, placing our diamond armor on the armor stands, setting up our farms, and fixing up our houses, when disaster struck. A creeper snuck up on one of the girls while she was weak from collected fall damage while repairing her house. She was exploded on impact, and screamed. As we ran toward her house, a smoke of some sort was emanating from within. As we opened the door, the sight was worse then the ominous smoke. The bed that she was spawning in started to float upwards, and in a flash, disappeared forever. Now, we were frightened. We went to the menu, trying to disconnect. But there was no disconnect button. Only the "Back to Game," "Statistics," "Achievements,", and "Options" buttons were left. So, we assumed the worst. The three of us were stuck in this game, for how long we didn't know.

Cut to the 30th day. I noticed with this update that each day seems to be as long as a normal day in the real world. I also gained the chance to learn the names of the remaining two testers of the new update. Being that all we did before was address each other as "him," "her," and "you," it was awkward doing that once we were down to three people. The remaining guy's name was Ron. He had an adventurous spirit, the first to rush out killing mobs, traversing dungeons, anything that was unsafe and could possibly get you killed, he was the guy who went first. The other remaining person was called Sheena. She was the polar opposite of Ron, almost never fighting, never adventurous, and always liked to stay in the vicinity of our base. After the first two people died, Ron, Sheena, and I fought to survive. Every day, we became stronger, mined more materials, fought more monsters, until we all were overpowered. It was at this time we sought a way out of the game, a way to beat the creators of Immerse. The End, so we could end the misery of living in this world.

After we searched for about two months, we found it. We found the stronghold, the place that would lead us to escape this world. We had been preparing for this fight for the entire time we were searching. After mowing through many mobs, we found the portal room. As we knew from the old Minecraft, we destroyed the silverfish spawner, and set up base. I took out all the eyes of ender, the eyes that would open the portal, and placed them in. The End Portal opened up in an instant, the tremble of the End Realm staring us in the face. As the three of us stared into the End Portal, a portal darker then night, we grinned at the sight.

"So, you guys ready?" Ron asked, determination gleaming in his face.

"Yeah!" Sheena and I yelled. We didn't know each other well, but we all had one goal in common. Escape. We descended into the portal, ready for anything.

It was the seemingly endless darkness that hit us first. The void that surrounded us was a gaping maw into oblivion, calling our names ever so silently. If we even fell once, we would be with the monsters that were in the void. As we built a bridge to the main island, a roar which enveloped the End was heard. The Ender Dragon. A majestic creature, purple and black, which flew with a darkened gaze. It soared for our bridge, almost killing all three of us in one swoop. The three of us dashed into the mainland, the land filled with gangly, humanoid creatures. A familiar sight for us, a familiar challenge for us. Or so we thought. The dragon was... different from when we last fought him. Unpredictable motions, awkward attack patterns. The way the dragon fought was completely unorthodox from how he usually fought in the past. Eventually, after shooting at the dragon for 10 minutes, he dived straight down at Ron, crashing straight into the ground. "RON!" I yelled, as I watched his body dissipate into a flurry of pixels. It was only myself and Sheena. Against a savage dragon. We charged the dragon, myself rushing to slash it to death, Sheena sniping the dragon from behind me. We lowered the dragon's health to the point where it was almost dead. We shouted with joy! We would escape, once the dragon was defeated. But, the joy was for only a second, when they attacked.

The Endermen. Supposed to be peaceful unless you look them in the eye, they came at us in droves. I heard a scream of horror as Sheena was overwhelmed by those things, the sound of pixels clattering to the ground. It was only me. Against over 100 Endermen. And a weakened Ender Dragon. I charged through the Endermen, absorbing the heavy hits that struck me every so often. Once I was in view of the dragon, I stabbed it with a firm strike to the chest with the remaining strength I could muster. With an unworldly scream, the Ender Dragon disappeared into the sky, beams of purple light streaming the void. Then, with a violent boom, it was gone. The Endermen stopped attacking me. I was safe. Then, another portal appeared, still black, but it seemed more welcoming. A way out. Finally. I entered the portal, hoping for a way out.

When I left, I was on the hill that I originally spawned on. I looked down the hill, and I saw where we once lived before. The farms, the houses, exactly the way we left them before. But there were things. That looked like us. But mutated. Long noses, weird cloaks, only muttering the occasional grunt. I was stuck in this world, and I was... alone. I walked to the village in disgust. I'm stuck in this world. If I die, I will be dead. Forever.

Day 1: Immerse has found the five test subjects, and has implemented them into the Immerse program. It appears that the subjects have already found desired materials, and are set on building their camp.

Day 2: Subjects are heading into the mines, probably for material gain. Still keeping an eye on vitals.

Day 3: Still mining, progress is slow. Implementing console command to make progress faster.

Day 4: Console command successful, first subject killed. Data from user sent to mainframe. Continuing the examination of remaining subjects.

Day 5: Progress is enough to where Phase 2 will commence. 

Day 10: Second tester is killed. Despite these people being veterans, some still are stupid enough to die from a simple creeper explosion. The remaining three figured out that as long as the test runs, they cannot escape the game. They gained the will to survive.

Day 15: Besides the same happening again, the software has been acting up lately. We are monitoring the data extra carefully, so progress should be intact.

Day 30: It appears friendly relationships were established with the remaining members of the testers. We are having trouble with the Mojang agreement though. The populace has found out about the human testing, and the media is cracking down. Phase 3 has started, and we can't afford to be stopped.

Day 60: Multiple death threats have been issued as the Immerse team and Mojang. The first two testers identities were discovered. We can't make the media our tamable dogs any longer. Phase 3 is almost finished though. It will be okay. Nothing bad will happen.

Day 90: Government officials have entered the testing facility. They have saved the other four who died in the game, but progress is still moving. They cannot save the last one. They cannot stop the true tester. Steve.

CreditThe will to do last minute editing, and hastily made a cover screen. Sorry :P

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04/09/2015 9:07 pm
Level 24 : Expert Waffle
Bloodscar246's Avatar
ur were18 place
12/15/2014 3:39 pm
Level 25 : Expert Scribe
MissWriter's Avatar
Congrats, PukedOutKiwi.
11/04/2014 7:47 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
Torneko's Avatar
As cool as this is... It doesn't exactly explain anything.
11/04/2014 8:09 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
PukedOutKiwi's Avatar
What do you mean?
10/24/2014 8:03 am
Level 1 : New Narwhal
Bread_Bunny's Avatar
This reminds me so much of SAO, and the writing's excellent. ^-^ Diamond!
10/23/2014 1:07 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Artist
Jackertud's Avatar
ten tenths 
10/22/2014 10:00 pm
Level 44 : Master Wolf Whisperer
ImaLittleCreeper's Avatar
Needs more diamonds!! Awesome job, hope you make it to the finals Kiwi!
10/23/2014 1:40 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
PukedOutKiwi's Avatar
Thanks! I hope the same goes for you as well :)
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