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The END of Enderman -- a Tragedy!

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Mercalyn's Avatar Mercalyn
Level 14 : Journeyman Archer

Chapter One ~~ He has bad mining habits

My dreams this morning were cut short due to my pet wolf laying his tongue on my face. He disturbed my sleep! He shall incur my wrath now! The wolf receded from my bed but continued to stare at me. I sternly told him, "Jack, you wolf, I know you are adorable; but you must not lick my face! Why--today I will not play catch with you and your favourite toy!" His eyes resembled sadness and I couldn't help wonder if he actually took in what I said. I then, muttered into my breath, 'I cannot torture this creature, my promise will be broken later this evening.'

I started walking outside into the tundra, and Jack, whose eyes returned to normal joyfulness, followed me. It was a very bright day. Yesterday was a bright day as well; I should fetch my leather helmet and wear it today as I did yesterday. Not as soon as I attempted to step back inside, my furry buddy came out holding a leather helmet between his sharp teeth. Although it smelled much like dog-breath, I reveled in the partnership that my wolf and I continued to have.

"We know each other. Don't we?" I said to Jack. Of course, it would have been absurd to expect a reply(even though a whelp would be nice once in a while!). I can often expect a heavy pant for a response. This pet of mine pants pretty heavily, sometimes I worry that his lungs will fail him one day. I worry, and swim in the idea that he could leave this world unexpectedly, and I'll be left here on this deserted ice-rock. No one to talk to, no one to feed my catch of the day. But why should I worry? He is with me here, today.

I look over, he is sitting on his hind legs, still panting.

"Well chap, let's seize every moment then." I barked at him as I sped off across a frozen lake in search of caves. It took him several moments to catch up, probably due to my hastiness. My plan this morning wasn't to confuse him so, but I just realized I didn't follow my usual routine this morning. I've learned that a wolf's stomach should ingest food every morning, unlike my own stomach, which was full two days ago. This feeding will perpetuate a cycle of trust between you and your friend. It will also make the wolf hunger for more of the same, causing an aggression you don't see often. This morning, I hadn't fed him. By now I was at least 200 blocks away from base camp, so I couldn't turn back, and yet, I again feel bad for Jack. I must right this wrong, given the opportunity!

"Jack?" I inquired. He immediately stopped panting and looked up at me, in more of a serious manner. He knows that he licked my face this morning and is now getting punished for it.

"You're not being punished-" I explained to him, "I would like to feed you when I can. What do you feel like? Do you like Creeper?" as I finished talking to him, I couldn't help but wonder what Jack might want to say to that, 'Yeah. Creeper is the bomb!"

Before I could even get Jack into hunt-mode, an opportunity presented itself, in plain daylight. An Enderman. In a light arctic forest. Do wolves like Endermeat? I had no clue, I had only seen an Enderman once before, when I was a small child. My dad refused to talk about these strange creatures, so I knew next to nothing about them. Peering next to me, I could vaguely see Jack lick his lips and turn fixated on the creature. There must be a danger associated with killing an Enderman... Right? Yet, I am compelled to comply with my wolf.

"You want him, boy?" I said. He started panting again. I became fixated on the creature as well, and whispered to him, "Let's play this safe. We'll sneak up behind him." We walked around in the light forest, trying to not draw attention from this creature. I set the macro on my iron sword to 'repeatedly attack.' We crept closer and closer, until I noticed other fine details about his person: He held a block in his hands, a pure ice block. I have tried many times to obtain pure ice, and have failed. I wonder what significance this holds. There was a glow of purple particles about him. This was definitely no ordinary Overworld creature I had the pleasure of killing before. We crept closer, into sword range. As soon as I attacked, Jack would follow my lead and destroy the creature to bits. The target presented was now in range. I lunged forward with the might of Notch behind me, and delivered a powerful blow... to the tree behind him. He disappeared! What sourcery is this! What nether portal did this beast crawl out of?

I decided to quickly take cover and look around me. I look to Jack, who is also curious to what had happened. I hear strange noises from the east. Noises of pain and suffering. A sound of a dying beast, like that of a hurt cow on poison potion. I hope the creature is dead. I hope we can just go back home, and I can feed my companion. Let this day be over already! More strange noises, this time, from the west. And suddenly. Right in front of me. There in front of me lies a shadowy Enderman. He is overwhelming, I can't attack him, I am too scared. I peer at him and he looks at me. The wolf can't hold his hunger anymore and starts viciously barking at him. My red, blocky heart is pumping as if my life was about to end. The Ender-mob takes its gaze off of me and peers over at Jack, who has put himself between me and it. My hands are shaking violently; the sword I am holding has dropped to the floor. The Enderman grabs my sword. Moments later, he vanishes.

Chapter Two ~~ To craft a water bucket

It is hours later and both Jack and I are back at the homestead. We are both sitting on the carpet in awe. The day has only hit noon; but it feels like it should end right now. I think about playing catch with my furry companion, to ease today's stress off. The day has been long, though, and there is an eerie silence that has permeated the shelter. None of us are in the mood to play catch. Perhaps we should both spend the rest of the day inside, where we can relax next to a lit fire in my ring of bricks. My muscles are weak from the heart-pounding it endured earlier, but I soon overcome gravity and start walking to the fireplace. I start reflecting on what an odd experience the whole thing was. Why an Enderman? Why now? Are there more of them? I wouldn't normally think they are dangerous, but they are just so unknown to me. Purple particles?

Just before arriving at the end of the room, I stop dead in my tracks. The Enderman is standing just outside my window. With my sword.

"AAHHHH!!!!!" I yelped. They MUST be dangerous. He wants my blood, with my sword. I can see it in his beady eyes. The creature again, disappeared elsewhere. My blocka-sympathetic system kicked in again and my muscles stopped aching. My heart flared up, and I raged. My pet jumped up, ready for action again.

I continued to stare outside, presumably safe in my house. I stared and I paced. Several hours passed again with no sign of it. I left the window, and decided it would be best to craft another sword. I had not gathered materials today, I would be low on them. As my eyes scanned the contents of my forge chest, the glitter of diamond hit me. They were lust-less. They were practically yelling at me to use them in battle. But could I? I had spent the latter half of this year gathering diamonds for a brand new pickaxe. If I used it on a sword, there would be no challenge in killing non-Ender creatures. As that thought crossed my mind, another Ender scream provoked me. It was close again. I had to take action upon myself. I would instigate the worst battle this bottom-dwelling nether thing has ever seen before. I. Would be. It's nightmare. The diamonds jumped into my hands, where I quickly forged the most beautiful sword I had ever seen. You want a sword battle you tall swine? You've got it.

Jack and I rushed out of the house. It was evening now, and the sun had begun to set into darkness. A wind purveyed me; it flustered my hair and cooled my rage. I made my way onto an ice cliff. This cliff overlooks the whole valley I reside in. I scanned the areas with my vision. Jack has noticed something off into the distance. It takes squinting to even make out the character that is moving in that direction.

"By the Dev's! That's him. He shall die by my blade." I coyly remark. I witness the Enderman disappearing several times in a second. It hit me, he is in the ocean...-Of course! East and West of the forest are both oceans! When I heard his screams back in the light forest, they came from water. That is his weakness! By this time I had nearly slid down a straight cliff of ice back to my homestead. I threw three iron ingots into the forge and ended up with a makeshift bucket. A nearby pond filled it with the life-taking liquid that I needed. I heard Ender screams again, coming from the light forest. I took up my arms and walked with a heavy pace--to kill myself an Enderman.

Chapter Three ~ End of Ice

By the time I had reached the light forest, it seems like the varmint teleported across the map again. It was dark already, and the moon started it's course towards the mid-line of the sky. I must hurry if I do not want to disturb other vermin. And then, he appeared again. He appeared a small distance away, but facing away from my person. This was perfect. I quickly crept up to his backside; I lunged and smothered his body with water. He immediately turned around and started hitting me with my previous iron sword.

"Aha! Your sword is no match for the power of diamond!" I proclaimed as I repeatedly dispatched my sword upon his frail, shadowy figure. He teleported before Jack was able to bite into him with his razor-teeth. We both gazed around us, ready for another Ender-ambush. The lake sounded like a good option right now, considering my bucket was now empty. Not more than 8 blocks we made progress to the lake when he appeared again. It was as soon as I turned to face him that he disappeared.

"Blasted coward!" I shouted as I now ran east to the lake. I ran for a flash without being attacked. I heard strange noises again. Foot after foot. Run, self, run! I would be better suited with a bucket of water in my hands! He mustn't get me before then. The sounds amplified, he was closer! Breathe. Run. Think. Time was crawling by. It seemed impeccable that I wasn't making progress. He must be behind me, just laughing away! The lake was now visible--it was just beneath my eyes! I dove into the lake, but the Enderman appeared again and placed a block in front of me. It stopped me 4 blocks short of the aqueous solution with which I could kill him with: but I wouldn't have enough time to grab water, I had to fight him here!

This was my last stand against this monster. I swung my hard-earned labour with great results. He displayed a red shadow unto himself when I hit him. It must be working! Jack ripped into his legs with his almighty jaw. I parried around him and warded off some of his attacks. And then. The moment of sobriety. Just as I was about to dig a powerful blow into him; he teleported behind Jack and pushed him into the Ender-creature's last position. My diamond sword bulldozed into my furry friend. I gaped at the scene. He laid there, cold-bodied. I had just killed Jack. The Enderman stepped away from us, and stared as if to mock me. My whole body trembled with pain and the sword dropped from my hand. I set my helmet on the ground, and laid beside him. My eyes swelled up and I was left speechless. What have I done? My one and only friend? Not only has he been slain, but he perished by my hand.

The Enderman took my diamond sword, and left. Would he come back to finish me off? Or maybe to have me finish me off? I cared less for myself and more of Jack, his personality, his companionship. It was apparent that the Enderman left me to wallow in my agony. I would be left alive for as long as I cherished that wolf. I buried my head into his furry pelt and screamed. My shame exceeded me. I had resided in this arctic for many moons to come. It was my home, and I proved myself to this environment. It fought back many times, and only now has it won. There was no use in living here in the wilderness anymore, seeing as it has bested me. Perhaps I will begrudgingly move back to the city. I spoke to Jack in a shaky voice, "I guess we never got to play catch today, did we boy?"

I never again heard his heavy panting as a response.
CreditBrencs Medieval Noble skin for the title

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