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The Greedy Builders of Today!

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UED_iRx's Avatar UED_iRx
Level 31 : Artisan Artist
Why anyone would want to create a server today is beyond me.  Ongoing server costs, ongoing website costs, ongoing advertising costs and now.... Builders costs!  

I've been in the server formation game for about 2-3 years now.  I remember the days when you would be creating a server with the view of brinigng some amazing builds and fun game modes for the masses to enjoy.  The workers I've had the pleasure of working with were outstanding and ambitious and loved nothing more than getting compliments for the players.  It was simply a great time for everyone and some people stood out with their ability to create beautiful spawns, amazing arenas and jaw dropping pixel art.

2 years down the line things have changed.  I've recently been able to create a 64GB network which I've had to spend countless hours trying to find builders who are interested in getting involved.  I've put up forum post's, YouTube video adverts and tried to use social media to find passionate and skillful builders to help out and get involved.  Years ago the prospect of building on a server that is sponsored and has the prospects for growth and enjoyment would have got a lot of interest.  These days, unless you've got $300+ at the ready, you have no chance of attracting builders to get involved.  

The sad thing is the quality of 90% of these so called "Professional Builders" are shocking.  I'm seeing 14-15 year olds asking for $100 for a spawn to be built.  It's get's better though, they will palm off the idea that they are professionals by providing  a "Wix" or "Weebly" website link with most not having a custom URL.

I guess I'm fortunate that I have talented builders, map makers as friends who still remember that this is a game and it's not all about the money.  I'm extremely lucky compared to the current generation of "Server Creators" to have long standing friendships with builders/map makers.  I'd feel very put off the idea of making a server these days to find that in order to get help with building you'd need to be prepared to spend an obsence amount of money to get a half decent build.

The subject is debatable I completely agree that if you're good at something you can ask for a fee for your time.  In fact some of the best builds I've ever seen are by builders who are right to ask for money for the artwork they create.  To be fair there's nothing wrong with asking for money if you can get it right?  I guess I'm just having a typical Monday,  I'll get over :)


To the builders/build teams asking for money for bad builds DO ONE! :)

Love you guys really ^_^

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12/09/2014 1:01 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dolphin
yolo1492's Avatar
Firstly no to payed builders , I mean this is a game for fun , yea but also to create. I mean i totally disagree with Minecraft EULA for servers beacause if people want to they should, I don't think mojang should have that much power, yea the owner should not be able to abuse people and that but the restrictions are stupid and could shutdown some really good servers, but anyway back to payed builders wtf is going through peoples minds you build something you need or want to and then leave a downaload link or screenshots or something but paying ffs, these are some websites that charge for builds it horrible,
this is a big one this is taking the pee , yea good builds it does not state prices but really, it talks about 

"Contact us with your budget so we can check what is possible for your build!

Pricing depends on size of the build and amount of work."

11/18/2014 8:20 pm
Level 43 : Master Wolf Whisperer
TeamParadox's Avatar
You are absolutly right! The fact that certain people, and teams, charge for for standard builds, such as server spawns, is ludicrous. The fact that you could have your name associated with an established server should be payment enough for a server spawn or basic map. The first three spawns we were commissioned to build were all done at no cost, even when we were offered payment. Build teams have gone away from building awe-inspiring structures and hubs to money grabbing players looking to make a quick buck. Great build teams are able to take the requests of the server and elevate them to levels beyond their expectations, as was the case with our Asian Inspired Village Spawn. Build teams that ask for money, yet don't have any maintenance costs, don't deserve your time or money. They give a bad name to honest, hard working, and talented build teams like ours and often times cause the servers they are servicing to shut down.
11/18/2014 7:06 pm
Level 25 : Expert Archer
IDKCharlie's Avatar
I personally think that there should be no reason at all why people should charge for building things. First off, server owners pay enough just to maintain the server. Second, it's about the game, not the money. You're breaking Mojang's EULA (which was never changed, just explained deeper and made more clear), and it's basically making money off of a game made by someone else. Servers also can gain revenue, obviously, but that money should go towards improving the server, and any extra money should be saved until needed. But server owners have a better right to do so than builders, cause builders are just playing the game. Server owners are simultaneously playing the game and managing the server off the game, from the console, managing plugins, taking care of baddies, etc. I never made money off my server that didn't go towards the server.

I'm never going to hire a builder who wants money for their build. I have acquaintances who can help for free, and I'll probably promote them on the server somehow, whether by rank or items or in-game money. I also have a super-redstoner who is extremely skilled with redstone and command blocks, and him, a group of builders, and I are all going to build a minigame I came up with, and nobody is charging anything. Wish public servers were still like that. The best server I ever played on was in 1.7 Beta. It's been awhile since I found a really good server.

Done with my rant. I just provided a few examples, but you get the whole idea.
11/18/2014 2:23 am
Level 28 : Expert Prince
Legendoffire's Avatar
To be honest, I've been building for money for around six months. Do I build for free? Yes, I do personal and team projects all the time. Do I build for free for server owners that intend to use my builds as a way to impress players into donating? Certainly not. Servers have become a for-profit market and the builds are only one aspect. You mention having talented friends that help you, key word friends, I feel few would build for free in such a manner after simply being contacted by a stranger. Another part of the shift toward paid builds, is the increase in quality. Builds that would blow you away two years ago are nothing compared to the masterworks of today. To sum up what I'm trying to say; building is a skilled trade, If everyone could do it, the commission market would not exist. Individuals pour hundreds of hours into learning how to build. Is it wrong to request payment for their time and effort?
11/18/2014 6:59 pm
Level 25 : Expert Archer
IDKCharlie's Avatar
Again, depends on the quality. I personally built up my own server with some friends, not spending a cent on the build, but the server itself is costly, which is why I would never pay someone to build something for me, because I would already be paying enough to run the server.
11/18/2014 5:32 am
Level 31 : Artisan Artist
UED_iRx's Avatar
Thank you for your reply Legendoffire!  I agree with you on many aspects and It's so pleasing to see how the quality of builds have developed over the years.  I know I'm not alone when I say that I see building in MC as an artform.   Depth, detail, perspective and tones are just as present in todays builds as they are in some of the worlds known art pieces.  I've not mentioned that I think it's wrong to request payment for their time and effort.  I'm just bored of seeing requests from "Professioanl Build Teams" for paid work when their work is sub standard backed up by a wix.com website with no personal domain name etc :)  For those who ARE quality artists and have a good eye for design - I salute you.
11/17/2014 6:56 pm
Level 1 : New Network
thaNOAHtank's Avatar
In case you are still having trouble finding good builders, my friend and I are known to be good. We'll build for no cost, or unless you feel like agreeing on a price for builds. (We really don't need the money though.) Pm me for more info. if you're interested.
11/18/2014 5:27 am
Level 31 : Artisan Artist
UED_iRx's Avatar
Oh mate that's lovely of you.  I'd love to see what you guys can do.  Obviously if you produce great work we are more than happy to pay you guys!
11/17/2014 10:48 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
I agree on the quality of the builds versus the price. The amount of buildteams that couldnt make it to a second rank in any self-respecting creative server is shocking (I'm talking the whole team on 1 plot). If they want to aks money for it, let them. No one is stupid enough to buy a cobblestone cylinder for a hundred bucks. and if they are, well thats too bad.

This kind of thing is a shadow from the time before the EULA was being enforced, when running a server was financially relatively easy. Now it's a lot harder, and the market for minecraft builds has shrunk a lot. I believe this will have 1 positive effect, which is the elimination of the "pro's"  you speak of.
11/18/2014 5:27 am
Level 31 : Artisan Artist
UED_iRx's Avatar
A quality response Fantasymaster.  I actually spat my tea over my keyboard when reading ". No one is stupid enough to buy a cobblestone cylinder for a hundred bucks. and if they are, well thats too bad." Haha!  It's just one of those things on how I feel about it.  I respect those who are able to make a bit of money out of somethng they enjoy.
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