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Renaissance story

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Themp3speler's Avatar Themp3speler
Level 25 : Expert Nerd

The 13th of September in the year 1610

I woke up this morning feeling a bit cold. I looked up and saw that the window of my bedroom was open. ‘Must have gone open by the wind’ I thought. I walked towards it and looked over the great city of Florence. I just stood there for a few moments and thought about all the great things I saw. “I sure do love Florence”. I closed the window and opened the closet to get myself some clothes for the day. ‘This will do’ I thought looking at a new set of clothes different from yesterday. I wore a white shirt under a jacket made of leather, I wore black knickerbockers with the ends of it put into my large brown boots. I also wore a black hat with a feather of an eagle. Apart from this I also wore a red cape with the weapon of Florence on it. I was a medium sized citizen of Florence, I had dark brown hard hanging loos around my neck, I was quite slim and had a bit of a belly because I, apart from guard duty sometimes, never did sports. I went downstairs to get myself some food on the market to make myself breakfast. I passed my crafting room seeing a dozen of unfinished ribbons. ‘I’ll have to finish those today’ I thought. I went on trough the store opening the door with my keys. As I stepped outside I felt the cool breeze and the rough wind.

‘It’s getting colder every day, winter is coming’ I thought. I took a moment to process what I saw. A busy street of Florence, tall houses, maids going to noble houses, salesman shouting their prices to people, the dirt of all those people, and nearby the Basilica of Saint Mary of the Flower which just existed hundred fifty years. This truly was the center of Florence. I walked about a hundred meters to my left in the street passing some beggars. “There you go” I said, giving one of them a florin. “Thank you!” he said. I walked on taking a left walking through a dark small alley, more beggars were sitting on the street asking for money. I walked on and stepped on a great square called Piazza della Signoria. A great market was located on this piazza attracting a lot of the people in Florence to buy things here. There were some great things to see for people in the city; The Neptune fountain and a bronze knight statue of Cosmio I de’ Medici. I walked on to a small stall which I most of times went to. “Hello there Leopold! Had a good night rest?” The stall keeper asked. “I sure did Niccolo,” I answered. “Can I have two eggs, a tomato and three loafs of bread?” I said asking for my potential breakfast. “You sure can, that will be one florin for the eggs, one for the tomato and one for the loafs of bread. Three florins as a total Leopold” Niccolo said. I grabbed my satchel filled with a few florins which I earned the last few days. “There you go” I said giving Niccolo the florins he asked for. Niccolo handed me the food and I put it in a small bag which I was carrying with me. “Thanks a lot Leopold!” Niccolo shouted at me while I walked away. ‘Florins’ I thought to myself while walking to my store. The florins had the sign of Florence on them and the carvings of the name Florence on the sides. ‘Strange that such small things can determine such great things in our lives’ I thought to myself. I arrived at my store realising I had forgotten to lock it after I had left. It was still closed. ‘I hope that’s a good sign’ I thought to myself. This time I did close the door behind me and locked it.

I walked to my crafting room and made a small fire in the fireplace to burn my eggs. I took the small bag I was carrying, containing the food I bought, and scattered the content over my cooking table. I took my cape and hat of and put them on a peg in a corner of the room next to the door to the store. I also took my leather jacket of and lay it down on the counter of the store. ‘I’ll put that on later, it will get very hot in here’. I took a small frying pan and put it on a pan holder just a few centimetres above the fire. I took the eggs and broke them on the side of the frying pan and put the insides into the pan. ‘That will do’ I thought. I took a plate of the cabinet I had pinned along the wall, and put it on the cooking table. I took the tomato and began cutting it in four different parts. As I was doing that I took a while to look at the room I was in. It was my own crafting room which I had been working in for over six years. The floor was tiled with white tiles with small blue flowers on them. In the room was a set of furniture. A small cabinet on the wall contained wooden plates and spices for cooking. Two wooden tables, one for cooking containing all the food I had bought today, and the other for crafting ribbons, buttons and zips. The table contained quite a lot of unfinished ribbons and buttons. Furthermore there was a fireplace, a peg and a large closet containing everything I needed for making my haberdasher products. The walls were made of ordinary wood because my house is located in a very tiny spot between two somewhat larger houses. I took the tomato and the loafs of bread and put them on the wooden plate. I looked over at the eggs and saw that they were ready to be eaten. I stood up from the place where I was sitting and walked over to the fireplace. I took the frying pan and walked over to the cooking table. I let the baked eggs slip out of the frying pan onto my wooden plate. ‘A nice breakfast is waiting’ I thought while putting away the frying pan in the small cabinet. I first ate the eggs because they were the most tasty just after you baked them, after that I ate the loafs of bread with the tomato’s and I thought about yesterday evening.

Me and my 3 friends, Giulio, Lorenzo and Piero were just sitting beside a table in ‘The Horse of Florence’ when suddenly a squadron of Florence soldiers came in and took the innkeepers daughter. I have no idea of what they will be doing to her, I hope that she returns to her father, the innkeeper. I have always liked that girl. Immediately after the family of the innkeeper panicked and told everyone to get out as quick as they could. So I went home and my friends and I were quite shocked. I was done eating and I put the wooden plate back in the small cabinet along the wall. ‘I’ll eat in an inn tonight’ I thought to myself taking the water bucket next to the fireplace and throwing the water over the fire. I took the water bucket, I walked over to the entrance of the store and lay it down right next to it. ‘I’ll take it with me tomorrow morning when I get food for breakfast, and I’ll fill it with water at the well’. I walked over to the entrance of my store and put the sign hanging above the door towards the house so the other side would say: “Leopold haberdashery” and just under it would say: “Open” in bright white paint. Before I went to the crafting room to work on the ribbons and buttons, I glanced outside the door to think about the time. ‘It must be about twelve o’clock’ I thought walking towards the crafting room. I sat down on the bench beside the table containing all the unfinished ribbons and buttons and started working on them. I thought about the system I designed to be able to work in the crafting room and still know when a customer came in.

The door I had as the entrance of my store had a small rope attached to it which lead to a small bell in the crafting room. So each time a customer comes in and the door would swung open, the small bell would ring and I would know that a customer has come in. After about half an hour the bell rang and a customer stepped in. I walked over to the counter not yet looking at the person.

Then I did look and saw that the man was not just a low class man from the street. This man was Ferdinando II, the son of the ruling Cosmio I de Medici of Florence. “Welcome to my shop your Grace” I said being a bit surprised and kneeling down for him. “Stand up Leopold, I have a request for you,” he said. I stood up and asked “What is it your Grace?” He told me: “Leopold, we have our own hunting team in Florence. And we want them to be recognized by the people who surround them. Now I came up with the idea to give all of them a jacket. This is where you come in; I want you to make the buttons on each jacket.” “How many would I have to make your Grace? And when would they need to be finished?” I asked. “Our hunting team consists of eight members, whom all need a jacket. Each jacket contains eight buttons so you will have to make sixty four buttons. You will need to finish them in one week, one of our servants will pick them up” he said. “I will make sure that they will be ready your Grace” I said. “Good” he said, and he left my store. I looked through the small window in the door and saw him getting into a coach with quite some protection. ’64 buttons, I will have some work to do’ I said to myself. I opened the door of my store and turned the sign, which said that the store was open, around so it would say “Closed”. I walked over to my crafts room and started working on my big assignment for Ferdinando II. I worked until noon on making the buttons and only the buttons. Creating all those buttons required lots of concentration. It was about eight in the evening when I was finally ready with sixteen of the buttons for the assignment. I took my leather jacket from the counter in the store and put it on. I walked in the crafting room, onto the peg, took my hat and cape and put them on.

Then I walked out of my store and walked towards the house of Piero. Lorenzo and Giulio had told me that they had guard duty, so I walked on to the house of Piero to ask him to go with me to the inn to get some food. Piero lives about three hundred meters away from my store. After walking about five hundred meters through the small alleys of Florence and crossing some squares, I finally arrived at the house of Piero. I walked on to the door, knocked and said; “Piero?” calling out for my friend. The house Piero lived in was quite the same as mine, it was just a bit wider than my house, it had large windows with curtains from the inside and it was painted white. My house was never painted, due to a lack of Florins. The door swung open, there stood Piero. Tall, muscled, handsome. Piero had all the aspects of becoming a great person one day, unfortunately the only thing that was missing in his characteristics was a good brain. That he certainly didn’t possess. Piero walked upon to me and said “Leopold, good friend. Where are we going for dinner tonight?” I answered “I was thinking about the ‘Golden boot’ for a change. We always go to ‘The Horse of Florence’, I heard that they serve there quite good food”. “Well, let’s go then,” Piero said. He walked a few steps from the doorstep, I was still standing there. “Where to go Leopold?” he asked. I walked to him. “Follow me,” I said. We walked on talking about Piero’s wife Serena and how nice she was to him. “Well I hope that I may find a woman as nice as Serena one day, if I do I will certainly marry her”. We arrived at the inn and Piero and I went inside.

The inn was crowded for a normal day in Florence. A whole lot of people were sitting around tables, smoking, eating, after all this was an inn. Piero walked over to the bar and asked for a table for two. “This way,” said the innkeeper, walking to a small table in a corner of the inn. “What would you like to order, gentleman?” the innkeeper asked. “Two pulls of beer please for me and my friend and twice the daily meal”. “On its way,” said the innkeeper while he was walking away. Piero started a conversation about all the sports he had been doing lately and it was quite nice to hear about a friend being a great athlete. After a while the innkeeper came back to our table and served us the daily meal. Piero cheerfully ate the food but I took a moment to admire it. Lying on the table in front of me were a large bowl of tomato soup, a big pull of beer and some crunchy loafs of bread with butter for a better taste. We ate our meal and not many words were spoken. We finished our plates, pulls and bowls; we thanked the innkeeper and walked to Piero’s house. I said goodbye to Piero and walked home. I opened the door to my store and locked it behind me. I walked through my crafting room upstairs and undressed myself. I put my clothes back into the closet and fell onto my bed. I took my journal book and started writing about today.

This was a History writing assigment for school. I got a 8,3 the highest mark in our class :)

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