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The Downvote Troll

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mommaCarole's Avatar mommaCarole
Retired Moderator
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
There's a special type of troll that frequents PMC, and many of us have met him: the Downvote Troll. This troll picks a member, then systematically goes through and downvotes all their skins, projects, mods, blogs and texturepacks. If the troll is dedicated, he also makes multiple accounts and downvotes with each of them. The downvoting pulls the member's projects off the popular reel.

The amazing thing is that the majority of downvote trolls do this to some of the BEST designers, modders and skinners. Do they do this out of jealousy? I'm assuming this is sometimes the case. I know I've been hit by downvote trolls because the troll in question has been a subject of moderation by me... in other words, I hurt their itty-bitty feelings, and they're slapping me back. I think all the PMC moderators have had that happen once or twice.

Downvotes are so easy and anonymous. You don't have to comment to downvote, you just have to go "click." Hell, I'd appreciate it if I even got a comment saying "I'm downvoting because you deleted my blog, you wench!" Actually, that would probably make me laugh. I'm like that.

The problem is that downvoting rarely seems to be given because someone dislikes the WORK, but because someone dislikes the PERSON (or his/her actions.) This makes the downvotes more of a personal attack, which is why it's trolling. But this is the ultimate trolling, because you can't fight back! You don't know who downvoted you, or why... just that someone, somewhere, is irritated by you.

There have been a few suggestions to counter the downvote troll:

  • Force the troll to post a comment to downvote
The reason this won't work is that the comment will likely be something like "a;lkhjajkdfd" or possibly swearing. It will, however, remove the anonymity of the downvote, which might slow down the trolling a bit.
  • Force people to pay experience points to downvote
The reason this would work nicely is that a person couldn't create a million puppet accounts to downvote troll, as they would have to earn experience to do it. However, this would make people who want to legitimately downvote be penalized for doing it.
  • Use a CAPTCHA to downvote each time
If nothing else, this would slow down the trolls, and irritate them at the same time. Yay!
  • Remove the downvoting entirely
The issue with this is the whole "life is sunshine and roses and nobody fails" syndrome. Some people contribute crappy work, simply for the experience points boost. Heck, they might contribute a hundred lousy skins just to downvote if we start charging experience points to do it! PMC doesn't need to be flooded with bad work, we want to be the premiere website for excellent skins, projects, mods and texture packs.

In the end, there is no real perfect system to deal with the downvote troll at this time. It's just important to remember that downvotes don't really mean anything. Upvotes are great for bragging rights, but let your work stand on its own. Nobody needs to praise excellent work, it speaks for itself. And when excellent work is downvoted, it just shows that the work is good enough to raise jealousy in those people without the talents to match it.

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02/06/2012 3:07 pm
Level 20 : Expert Artist
Clui's Avatar
a troll doing something out of jealousy doesn't make sense, a troll on the internet is someone who annoys another for amusement.
11/04/2011 7:08 am
Level 41 : Master Geek
Cyberfare's Avatar
I don't think troll-votes are much of a problem as long as you have majority of the up-votes is what matters to me.
11/05/2011 6:56 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
khanaris's Avatar
I think they matter more in the first few hours (or minutes) after something is uploaded. I have seen this with my own work. Anything that makes the front page gets a massive amount of attention. Anything that doesn't make the front page generally gets buried. That is just the reality of how much content is being uploaded here. If the ratio of upvotes to downvotes matters in determining what gets listed on the Featured reel, troll votes stand a better change of offsetting any early positive votes when only a few people have seen a project.
11/02/2011 6:47 am
Level 24 : Expert Unicorn
Tanator's Avatar
Downvoters have to give a reason to Downvote.
03/12/2013 11:58 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
Tyrese07's Avatar
That's a pretty good suggestion, people will be asked to view it over in order for it to pass as a reasonable downvote.
10/30/2011 7:53 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pirate
(AVE(N)GER)'s Avatar
i got a person come and down-vote a whole bunch of my skins he stopped when he realized i had 60 or so skins up at the time ... all because i asked for credit on skin he did a minor edit on ..
10/29/2011 5:55 am
Level 35 : Artisan Taco
Chainsaw99's Avatar
I have suffered the same experience, hit by a down vote troll, it all started when I made my halloween skin :S anyway +1
10/28/2011 6:44 pm
Level 22 : Expert Warrior
Swedish_Wiking's Avatar
My newest texture pack got 4 downvotes :( Tho it have 16 upvotes aswell, but the downvotes make me feel a little bit ''afraid'' or what i should call it :P
10/28/2011 7:24 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
mommaCarole's Avatar
honestly? I think downvotes are going the way of the dinosaur... Cyprezz is thinking of taking them off the site completely because they are misused.

I wouldn't worry about them (really, honestly.) I find most people who downvote do it because they're jealous, they're trolling OR they think your work is stolen (at which point they will be happy to proclaim it loud and obnoxiously in your comments section.... trolls, dontchaknow.)
10/29/2011 1:15 am
Level 22 : Expert Warrior
Swedish_Wiking's Avatar
Yeah you are completly right. I think Cyprezz should take it down so that you only could upvote if you appreciate what work the people have put in their work. Also i think that you should be able to report trolls for being trolls and give them a commentban :) (So they can't comment if it goes to far)
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