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Raffles: How To Make One Correctly

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Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar Havingfun_ISKEY
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Raffles: How To Make One Correctly
Raffles: How To Make One Correctly
Raffles: How To Make One Correctly

Why all the controversial blogs?!?!?!?!?!
I know, I know, I have been making a lot of blogs lately that a lot of PMC members may not agree with. Some of you might even think of me as a "moderator's pet" or a "snitch", or even trying to become a moderator myself.

The reason why I have been making so many blogs like this lately is because the PMC community needs to become aware. I'm on PMC literally every day, whether it be on weekends or after school, and over the past eight months I've seen it happen more than once. Not only that, but the last cases I have seen are extremely recent, which shows that it's still an issue. Many of you think of me as the Blogging Queen of PMC. People notice my blogs, and read them. I'm speaking up, not just for the moderators, but for everybody who uses this website and wants it to be a great place.

And I think it may actually be working, too. For example, when I posted my "Interviewing - The REAL Issues" blog, several people PMed me asking for advice on interviews, which made me really pleased that people were actually paying attention to what I was saying. Or, when I made my "Blogging - What NOT to Post (Forum-related only)" blog, the massive influx of rule-breaking blogs decreased dramatically for over a week (I am not kidding). It's nice to know that what I say is actually being taken into consideration by other people, whether they agree or disagree with it.

As for the whole "moderator" thing...no. Am I an active reporter? Yes. Do I make blogs about PMC rules. I guess so. But I don't do it for myself; this is also explained in my FAQ on my profile. I do what I do because I care. I want PMC to be as good as it can be, and I want to help out. Sometimes, it even feels like I am alone in doing so. It's nice to know that I am being somewhat relied on here, but I don't do it for any selfish reasons at all.

Not to mention, the moderators aren't foolish - they know when somebody is trying to suck up to them. Posting blogs and reporting things to get on their good side won't earn me any brownie points with them - they'd just become suspicious.

A lot of people have said that I deserve to become a moderator and wish they could vote. But it's not that simple. There are so many things that the current moderators have done to prove themselves that I probably haven't. They have double the experience an eight-month-old PMC member does. I'm really just doing what any loyal member PMC member should do - follow the rules, be respectful of all members, and report submissions and posts. Whether they think I'm worthy of being moderator or not is none of our business. If you think I deserve to be a moderator...I appreciate it, but I'm not sure I'm even half the member most of them probably were before promotion.

Thanks again for reading. Stay salty my friends, bye. :)

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03/17/2016 5:52 pm
Level 27 : Expert Sweetheart
Exoh's Avatar
Not a fan of the huge images and font style..
03/14/2016 1:38 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Nice blog as always just a few things (as always as well :P):

1.Decrease the size of the text, I know you've been told this a lot but just do it XD.
2. You can't really restrict people from saying comment if you want to enter, because really that's just 1XP and a lot of times you might have jokes on the comments which would also give you 1XP, you can't really expect someone to PM the person who's hosting the contest because the person might get annoyed a LOT as well :P, I totally agree with the "Diamond to Enter" not being allowed part though.
3.Raffles shouldn't even be done on Skins or Projects, they should be done on Forums which rules out your blog in a completly different state.
03/14/2016 11:39 am
Level 22 : Expert Network
YTCereal's Avatar
I can't read.

to large..
03/16/2016 8:03 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Not willing to make a TL:DR, sorry.
03/14/2016 12:14 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Botanist
ghostfaerie's Avatar
I understand you trying to help and explain how to make a fair raffle that follows the rules of pmc. That's great and all- but don't you think it's a tad bit unfair for you to have a media cover calling two members out? Sure you didn't mention them but the fact that you have people as the cover makes it seem like a call out blog. I mean the least that could be done is blurring out their names as well as the skins or titles and leaving the whole (raffle) part to get your point across. If you don't have photoshop feel free to message me and I can blur the names out for you :))
03/14/2016 6:58 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Thanks, I'll think about it. The caption was put up to avoid that, but oh well.
03/14/2016 2:11 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Botanist
ghostfaerie's Avatar
Yeah unfortunately people see things they want to see it and with the way that names are in the actual cover, people will think its directed at them.
03/13/2016 4:37 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Lipse's Avatar
Yeah, I just recently had to change my raffle skin because I said you had to comment to enter.
I wasn't trying to get more xp out of it, I literally just didn't cross my mind to say "PM me if you want to enter" lol

And tbh I really enjoy these blogs. They've helped not only me, but my friend Sundara as well x3

Stay salty
03/13/2016 2:31 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Kitten
Seabro's Avatar
thats some biiiiig text ya have there matey
03/13/2016 5:33 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
As a non-skinner I simply wonder what a 'raffle' in general is. So could you explain that as not everyone here is a skinner?
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