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[Story]The Story behind E303 and herobrine

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MinecraftExperia's Avatar MinecraftExperia
Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
Hello. to start this Off i should tell you that i do not believe in herobrine and entity303 they are just Characters i added to my story.

                                                THE STORY BEHIND E303 AND HEROBRINE

~CHAPTER 1 : The Server~

Narrator: One day on a sunny morning. a player called "Herobrine" joined a server

Herobrine: ahh what a wonderful day!. i think i should start mining


herobrine: huh?. now what kind of name is that :)

Entity303: uhmmm hi!. i am a noob. pls tell me how do i play this game?

Herobrine: well you. uhhh mine.craft.make a house :D

Entity303: realy?. are there rules?

Herobrine: well just do /rules

*Entity303 types /rules*

Entity303: okay..i know the rules now :D

Herobrine: soo wanna Continue??

Entity303: sure!........continue what?

herobrine: MINING! of course :D

Entity303: cool. by the way. the first 24 diamonds are mine!

Herobrine: ok ok :D

Entity303: yay!

*after collecting 48 Diamonds Later*

Herobrine & Entity303: we have DIAMOND ARMOR OH YEAH!

Entity303: hey. how come you have a better house?

Herobrine: cause i gathered wood.stone.sticks, and all those other stuff

Entity303: ohhh ok :D

*3 Hrs later*

Herobrine: man whats taking him so long????

*herobrine Checks Player list*

Herobrine: wait what?. i am the only player in here!

Entity303: hey bro!!

Herobrine: dude why am i the only player here?

Entity303: i dont know :/

Herobrine: probably its just a bug

Entity303: hey look!. its Finally turned night

Herobrine: realy? YAY!. i made 3 beds!

Entity303: realy?, whos gonna use the 3rd one?

Herobrine: uhhh now that you mentioned it. i dont know.

Entity303: bah never mind. lets just sleep :D

Herobrine: Sure!

~Chapter 2: Envy~

Entity303: Morning!

Herobrine: good morning!.

*herobrine opens inventory*

Herobrine: WHAT????

Entity303: whats wrong?

Herobrine: i Got 2 STACKS OF DIAMOND BLOCKS!!!

Entity303: realy? (what!? what about me!???!)

Herobrine: want some?

Entity303: would i!. sure!

*Herobrine Tries to give E303*

Server: Player Herobrine has been warned. "No giving of items. Gain them by PVP"

Herobrine: man that sucks.

E303: ................dude?. if we pvp. can you let me win?

Herobrine: and lose my items? . NO

E303: b-but i thought we were friends!

Herobrine: dude you know what. Never Mind. i'ma keep my Diamonds. Go search for yourself!

Herobrine: *becomes Greedy*


Herobrine: bah who cares. he was a baby anywhay!

E303:..... (you will see the TERROR OF 303!)

Herobrine: ahh! its a good day :D

E303: hell-0 herobrine!


Herobrine:.....(help! , how the hell did you??!)

Admin: E303. why did you mute herobrine?

E303: cause he is spamming. "good morning" when were only 5-6 players on this server

Admin: realy? that was not spamming to me!


Admin: realy? the owner said that?

E303: yes! now leave!

Admin: ok ok

*admin leaves*

E303: come my friends!

*1-2 player come to Entity303*

p982: moderator E303. what are we gonna do to him?

Herobrine: ....(mod???. HES A MODERATOR?!)

P645: yeah, what will we do to him?

E303: keep Attacking him.

p982: but dude. its a no attack zone

*E303 changes to pvp zone*

*p982 & p645 attack Herobrine 5-7 times*

Herobrine: ----- ( stop pls!. i will do whatever you want! )

E303: whats that your saying??, sorry its because i MUTED YOU. NOW I CANT HEAR YOU!

Herobrine: (pls pls pls!. i dont wanna lose my items!)

*Herobrine dies*

*E303 unmutes herobrine*

Herobrine: WAHHH! my items!.

E303: now kill him some mor---


E303: holy crap

Notch: what?. whats going on here!

E303: sir its just tha--


Herobrine: thanks bro

Notch: @herobrine. i am not your bro :/

Herobrine: :L ok ok

*Notch Banned E303,p982 and p645*

Herobrine: :D thanks b--

*notch mutes herobrine*

Notch: sorry herobrine. i just gotta do this

Herobrine: (perhaps its because i hacked too much)

Notch: i already know you use hacks. i will give you this ONE CHANCE

Herobrine: (thanks! i will do my best to keep mute :/)

*notch leaves*

Herobrine: (sooo.....i think i should recover all my items from killing players.)

Narrator: it turns out that herobrine kills you to recover his Long lost items. (especially those Diamond users out there)

Herobrine: (hey its the narrator!. hes got diamond armor!)

*brings out the last remaining Diamond sword from his chest*

Narrator: wait NOOO!!!!

*herobrine kills narrator*

Herobrine: aww man it fell into the water. DARN YOU NARRATOR!

Herobrine: ok ok. lets chill for a bit

*herobrine changes skin*

Herobrine: there now i look real scary!

             ~THE END~

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08/08/2014 9:57 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Artist
lobie10's Avatar
How the heck did he suddenly become greedy?? XD
08/08/2014 10:03 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
MinecraftExperia's Avatar
no one knows. understand the situation and you will soon find out why. besides. This is my first blog post XD so there always has to be a few flaws

Besides. he knew there is only one way to Give E303 items. and thats by PVP. but he no wanna lose items. sooo he changed his mind and became a Greedy Penguin :P

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