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REAL 30 Things you don't know about Minecraft

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MCmaster23's Avatar MCmaster23
Level 51 : Grandmaster Blob
Here are some things that I doubt anyone knows about Minecraft:

1. Lily pads will always face a certain direction

2. Beacons will have the same effect, no matter what blocks you use to enforce it

3. Golden pressure plates are light, while iron pressure plates are heavy, when in real life gold is more than 2 times heavier than iron

4. Activator rails will activate a minecart command block every redstone tick, even if the minecart does not move on the rail

5. You are able to jump on top of fences or walls if you place carpet on top

6. When you press F3 + H and hover over a tool, it actually has 1 more durability than it says it does. The max durability also has 1 more than it says it does.

7. Don't use flint and steel on snow because it won't create fire, but it will use up the durability

8. All pickaxes can mine their respective ore/block except for gold, which can't mine itself or even iron.

9. All hoes do the same thing, but stone is the best because cobblestone is the easiest material.

10. Remember that you need 24 of the material for a whole armor set, 8 for a whole tool set (excluding a hoe), and 32 for both an armor and tool set. These numbers may come in handy.

11. Water will always flow into the closest hole, but only in an 8-block radius.

12. Snowballs only do damage to most Nether mobs. It takes 7 snowballs to kill a Blaze.

13. Drinking milk will kill any potion effects

14. Sugarcane will grow faster when there are more. It does not grow quicker on sand.

15. An egg has a 1/200 chance to spawn 3 baby chickens at once

16. The actual chance that a skeleton will spawn on top of a spider is 1%

17. Shears will only lose durability when shearing sheep or leaves, not wool

18. Glowstone will most likely only drop 3 dust when broken

19. You don't have to actually sleep in a bed to set your spawn point

20. Killing a mob that is on fire with a sword will drop cooked food even though it did not burn to death

21. Smite and Bane of Arthropods will do more damage than Sharpness

22. There is a chance that you will not get poisoned when eating rotten flesh

23. Right-clicking a mob with its respective spawn egg will spawn babies of that mob, if applicable

24. You can glitch item frames on top of each other by leaving and rejoining the world

25. Naming a sheep "jeb_" will make it rainbow-colored

26. There is a 0.01% chance that the title screen will say "Minceraft"

27. Baby zombies do not burn during the day

28. There is a 0.000125% chance for a baby zombie-villager-chicken-jockey to spawn

29. Spiders can spawn with potion effects on Hard difficulty

30. If you've ever created a texture pack, then you would know that there is some strange black marks on the zombie pigman. It actually says "THX XAPHOBIA" which is Notch thanking XaPhobia, the creator of the texture.

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09/30/2015 9:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
wpq409's Avatar
Snowballs do half a heart to enderdragons as well.
09/30/2015 9:01 am
Level 1 : New Miner
wpq409's Avatar
Only those lily pads a player places face a specific way.
03/22/2015 11:32 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Geek
GamerGeeked's Avatar
as stated on the minecraft wiki "The Weight of The Pressureplate does not talk about the pressureplate itself" it is how much weight needs to be applied to reach a certain weight
03/22/2015 11:39 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Geek
GamerGeeked's Avatar
PS write Here are some things that I doubt anyone knows about Minceraft:
11/18/2014 9:43 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Cake
Moeztar's Avatar
...Hmmm I've seen at least three baby zombie-villager-chickn-jockeys in my current survival world. I also have pics.
07/01/2014 11:35 am
Level 42 : Master Engineer
zhbrzgx's Avatar
It's 1/200 chance of spawning 5 chickens at onece for eggs, I've seen it happen.
07/01/2014 11:33 am
Level 42 : Master Engineer
zhbrzgx's Avatar
Most pressure plates are based on springs, therefor, if the gold plate is heavier than the iron one, the springs are easier to push down. Must be some strongs springs tho.
01/14/2014 10:25 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
Chetcat's Avatar
I knew all but 5
01/14/2014 10:08 pm
Level 22 : Expert Narwhal
croshvee's Avatar
you said gold is 2 times heavier than gold. XD
01/15/2014 6:28 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Blob
MCmaster23's Avatar
oops... lol ill fix that
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