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Rating Youtubers - Jacksepticeye

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Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar Havingfun_ISKEY
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Welcome back, everybody! It's been quite a few days since I've uploaded anything new, and that's because I was running out of ideas. I didn't really know what I could do, and I certainly didn't have any series in mind.

However, now I do.

This is going to be an ongoing blog series from this day forward. I don't know how often I'll upload these, but I'll figure it out. Anyway, let's get started with my favorite Youtuber of all time, Jacksepticeye!

Rating Youtubers - Jacksepticeye
Jacksepticeye is a Youtuber whose commentary on the outside is not that uncommon. Similar to other popular Youtubers, like MessYourself, Pewdiepie, and SkyDoesMinecraft, Jacksepticeye is well-known for making his audience laugh with commentary made up of screaming, immature jokes, and some sarcasm. Being a born-and-raised Irishman, Jack is known to be spastic, unpredictable, and surprisingly quirky, never failing to bring a smile to a person's face.

Throughout his entire Youtube career, Jack's fanbase has come to recognize him with famous quotes from various games, such as "SCREW YOU BILLY!", "HEY MA! MA!", and "I LOVE BALLS!".  He can be outrageously loud and witty, and is never afraid to crack a joke.

However, it;s not to say that Jack's commentary doesn't have a serious side to it, though. He can get very emotional and speechless during games, such as Life is Strange, the Walking Dead, or Emily is Away, and recognizes when his voice needs to be toned downa bit. He loves to comment on what the game is doing right and wrong, and what parts mean the most to him.

Jack is very interesting because he constantly interacts with his fanbase as if it is a livestream and that they're there in real-time. He doesn't just play or react to a game; he also talks to his fans on a regular daily basis even during gameplay, asking them what they think, what he thinks, or otherwise.

During horror games, Jack is known to be very scared, but never fakes his reactions. In certain games, he will cry out in shock, freak out of control, and/or comment on how creepy the atmosphere is. This, unfortunately, doesn't apply to all games, though; he will let the audience know if he thinks a horror game isn't doing a very good job.

It's not to say, though, that his constant energy and enthusiasm can startle a new watcher, and may turn them away. Not only that, but occasionally his immature gimmicks can get wa out of hand and you begin to beg him to stop with the jokes and move on already. Finally, his constant commentary and a need to put something in can make him be too distracted from the actual game and can make both him and the watcher not realize what just happened.

It's very rare to catch this lucky Irishman without a smile on his face, and his overall composture and hilarity makes for an entertaining channel. Jack will never fail to make you cry tears of joy, and he makes you want to stick around.

Rating: 9/10

Rating Youtubers - Jacksepticeye
Unlike certain Youtubers that I refuse to name, Jacksepticeye is very careful and observant about what he chooses to put on his channel. He never uploads a certain series for longer than it needs to go on for, and has very long breaks in between each episode.

Jack is also very certain to pick games that suit his style and that he thinks will suit his personality...in most cases. Whether it be a bloody game like Happy Wheels or an emotional game like Life is Strange, Jack is certain to pick games that both he and his fanbase will enjoy.

Of course, Jacksepticeye doesn't just upload gaming content. He has several different series of his own, such as Drawing Your Tweets, Reading Your Comments, and regular vlogs. Most of these series are not posted very often, but Jack nonetheless puts effort into each and every one to make them enjoyable.

Unfortunately, it's not to say that Jack's choices of games are always perfect. Occasionally - but very rarely - he will only upload content for continuity, such as his Five Nights at Freddy's series when he clearly no longer enjoys it. This can lead to frustration and a lack of enjoyment and a good video from both him and the audience watching.

Other fans may also argue that Jack is too spacious with the uploading times of his series, often making the player forget what happened in the previous episode, especially with hour-long videos. I can say from personal experience that this is, in some cases, true, like with his Undertale series. I can sadly say that I believe I may no longer be able to watch his Undertale series anymore because I have no idea what the heck is going on.

Rating: 8.7/10

Rating Youtubers - Jacksepticeye
We are very fortunate to have Jack's qualities in not only his content and jokes, but also his extraordinary personality. Jacksepticeye is well-known to be one of the kindest Youtubers of all time. For Jack, his fanbase always comes first, and he is very protective of them, only wishing them the best.

Every decision he makes on the channel is only what he believes will help the community in the best way. Jack is never overly spiteful or unfair to them, and it's quite clear that his audience notices this, because most people agree that Jack has one of the best fanbases on Youtube. No kidding.

Now, this might sound like the ideal Youtuber that we all want, but it's sad for me to say that Jack is definitely not perfect. For example, he is a huge worrier and always believes he is screwing up on the channel in some way shape or form and letting his fanbase down, when it reality, he is doing just as fine as he always was, if not better. Because of his anxiety, Jack will sometimes make unnecessary changes to his channel that were never wanted in the first place, only making things more frustrating than they were before.

Surprisingly, though, Jack possesses an even uglier, rarely-showing trait: spite. Despite his good intentions, Jacksepticeye can occasionally offend those around him - including his own fanbase - by being unnecessarily cruel or spiteful. One very famous example of this is the time he announced in a BoiBot video his plans to make BoiBot and Evie talk to each other. In the next video, he did this, but at the very beginning muttered and complained that "smaller channels" - he never specified any names - had already taken his ideas and claimed it as their own.

This would prove to be a big mistake.

Unknown to Jack, his friend and smaller channel Mattshea had already done the same thing about a week before Jack ever did. Without Jack's knowing, a large portion of his fanbase took Mattshea granted for guilty and went over to attack him mercilessly. Mattshea was hurt and upset, and Jack had to apologize and chastise his fanbase in both a Youtube channel and a Tweet that he made. The comment Jack made in his BoiBot and Evie video was completely unnecessary and cruel. He could have let the entire issue go, but instead felt the need to embarrass smaller channels on a Youtube video entirely unrelated to the subject.

Jack also has a tendancy not to listen to his own fanbase, even for the greater good. These examples are small, but sometimes numerous. Two of them are Jack changing his outro without the fanbase's consent and exclaiming, "Yeah, I changed my outro. Get used to it!" and changing San's voice knowing perfectly well that some of his fans would not like it.

Despite these minor flaws, however, Jack has a noble and humble spirit and only means the best for the people around him. He can get very emotional and grateful in his vlogs, thanking his fanbase countless times for everything they've done for him.

Rating: 8.8/10

Overall, Jack is a hilarious and good-natured Youtuber that I recommend to watch. He may have a few flaws here and there- especially in his personality, but he easily makes up for it with his charm, charisma, and humor. It's impossible to not fall in love with a lucky Irishman of this sort.

It's not hard to see why Jacksepticeye is my favorite Youtuber of all time. Everything of his channel is top-notch and of excellent quality, including his happy-go-lucky fanbase. It will draw you in and you'll never want to leave. I recommend Jacksepticeye as a channel to try out and watch. You won't want to miss him.

Final Rating: 8.8/10

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11/28/2015 5:24 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Artist
MadstonMagic's Avatar
Sean must play Minecraft with Mark sometime, not drunk because of Mark's issues with alcohol. But maps like parkour maps or adventure maps. Because sean rages a lot which makes his video's fun to watch (Also i love him #NoHomo, he's fantastic).
If they'll do that, perhaps with Bob and Wade. It'll be a very ver yfun series! :D

we must let mark en sean know that we want this! :D <3
11/28/2015 9:40 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Sorry, Jack is set to appear on Drunk Minecraft.
11/27/2015 11:12 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Yes! Yes! Front page popreel!
11/27/2015 6:44 pm
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
Yeah, I guess this blog makes a lot of sense, but I haven't been watching youtube very much, and I don't even remember the last time I used youtube, so I 'm not knowing of all this "Jack hates FNaF" thing or whatever

"I didn't really know what I could do, and I certainly didn't have any series in mind." What about my skin? ;-;
11/28/2015 5:25 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Artist
MadstonMagic's Avatar
Sean doesn't HATE Fnaf, but he just doesn't like the fact that it's all the same. walk to that door, flashlight this, get scared by robots in your face, etc.
He just doesn't HATE it.
11/28/2015 11:15 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Oh, yes, he does. He makes fun of it every chance he gets.
11/27/2015 6:53 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
I hope you understand. :)

Your skin? I was going to make a skin for you?

Oh. My. God.

Yes, Master. I will start on it right away.
11/27/2015 7:35 pm
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
yaay :D!
Yes you did say that, when I asked for one on your Jordan skin and you said yes
Plus I made you Petal skin, and it's not in the fanstuff
Why U do dis to me ;-;
11/28/2015 12:47 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Oofyeet's Avatar
Petal from Warriors? HOLY GR3YGRYIRGEYYERG8
11/28/2015 11:15 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
You mean warrior cats?
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