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The Close ~ 200 Sub Special Part 2

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Pagazz's Avatar Pagazz
Level 49 : Master Pixel Painter
Hey PMC this is a story i've written as part of my 200 subscriber special, i'll be making a skin of the main character at some point as well, so i hope you enjoy :D

A small prison island was being buffeted by an incredible storm, the wind howling past like it contained the screams of a thousand tormented souls. The tiny prison sat on a small crop of rock at the centre of the island and looked close to collapsing and wrenching away the lives of those few who were inside. As the storm grew stronger and the waves crashed higher, the prison clung more and more desperately to its foundations. A face, white against the deep blues and greys of the storm could just be made out at a barred window at the bottom of the prison.

I peered out at the raging storm and felt a pang of dread as I remembered what was soon to come. I looked away from the window and crossed the three meters or so to the other end of my cell. I sat on the cold stone floor and stared at my rough hands, wondering how long it would be until they drooped lifelessly from my corpse. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of the cold salty air, the same air I had once associated the innocent days at the beach.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps through the wails of the wind and I jumped to my feet. Two guards rounded the corner and stopped outside my cell. I stepped back from the door and waited as one of them lifted a small key from the pocket of his blue uniform.

The door swung open with a loud squeal and a thunk. The second guard beckoned with a gnarled hand which cuffed me the moment my arms were within reach. The guards gave me a light shove and I was escorted through the dimly lit passages of the prison.

We stopped outside a small open air garden where, at its heart, stood a wooden headrest, a basket, and a dreadfully dull axe. The thought of a lifeless hand flashed back into my mind and my eyes began to glaze. Everything began to slow. A blanket had fallen over the world and the sky darkened and the sound of the storm faded away. My mind flashed back to my time spent as a child and the simple glory of living safely in the confines of my home. I thought of all the time I had wasted, sitting in my room fiddling with mundane toys. My mind travelled to my first date, marriage, and my children. Io d never really spent enough time with those I love; Io d never fully appreciated my beating heart.

I jumped temporarily back into the present as I was dragged into the garden. I marvelled at the sensation of the moist earth clinging to my feet and the smells of sodden greenery. I revelled in the warmth of my drenched skin and the rhythmic pounding of my heart.

I was thumped in the back and I returned to the garden, leaving my world of heightened senses. I landed in a cold puddle at the foot of the headrest which had been sprayed with blood on numerous occasions. I lowered my head and another piece of wood locked my arms in place. I closed my eyes for the last time, said a short prayer, a vain stab at finding forgiveness for the deed I had committed. I heard the axe slide through the grass, I heard the grunt as it was raised into position. My heart pounded faster as though it wanted to complete all of my lifeo s heartbeats in the space of a few seconds.

I heard a second grunt, a rush of air, and my time was up.

If you like it please diamond andfeedback is appreciated. If you like it enough please favorite, and if you want more pleasesubscribe.

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03/19/2013 3:31 am
Level 24 : Expert Nerd
EnderSheep's Avatar
Its awesome!!
03/19/2013 3:41 am
Level 49 : Master Pixel Painter
Pagazz's Avatar
thanks :3 long time no speak
03/04/2013 7:29 pm
Level 49 : Master Ninja
LOLDA's Avatar
Nice work. Although, I can't help myself from commenting on your authorship... awesome. awesome.
03/05/2013 2:44 am
Level 49 : Master Pixel Painter
Pagazz's Avatar
thanks, it means a lot :3
03/05/2013 4:58 am
Level 49 : Master Ninja
LOLDA's Avatar
Although, a more thorough climax would of been awesome :D
03/05/2013 5:49 am
Level 49 : Master Pixel Painter
Pagazz's Avatar
yes well i wrote this as an example of "time running out" for a competition and i agree a climactic end would have been fun to write but it wasn't what i needed :3
03/05/2013 7:14 pm
Level 49 : Master Ninja
LOLDA's Avatar
03/04/2013 4:46 am
Level 32 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Snurly's Avatar
well done paggsy
03/04/2013 4:53 am
Level 49 : Master Pixel Painter
Pagazz's Avatar
thanks :3
03/04/2013 4:01 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon
Dralyona's Avatar
W00t congrats!!!!
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