This Blog is an entry in the completed Deep Below Blog Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Story

The City Beneath the Sea

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Diamond Ender's Avatar Diamond Ender
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
In the beginning of time, when the gods dwelled on earth, there was a war between the gods and humans. The humans were ungrateful for everything the gods had given them. But one tribe worshiped and sacrificed to them. Because of their respect and gratitude, the gods constructed a city on the seacoast for them. It was a beautiful marble city, filled with fountains and great buildings. The gods turned the water around them fresh to act as an everlasting water source. The city was called Maritima. It flourished for many years until one ruler became greedy and desired more. The people of the city stood by their ruler and declared the gods give them more riches. The gods were infuriated, thus turning the water salty yet again. Instead of begging for forgiveness, the people cursed the gods. So the god of disaster created an earthquake so massive it caused the city to crumble into the sea.

  "Time for supper, Elek" a voice echoed from beyond the trees. The boy got up, still looking at his reflection in the water. He walked away from the sea and into the forest, towards his village. He opened the door to his small, one-room house, to the aroma of fresh stu. He walked over to the table and sat down across from his elder brother, Karsen. After finishing supper, Elek went back outside to go back to the sea, but he was stopped by a boy who seemed to be a bit older than Elek. He smirked "Where are you going, freak? Back to the sea to find someone who actually cares about you?" Elek tried to walk away but the boy shoved him to the ground.

  "Go home, boy." he heard an unfamiliar voice demand. He looked up to see that it was an elder that he had never seen in the village before. The man helped Elek to his feet. "I am Arabis" he introduced himself "You must be Elek." Elek looked confused. "How do you know my name?" The old man smiled "You are different. Special. Smarter." Arabis motioned for Elek to follow. The two walked back in the direction of the sea and came upon a cave. They walked in and Arabis made his way over to a bookshelf. He grabbed a large blue book with gold designs and handed it to Elek. "Have you heard the story of the city beneath the sea?" He asked. "I've heard it a few times" he replied, perplexed. Arabis shuffled around his small home and grabbed more books off the shelf "They aren't stories. They are real. All of them" he muttered. Elek stood, curious, yet disturbed. "How do you know?" The old man smiled. "I was there. I was just a lad then. I was the only survivor." "What happened?" Elek asked. Arabis replied "The gods appointed a protector of the city and gave him magic. Whenever the protector dies his son inherits his power. My father was a protector, but the people believed he was not doing his job so they executed him. The gods spared me when they destroyed the city because I was to become the next protector, yet there is nothing left to protect." Elek had pity on the poor old man. "I must go now. It is late" he mumbled.

  Elek lay awake on his bed thinking about what Arabis had told him. "Could all those stories be true?" he wondered. The next morning, Elek woke and began his daily routine, but his curiosity drove him mad. He began to search for the lost city on maps, though he could find nothing, not even on the maps of the elders. Several weeks later he walked through the village back to his home only to find his mother and father waiting for him with the book Arabis had given him. They found all of his maps and journals, all of his hard work, and threw it into the flames of their furnace. "What've you done?" Elek shouted. "You're chasing fairytales! Whatever that old fossil told you is made up." His father replied sternly. Elek, outraged, grabbed his backpack and ran out of the house. He could hear his parents shouting for him to come back, but he ignored them. He rushed to the water, despite almost the whole village trying to stop him. Elek pushed the boat he had built months ago into the clear blue water. After a few hours, he became hungry. He had only two slices of stale bread to eat. Elek cursed at himself for being foolish and not grabbing food or water. Even though he had little food, he had no fresh water. To keep himself hydrated, Elek forced the salty sea water down his throat. After four days, Elek began to starve and become dehydrated, and because of this, he passed out.

  Elek opened his eyes to see the sun shining down on him from the blue sky. He sat up and gasped. Land. There was land. A small forested island with a mountain, though when his boat came nearer, he noticed that half of the mountain was gone. It looked as if it was pulled off. When Elek finally reached the island, he immediately went atop the mountain. As he looked down, he saw a city. It was fairly small, but the buildings were large. There were also fountains and statues made from marble, but they had corroded. "By the gods, the old man was right!" Elek shouted joyfully. He was still weak from starvation so Elek prayed and begged for just one piece of food. Just as he finished his prayer, he saw an apple beneath a tree. He fell to his knees and thanked the gods aloud. He took a bite out of the juicy apple, then suddenly the ground began to shake.

  He crawled to the edge of the mountain and peered over the edge. With a thunderous roar, the city began to rise and the people filled with life. He blinked to make sure he hadn't gone mad. When he opened his eyes he saw three silhouettes outlined in gold light. Elek had to cover his eyes because the figures were too bright. One of the figures began to speak "I am Amun, king of the gods. Your faith and gratitude is strong, young protector." Elek was confused. "I'm not a protector" he told them. Amun responded "You have always been. Ever since you were born you, Elek, were destined to restore, reform, and rule Maritima." Now the city was fully restored and the corroded marble began to rebuild itself. The three deities lead Elek through the city to the king's palace. One of the gods motioned for him to sit upon the throne. The people crowded into the throne room and began to chant and cheer. Amun approached Elek and placed a golden crown, decorated with jewels of all kind, atop his head. The people began to shout "All hail, King Elek the Protector."

  Elek lived a long life and ruled Maritima wisely and justly. He married and had two sons, Blaise and Skandar. Skandar became king and ruled like his father. Blaise was knighted and was his brother's second-in-command. Elek never heard from his mother or father or brother after the night he ran away. Every king's legend is recorded, but Elek the Protector will be forever remembered.


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