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[Rant] Stop judging Levels!

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Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
So, I'm talking to someone right? And it turns ugly, and they reply "as if you would know your level 2"

I nearly Exploded.

So in utter anger, I created this 'rant' explaining my frustration. It's even more annoying knowing i was once a level 32, but I deleted all my content so I could start again. Leaving poor old me, left with a big fat Level 1. I later realised the mindless children that would take advantage of this, Calling for a point of authority, Acting as of a high importance. More power. More Ignorance. I had long thought about resetting my account, a lot of my content was noobish, terrible, ugly. You could even label it as spam, but out of confusion, some blogs I made racked up 6000+ views, 100+ diamonds and so on. Even my 16x16 (totally original - not) smoothcraft... Where everything was one pixel. Yeah Amazing work aye? yes... Well it racked up a whooping 8700+ views. 455+ Downloads, and 130+ diamonds. I was stunned... Could anyone possible like this rubbish? So I start taking Adobe tutorials, and around a year later, where we are now, I start creation on PiddyCraft-Legacy. So far it's 35% completed and two months in the making... Taking alot of time... So anyway back to my pointless rant. I gain 3 levels from this UNRELEASED Texture-Pack. No download link yet, I'm Pretty Impressed with the outcome after 1 night. But people still Label me as a noob. I have been with PlanetMinecraft for around 2 years, Yet no recognition. Just the poor community treating other members like dirt. I'm happy to bet my life, there are many other people out there in my situation. What if one of the biggest minecraft nerds in the world made an account. the first day, someone challenges him and he revokes. Explaining his point. And he gets Disapproved and turned down, because of his low level. I say everyone should be treated the same. No matter of their level. Everyone would be better off, And a lot happier at that.

I hope my word gets out to the users of Planetminecraft. Not rejected because of my level.

Also I'm sorry, but I cannot resist. Please visit Texture-Pack PiddyCraft-Legacy

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09/08/2012 9:46 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Lolisher95's Avatar
I hate how this happens. I will subscribe to anyone either level 1 or 100. But at least the moderators and Cyprezz don't judge by level. I know Cyprezz subscribe's to a couple level 1 people and yet, he even subscribes to disco_, the highest level person on PMC. DON'T JUDGE BY LEVEL PEOPLE!
03/25/2012 7:05 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Cake
adamufree's Avatar
Great article. +1 Diamond from me
03/25/2012 12:46 pm
Level 43 : Master Pixel Painter
PixelFury's Avatar
Little Kids. They ruin things and try to make us feel bad and then they try to make us make them feel great. Tsk tsk tsk. Nice blog heres a diamond.
03/25/2012 2:45 pm
Level 24 : Expert Dragon
nyancat45's Avatar
03/25/2012 3:31 pm
Level 43 : Master Pixel Painter
PixelFury's Avatar
lol how was what I said genius?
03/25/2012 7:44 am
Level 75 : Legendary Pirate
LordTrilobite's Avatar
1 - make awesome stuff
2 - post awesome stuff
3 - become more popular
4 - level up
5 - ????
6 - Profit!

Seriously though, it's sad that some people only look at someone's level instead of their actual skill. Things like that will never chance, some will always think they are better than other people regardless of what happens. It's best to just ignore people like that.
03/25/2012 1:20 am
Level 37 : Artisan Dragon
carvine1's Avatar
Its only agreeable to a certain point, True those "little kids" think their superior than you, leave them. If you are older than them, then you would know better that you will survive through all their futile effort to make themselves look better.
Those with high levels, downloads views and diamonds are great work of arts.
If you prove yourself to be better than others then people will like your work.
Just make something that is worthy of looking at and people will like them. Make something that isn't good to look at, whats the point of liking it? Texturepacks are the hardest way to gain recognition, best you start with projects then move to skins. then to texturepacks.(unless it is truly a new concept of idea).
Look at bohtauri for example. High quality work = High level.
03/25/2012 12:34 am
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
the_soup's Avatar
The only time I judge people on their levels is when someone makes a 'How to gain XP/Fame' tutorial blog and they're on level two or something (which is pretty common actually). In that situation I think it's justified.
03/25/2012 12:11 am
Level 21 : Expert Goblin
Windows7HomePremium's Avatar
Favorited, Subscribed, Diamonded.
03/24/2012 9:53 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Hunter
tiger1616's Avatar
I haven't experienced this, maybe because I am EXTREMELY new to PMC. Or maybe I'm just lucky. Either way, it should be stopped. If some random person says that the only stuff you can do is bad just because your new to PMC (not necessarily minecraft itself, notice) then they have lots to learn... You could have an ultra high level yet only play minecraft once a month or something, or a really low level 'cause they don't spend all their time postin things at each other, they spend it playing minecraft.

of course, if someone's work really is terrible, or you have actual HARD EVIDENCE of copying etc, then. It's not prejudice to tell them off.

Ok, rant over =)
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