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RANT: Respectful and Grammatically Correct? I don't think so.

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jadewares's Avatar jadewares
Level 56 : Grandmaster Vampire
(the picture is me at a crafting table because I work hard on all my skins, and you work in a crafting table... c: )

Alright, so I know none of my skins are perfect. In all honesty, there is still ways I can improve, from the shading to the colors. But, whenever you comment, request a skin, or anything along those lines, be RESPECTFUL. 
I honestly cannot tell you some of the rude comments that have been thrown my way somehow. And, I know, most of them weren't intentional--it was just a bit of feedback not put in the nicest of forms. But, let's be honest here: 
Do I really have to do something so time consuming for such a rude person?
If you want me to make something for you or consider anything, be polite. Use correct grammar, or at least try. Nobody's grammar is perfect, but I am grammar fanatic. People who use "u" instead of "you" or "r" instead of "are" and "2" and "4" instead of "to" and "for" really anger me. It all reads really strange inside my head, and it makes me think that a two-year-old is typing to me. People who don't capitalize or use apostrophies also don't settle with me well, but those are things I can look past. It's the way people use letters and numbers for words that should be spelled out that really gets me out of whack. Here are some tips on how to seem more good at grammar, just so it looks better:
  • Capitalize the first letter of every sentence--it makes it easier to understand. DO NOT, however, Capitalize Every Letter Likes This. 
  • Please spell out your words. Don't type like this: "wat r u doin 2day?" That really annoys tons of people.
  • Please try not to confuse there, they're, their, whose, who's, your, and you're up. Although even I do it sometimes, just try your best. Nobody's gonna hold anything against you, but it will definately help you if you at least try.
  • Try to use apostrophies, but you don't need to. It is fine to understand a word without it, but it just makes you seem more creditable or reliable.
And, now here is a saying I like to go by:

Thank you for taking your time to read my little rant. I just wanted to get my point on grammar and politeness across to the members of PMC, as some don't really have much experience with it. Respect is a rule at my school, and everywhere I go. Why shouldn't it be here?
-I don't know how to close this-
That is all, I guess..

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12/02/2014 6:55 am
Level 38 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
umbreon567's Avatar
I can really understand the rude part. Seriously it seems like everyone I play on Hive with is a complete asshole. It's especially bad if you have a girl skin. Thr grammar doesn't really bother me though. It only bothers me if they sound like a complete idiot like "omg u 2cewl4 meh #sweg" or something along those lines.
07/10/2014 3:57 am
Level 48 : Master Botanist
Sbia's Avatar
can we just tolerate people's writing styles and not complain as much
i mean like is that hard
people might have trouble writing in proper english and etc
i really don't see why all you grammar people think it has something to do with respect for audience
honestly you're providing something for the audience to read so like
they should be the ones who should be grateful
sure you might find it better if there's grammar but still
07/10/2014 5:36 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
CheatSource's Avatar
Do you post the SAME EXACT thing at every blog relating to grammar?...
07/10/2014 8:18 pm
Level 48 : Master Botanist
Sbia's Avatar
nah just these two they were the most prominent and i wantedt o see how people responded
07/09/2014 7:25 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
CheatSource's Avatar
This is my number one favorite blog, touching the subject of grammar. I've mentioned you multiple times on my most popular blog. You inspired me to make it. :D
Also, quick question, what animator did you use for the thumbnail?
07/09/2014 1:20 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Vampire
jadewares's Avatar
I just used Novaskin Wallpaper 'cause I'm a lazy person. xD And yey~ :D Thanks, that means a lot.
07/10/2014 5:37 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
CheatSource's Avatar
Lawl, mine are custom. By the way, your gifs made me want to watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood a fourth time. :P
07/08/2014 9:07 am
Level 26 : Expert Grump
IceCream_Sundae's Avatar
I've got to memorise that quotation for future use.
07/08/2014 11:33 am
Level 28 : Expert Narwhal
Cyco_Creeper's Avatar
07/07/2014 6:17 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Network
Chippy3000's Avatar
I do agree with you about commenting with grammar on here. Especially when your trying to get something from somebody like a skin or to meet you on a server. Though, in minecraft i prefer the other way for the sake of chatting fast. :3
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