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The 43:7 Petition

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InsomniaServer's Avatar InsomniaServer
Level 10 : Journeyman Unicorn
Hello, I would first like to introduce ourselves. We are Insomnia, a creative server that has been around for almost a year. This is our first blog, so if it sounds ak-sauce sorry, but it's for a good cause. So without further ado, let's get started.

Now some of you may be asking yourself "What the heck is Smooth Double-Step?" Well, it's a block that can only be obtained if you use a plugin such as CommandBook or WorldEdit. It looks like Double Step, but it doesn't have the line in the middle, making it smooth. (Picture Below of Double Step compared to Smooth Double Step)


(Picture from minecraftwiki.net. I own no rights to this photo.)

The block is a commonly used on most creative servers, in place for the regular double step a lot of the time. I know a lot of people on Insomnia server, and Pwego server use it a ton. But creative servers are not the only people who use it though, I've been on survival servers and the owners of those servers use it for their spawn.


(Build In Magneta, Pwego Server)

The build above contains a lot of smooth double step.

So you maybe asking "Why is Mojang doing this?" Well, we can't answer that. We are extremely confused as to why they are. If it's such a common block then why risk ruining so many creations? Now, we are not saying please remove the new Quartz block, but please re-insert smooth double step. If they would have done what they did with the netherbrick half slab, and just pushed over the ID from 43:6 to 43:7, it would be a lot better.

So now, to the petition. We started a petition on change.org, that we would send to Mojang once we get enough signatures, and try to get the block re-inserted. Our goal is 1000 Signatures. So once we get that, we will send it to Jeb. But we need your guys help in completing this. This is a rough patch in Creative scene and with your help we can do this guys. So, if you can please sign the petition (link-below)! Thanks for your time and consideration. Happy Minecrafting!

To Sign the Petition Click Here

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by InsomniaServer 01/17/2013 3:02:39 pmJan 17th, 2013

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01/02/2014 12:37 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Robot
Banges's Avatar
06/16/2013 12:04 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Artist
Ennen's Avatar

'Nuff said.
01/18/2013 1:48 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Scribe
OliverFrenchie's Avatar
How dare you use my logo, permaban delete.

Only kidding >:D
01/18/2013 1:46 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
RavenOfTheWastes's Avatar
I understand the desire to keep this in, But, you need to keep in mind, even if they just push it down the line (as you mention after the Netherbrick slab) It becomes another thing. Now, Yes, SmoothDstep is a great material for building but sometimes at the movement of something new, it is best to lose a few things.
Just keep in mind that, if you keep smooth double in, they may keep something out, are you willing to risk that?
01/22/2013 12:00 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
I'd pick the Doublestep over something like the beacon block anyday =P I'd rather keep a block in than get a new block, because then builds with the current block are affected (The main point of this)
01/22/2013 6:51 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
RavenOfTheWastes's Avatar
Also I'm sorry bout the rambling, I just honestly Don't see what all the fuss is about.
01/22/2013 6:50 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
RavenOfTheWastes's Avatar
"it's a block that can only be obtained if you use a plugin such as CommandBook or WorldEdit."

Think about that for a second, If its a block that can only be obtained with mod/plugin support, then how do we know it's not just a placeholder? How can anyone be certain it wasn't placed their to hold a spot? Now I understand alot of people use it, Hell, I've used it, and It is greatly useful for appearance, but for all we know it could have been a place holder.

Now, let's say Mojang kept it, and just moved the block down and introduced the new one with a new ID. This would mean more data, more code, more graphics to load, and ultimately a heavier a game. Which returns to my original comment of, if they keep it, we may lose something. Now, it's one block, that essentially is what the stone slab SHOULD be, perhaps rather than fight for one block, why not ask that they replace something? Perhaps the actual double step?

Replacing the actual double step makes some sense, all other slabs, when stacked, create an illusion that they are a full block, exception being the stone slabs. Perhaps looking their would be a better idea, and use of our time?
01/21/2013 12:21 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Unicorn
InsomniaServer's Avatar
Yes, all my builds I have made use smooth double step somewhere in it.
01/18/2013 6:02 am
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
ronn55555's Avatar
I am with this. Really I miss the ol block
01/17/2013 10:40 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon
Lord_Sauron_'s Avatar
Great idea. I hope this works - I signed it. Good luck!
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