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The Hidden Book (Creepy Pasta?) {Horror}

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jakesoboy01's Avatar jakesoboy01
Level 38 : Artisan Caveman
(Just to let you know that obviously this is all fiction! :D Also couldn't think of a good timeline for this story to take place in so bear with me.)

            Sometime near 1.3, a player was mining and mining and soon enough he found a ravine. As he traveled into the ravine he saw a dungeon... This dungeon was particulary weird. Anyways, as he defeated all the mobs and destroyed the spawner, it was time for the chests. Within one of the chests, there was an odd book. This book was obviously different and the player knew it. He had thought it must've been a glitch in the system or something but it was much more. The skin was odd... It was all purple and had strange markings on the texture like small crosses. He knew this was going to be a disaster but he took the book because it seemed interesting. With it in his hands, he took a picture of it and posted it all around the Minecraft fansite forums... The story was so famous that it even got it's own wikipedia page! Besides all that, after he posted the strange book on the web, he went back to the little house he made and opened it. As he right-clicked... something very odd struck him. A little box appeared saying, "Do you dare open it?", the player obviously being frightened, just shut down Minecraft there and now. He went to school as usual and when one of his friends got into Minecraft, he thought his friend should come over his house to see the book and play together. So he asked and got an obvious reply of yes. 
            When he opened it up, he saw that nothing had changed to much his relief except he still had the book. Once again with his friend beside him, he right-clicked the book and again a box appeared and said, "Do you dare open it?" With his friend beside him and his thought that it was all harmless just because it was a game, he opened it... Within it was 50 pages of pure evil. Every page had strange markings on it as the outside of the book. Pages filled with words like, "Pquar" and "Nisum" and such. Much of like a different language. Again, he thought that it was just odd but a glitch. As he reached the last page, the game froze... It then closed down basically a crash. Him and his friend thought that it was odd, that at the last page, it would just crash. Once again, they opened up Minecraft. Something was very different with the game already. It was easily noticable. 
              The start screen had gone to hell, literally. There was blood pixels and more and more markings... the whole thing had gone hell-like. Thinking that it was just a texture pack, he looked into it and found that there was no known one that looked like it. Soon enough, he entered the game... With him and his friend's heartbeat rising, he was scared out of his mind to see what would be revealed to him when it stopped loading. As it opened, it was all the same. Nothing was different except the book was gone. Luckily, he had took a screenshot of EVERY SINGLE PAGE in the book except for the last page. Anyways, without further ado, he and his friend just nodded it off and played even though his Minecraft start screen was hellish. Soon enough, night came to the actual world and his friend had to leave his side. The game was nothing different, he and his friend just made some houses or moreover a town per say. Although as he started to just play by himself... Some strange happenings started to happen in his game. Some textures were seen to have arrows and demonic signs on it but he just rubbed it off.
              But then it started to effect even more of the game. Some villages had strange words on it like in the book and some of the villagers had strained eye lines on them as if they were crazy. The player was scared out of his mind but still continued to play on. At some points, he even thought he saw a weird NPC stare into his house and look at him through the glass of his house. As it got later and later, he finally went to sleep. The next morning the player didn't wake up. His parents had called the police and they investigated the scene. With the police saying it was just a natural cause of death of some kind, they found a strange paper within his pocket. The paper had the writings, "I'M COMING TO KILL YOU! I'M COMING TO KILL YOU!" and more of those strange words like in the book. And as the police opened up his computer, they were greeted with a message that read, "Do you dare open this?" and the police wanting to get the information out of it, they easily selected the choice of yes... Over the next few months... many many strange things happened and soon enough... the government had to just hide the story for the public.What was this thing you may ask? Well no one knows...

Hey there guys, Jake here! I just wanted to let you know that this is actually my first horror story so if you liked it, how about giving me a diamond! If you think I should get more elaborate with this and create a series or just another entry to surpass then let me know in the comments! :D I was actually pretty much a bit scared while typing this so anyways hope you enjoyed! :) Please leave a comment or feedback to help me with my story skills. :P

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02/28/2014 3:56 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
ZKK007's Avatar
Decent story. I think it could be better and longer. I think next time you should say the creature and at the end don't add the "Hey there guys, Jake here! etc etc"
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