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Story Blog no. 1

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Purpl3_'s Avatar Purpl3_
Level 51 : Grandmaster Miner
So this was an assignment from grade 5, and I recently rediscovered it. Hope you like it!

  Accepting the dare to enter the haunted house on Halloween night was not the wisest choice I had ever made, but I took a deep breath and pushed open the MASSIVE old doors…

  The house was three stories high and absolutely terrifying. I went inside and everything was pitch black! The first room was a kitchen with peeling green mouldy wallpaper, and what was that wonderful smell??? The smell reminded me that I was starving. I sprinted to the massive old oven, pulled open the CREAKY door and there it was... A CAKE!!! I carried the cake over to the dusty stone table, placed it down then went to one of the drawers to look for a knife. I quickly found one. Then I ran back to the table to cut the cake. After the cake was cut, I took a bite… “EWWW! THIS TASTES LIKE SLIME!!!!” I yelled. “Everything tastes like slime in this place.” said a CREAKY voice. “Who just said that?” I asked, shocked. I looked up and saw a skeleton! “I’m not gonna hurt you.” he said. “I couldn’t anyway, I’m as dead as that guy over there.” He pointed to a half-rotted body sitting lifelessly on another chair. I shuddered. “Ya probably don’t wanna go to the third floor, ya won’t like it up there, just saying.” Said the skeleton. “Thanks for the advice.” I said, and then I walked up the CREAKY old stairs…

  Upstairs I could see nothing. It was pitch black! I felt for a light switch and quickly found one. I tried it, but of course it didn’t work. Just then I saw a slimy pink ghost. It howled, “I’M GOING TO EAT YOU!”

  I was terrified. I grabbed something to throw at it. I had no idea what I had picked up until the lights came on. I was holding a DEAD RAT!!!!! I threw it, but the ghost had vanished. The skeleton on the first floor had told me I probably didn’t want to know what was on the third floor, but my curiosity got the best of me so I headed up the rotten flight of stairs…

  I fell through the eighth stair, but that didn’t stop me. this time I avoided the eighth stair. I was now on the third floor, I didn’t see anything too scary. Just then I found out why that skeleton didn’t want me up there. Something bit my right foot! I ran out of that place so fast you would have thought I was Sonic the hedgehog! I forgot about the eighth stair. “OOF!” I fell down the stairs and faceplanted into the floor! I jumped up and got out of that crazy house as fast as I could. I will never go anywhere near that place as long as I live.


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Commander Platinum
11/23/2023 4:02 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
Commander Platinum's Avatar
That was creepy…
11/20/2023 5:05 pm
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Procrastinator Kitten
GalaxyCat24's Avatar
Nice job!
11/20/2023 5:05 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Miner
Purpl3_'s Avatar
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