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[Rant] Server Staff

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MehCraftStaff's Avatar MehCraftStaff
Level 26 : Expert Blockhead
Warning: If you are one of these people, READ.

Server Staff - A Rant by Meekle13

Again and again, I see absolute bulls**t claims on server applications. It absolutely makes me cringe, as when I have helped people do server staff interviews, these people arent who they say. Im here to speak what I think is actually happening

Part 1: Maturity Claims

When it comes to younger people, most of them claim "Highly Mature" or "Very Mature" etc. This is my largest pet peeve, only because I know half of the time it is not true. Now, when I look for maturity, I have 3 signs that tell me.

1. High-voice and constant giggling

Seeing as I have looked over many applications, and have spoken with applicants in real-time, I look for this trait. Necessarily it doesnt mean that you are immature, but after a while, you can become annoying, and start to piss people off. Trust me, I used to be like this, when I changed I got more Admin offers.

2. Asks the same questions over and over

This really bothers me. When you have someone that doesnt listen to you, or pay attention, you have an issue. What server owners look for in staff is the fact that they can tell them to do something without any questions asked, allowing a highly efficent server and staff.

3. Fooling around ALL the time

Honestly, this "mature" person isnt if they are constantly singing the Trololol song, or just being a plain idiot. Seriously, this happens.

Part 2: "Im EPIC at building!"

When someone says they are epic at building, you normally ask for pics. NO. The other day I saw a LEVEL 1 account claim to have made something seen on Bebopvox's channel the day before. I right away knew it was fake. The sad thing was that the server owner believed this bulls**t and accepted the applicant. It is absolutely horrible how people would sink THAT low for a position. I have my applicants build something for me to believe them.

1. Being able to build with "expensive materials"

This makes me extremely mad when people believe that because their buildings are made up of diamond, gold, emerald, etc. blocks, it automatically makes them a good builder. No, it does not. Just because you could make a house that could be built with wood out of diamond doesnt make you a good builder, it just makes you stupid and gullible.

2. Square houses

What annoys me even more than building with high end materials is building plain, unoriginal homes. Seeing as I was taught by someone on the Voxel Box, it makes me so very mad when people think that a square represents the highest architectural design, it does not. A good building is one that cannot be classified as a polygon because there are so many well designed neat edges in it.

Part 3: "iM sm@rT!"

When you have to claim you are smart, it usually means you arent. A smart person would allow the server owner to see that they are intelligent and capable of handling a high responsibility job.

Part 4: "Perfect" Application

There is absolutely no such thing as the perfect application. When asked for negative things, most "mature" (younger) people claim to not have any flaws, only for you to hire them, and find out how big of idiots they actually are, and how much of a liar they are.

1. Perfect = Liar

If you have a perfect application, it is a walking contradiction. There is no way in the world that you are such a goody two-shoes that you have never been banned, or done something stupid. Being perfect is a lie, so you through the whole "Im trustworthy" out the door when you do this.

Part 5: "I wuZ oP/AdmIn/MoD on leik 10 servurs!"

This absolutely pisses myself and "co-workers" off. When most people say theyve modded/admined on other servers, it is one of two things: A. A friend treated them like a king. or B. They are counting the servers they have been banned on. Seriously kids, I know NO 12 year old who is mature enough to LEGIT land 5 staff jobs.

Part 6: "I have NEVR been banned!"

Seriously? Listen, EVERYONE has been banned. There is no doubt in that. When looking for people to join servers, owners ask this, but its ill-fated. I stand here astonished that Owners allow these "perfect" people as staff, only to get f**cked by their own stupidity. Seriously kids, you've been banned.

Please give credit to TOBEwORwNOTTOBE
for (most of) the next part

How to Avoid the Situation

Part 1: Maturity Claims
Just be your self cause your not going to act like i'm the wiser guy all day you should just strait up show who you really are and take it like a Mature person

Part 2: "Im EPIC at building!"
Your going to need to show more then a picture and a video you have skills. Ask the person what they would like you to build in your world on your own and showing it. Then prove that you built it by showing a picture of your charter building it over time or a video of you doing it over time.

Part 3: "iM sm4rT!"

Everyone is smart in some respect, so just stick to what I said on part one.

Part 4: "Perfect" Application
This is just absolutely BS they are shoving at you. It obviously shows this person wishes to show themselves are much better than other applicants, but they are the worst, because they cannot tell the truth.

Part 5: "I wuZ oP/AdmIn/MoD on leik 10 servurs!"
There no need to say this. If you want to relate you skills of being an Admin/Mod then have the last server owner contact the new server owner that your trying to impress. If the newer owner like what he hears then you might get lucky but don't depend on that. It also doesnt matter because you could have been banned for abuse of power.

Part 6: "I have NEVUR been banned!"
Its a cruel world and sometime you will get banned for the littlest thing and for no reason. However you can say what actions you did to help keep a server clean and free of griefers and that would either want to make the owner to make the same action and/or give you more of a chance to become staff.

This last thing I say is that no matter what you say or do your going to need more then one thing to help aid you to a better chance of becoming a staff member.

Staff in Place

Part 1: Contradicting staff

Just because your a staff member doesnt mean you dont have to follow the rules. A lot of staff (Even I have at one point) constantly break the server rules, such as chatspam, excessive language, greifing (when not allowed) and misusing commands. This makes the owner look bad, and other staff.

Part 2: Inactive Staff

We all know that sometimes people have to do things, and we admire that, but there is one problem. When you see people constantly active in the community of other games/servers, and they havent been on your server in a while, it makes you wonder. Finally, they come back expecting the same power and authority. Thats just a no.

I hope you enjoyed my rant! Feel free to add you opinion in the comments and drop a diamond if you like it that much!
CreditJimbobt123, TOBEwORwNOTTOBE

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by MehCraftStaff 11/23/2012 8:18:34 pmNov 23rd, 2012

Fixed grammatical and spelling errors, reformatted some parts.

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02/10/2013 10:32 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Nerd
ReaCraft's Avatar
I'm a good kid, I've been staff, & a good member.
12/10/2012 6:31 pm
Level 29 : Expert Fisherman
BattlingApollo's Avatar
Excellent rant, covers a lot of topics. Your opinion was very nicely stated.
11/15/2012 2:58 pm
Level 41 : Master Pixel Painter
jboyz3's Avatar
Nice rant mike, I agree.
06/20/2012 1:13 pm
Level 45 : Master Blueberry
xxbuggjuicexx's Avatar
But I never have been banned because I only play on my server....
03/27/2012 7:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
How to solve these problems

Part 1: Maturity Claims
Just be your self cause your not going to act like i'm the wiser guy all day you should just strait up show who you really are and take it like a Mature person

Part 2: "Im EPIC at building!"
Your going to need to show more then a picture and a video you have skills. Ask the person what they would like you to build in your world on your own and showing it. Then prove that you built it by showing a picture of your charter building it over time or a video of you doing it over time.

Part 3: "iM sm@rT!"
Everyone is smart. So just stick to what i said on part one

Part 4: "Perfect" Application
True that cause no one is Perfect. All you would have to do is Say everything that good and bad about you cause it show that you are not afraid of show who you are.

Part 5: "I wuZ oP/AdmIn/MoD on leik 10 servurs!"
There no need to say this. If you want to relate you skills of being an Admin/Mod then have the last server owner contact the new server owner that your trying to impress. If the newer owner like what he hears then you mite get lucky but don't depend on that.

Part 6: "I have NEVUR been banned!"
Its a cruel world and sometime you will get banned for the littlest thing and for no reason. However you can say what actions you did to help keep a server clean and free of griefers and that would either want to make the owner to make the same action and/or give you more of a chance to become staff.

This last thing I say is that no matter what you say or do your going to need more then one thing to help aid you to a better chance of becoming a staff member.
03/27/2012 5:14 pm
Level 41 : Master Pixel Painter
jboyz3's Avatar
Lol, hey mike I'M A EPIC BUILDER!! Just Kidding.
03/27/2012 10:21 am
Level 1 : New Modder
jimbobt123's Avatar
How in the hell did I ever hire you? xD

Meh, you have changed, but you ticked every one of those boxes except the building one when you first applied. But yeah, you should probably add the whole "Derp, I used to be a mod/admin on other servers", then find out they were banned from said server for being a total c*nt.
03/24/2012 8:28 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
Cotton's Avatar
+1 Diamond for you!
03/24/2012 8:27 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Mage
noobyburger's Avatar
i totally agree i hate server staff these days, and then when they get a ban they put in the ban appeal "but i didn't do anything, it was my brother!!!!"
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