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QnA Questions

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Veillax's Avatar Veillax
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
So, i've been putting interviews in The Weekly Wolf every time I write one, so to save on time, i'll put the questions in here and y'all can read them he-
Trending? Whaaaaaa?
If you want to use these questions, go ahead and ask TheCrypteral, but i assume that he's fine w/ it.

1. To get started : What is your favorite month of the year?

2. How did you first find PMC?

3. What were the first things you did when you first joined?

4. Is there anyone that really helped you in the beginning?

5. Who is your biggest supporter as of now?

6. On a scale of 1-10, how good is the Community side of PMC?

7. On a scale of 1-10, how good is the Minecraft side of PMC?

8. On a scale of 1-10, how popular do you think you are on the Community side of PMC?

9. On a scale of 1-10, how good do you think you are at Minecraft?

10. How often do you actually play Minecraft?

11. What kind of content do you like to see on PMC?

12. What is the Spoooooooooookiest thing you've watched this year?

13. What is the Spoooooookiest thing you'd suggest to others?

14. What is the best part of Spooktober in your opinion?

15. What is the worst part of Spooktober in your opinion?

16. Is there anything you would personally add to PMC for when Spooktober happens each year? Why?

17.Who is your favorite member to talk to on PMC? (This has nothing to do with the quality of the person, just who you talk to the most)

18. Is there anyone on PMC that you would highly suggest people check out?

19. What, in your opinion, is the worst part of PMC?

20. What, in your opinion, is the best part of PMC?

21. What would you add to PMC if you could?

22. What is your favorite corner of PMC?

23. What skin, if you have any, is your favorite?

24. What skin, if you have any, is your least favorite?

25. Who do you think is the most influential on PMC? (other than people like Cyprezz)

26. Who do you think has become the most involved on the community side of PMC?

27. What group that you're a part of, if any, is your favorite?

28. Do you have any IRL friends on PMC? (you don't have to answer this one)

(now time for the basic questions)

29. What is your favorite hobby/activity to do other than other video games?

30. What is your favorite book?

31. What is your favorite movie/show?

32. What is your favorite game (board, video, or otherwise)?

33. What is your favorite food?

34. What is your favorite color?

35. How do you think your involvement in PMC has changed you, if at all?

36. Is there any nickname given to you or made by you that you like?

37. What clique would you be in, if any?

38. What do you think your inevitable PMC fall will be from?

39. Do you have anything you'd like to tell all other PMC members?

40. Who else do you think should be interviewed? (@ mention them if possible)

41. 1-10 How bad was this interview?

42. What other questions do you think would be good to ask?

43: Anything you want to tell the readers?

I might put the responses that end up in the comments into my newsletter
(Thanks to TheCrypteral for making these and letting me use these!)

Create an account or sign in to comment.

04/11/2023 2:47 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragonborn
Moxks's Avatar

Stumbled upon it

Liked all my friends posts (Yes, ALL of them)

Nope, still consider myself beginning tbh

ehuh nobody

I'd say a seven, or eight, because I don't see little kids on here, but it also feels pretty bland

nine out of ten for the "Minecraft" side of PMC, very good

100 Im so popular and coolz

Getting all my skills together probably a six (pvp really drags it down, but normally id say a seven)

I take breaks and get on kicks, cant really say

Funny memes or good builds most likely

I watched a man overdose on drugs hocus pocus


I have no opinions on spooktober

I have no opinions on spooktober

I have no opinions on spooktober

Not really anyone, but I quite enjoy reading Diiby's opinions

Just anyone who's good at building cool shit

PMC is all around a decent alternative for mainstream social media outlets, but I'd say the lack of Minecraft on a Minecraft forum would be the worst part

All the funnys and Minecraft builds

I might make it more mobile friendly, but thats about it

I have no opinions on my skins

I have no opinions on my skins

People with the funnys and people with the influence

Nobody I know

The idea of irl friends on here suggests i have irl friends

I love doing ur mom

Current favorite book is probably gonna be "House Of Leaves," because i have yet to read it

My favorite movie/show is literally anything that isnt absolute shit that i enjoyed

Its impossible to pick just one

Ketchup covered mustard filled lasagna tasting donut cream

₰•₳₣ is quite a nice color

I made friends and posted funnys

Moxks is quite nice

My inevitable fall was most likely from lack of wanting to keep this updated

this is the most tame alternate social media site on the market

nobody comes to mind

decent, five stars

nothing comes to mind that is sfw

please help me im criminally insane
04/10/2023 2:00 pm
She/Her • Level 28 : Expert Explorer Pixel Painter
SynthesizedEcho's Avatar
1: probably November or any other fall months!

2: i saw a lot of my friends on skindex had a pmc, so i decided to see what it was and ended up joining

3: i actually dont remember, i think i had set up my sorta profile theme first

4: not really sure, i just sorta winged it!

5: probably my brother <3

6: i would say a 9!

7: im not really sure tbh, havent seen much of that part

8: probably a 4-5

9: i would say an 8 overall

10: depends on my mood! there have been times where i have gone months with out playing, and times like now where im at least on on weekends, and times where im on daily! but on average i would say im on fairly often

11: i like seeing the wall posts and skins! i love seeing the randomness ppl post on their walls sometimes

12: honestly im not sure, i dont watch many spooky things, other then vids on how spookily terrible some movies are, hahah

13: not sure tbh, refer to 12

14: spooktober? what was that again... idk! i dont do many things like that and the last time one would've been going on i wasn't really active! so i really dont een know what spooktober is about
15: refer to 14

16: refer to 14

17: hm... probably wolftrr or thqtend3rgurl! while i dont chat with them directly here often i do talk to them a lot elsewhere :>

18: the ones i mentioned above 🔫

19: probably the chat, sure its nice but imo it could use a bit of a makeover
20: the ability to edit skins after posting!!! its the main reason i moved here! its so nice to not have to look at something 20 times before posting cus you cant change it with out reposting it

22: probably the groups! while i have yet to get one of my own going well its amazing to see some of the coordination of groups

23: hm... not sure! theres a lot of really cool skins out there
24: none

25: not sure really

26: also not sure

27: the chaos legion! it used to be run by a friend of mine, who is now inactive here, so it has a new leader, regardless i like how the group is going now that its not dead lmao

28: nope! i actually dont have any irl friends so uh

29: art! i love doing all sorts of art, and i have since i was little!

30: probably A Wrinkle in Time or the Narnia series! i haven't finished the Narnia ones (im on book 3!, i also lost, book 3, eheh) nor the time ones (i think i was on book 3 or 4? its been a while), ive been fond of these books for a while now

31: Kipo and the Age of the Wonder Beasts! i also like Carmen Sandiego, the how to train your dragon stuff, and many others

32: hm.. probably Asphalt 9! i like racing

33: this ones tricky, it really depends, i would say bacon or toast!

34: green all the way, blue comes in close second

35: im not really sure, it at least taught me no one is gonna care if i have a decent posting schedule or not so why try to force myself to do something i have no motivation for

36: i like the nickname Neo (one i gave to myself), but i also find the nickname 'Leef' and 'leaf eater' hilarious, after my character in a roleplay ate a few random leaves (shes a sorta bird/human so i thought it fit at the time) a few friends gave me the nickname and it sorta spread around, i have yet to shake it lmao

37: probably none, i really dont fit into things liek that, im my own thing B)

38: probably when life gets in the way, i may have tons of free time now but who knows if i will in the future

39: uhhhhh, yall are cool, and, yall make really cool stuff, and i hope you have a good day :>

40: perhaps Moxks

41: (idk how this goes so going from 10 being worst) id say 3, its cool, but goodness its long

42: not sure

43: *long pause having no idea what to say* ... ✨e
04/10/2023 2:06 pm
She/Her • Level 28 : Expert Explorer Pixel Painter
SynthesizedEcho's Avatar
correction, ShadowOnTheLoose along with my brother both are great suporters as of current :>
04/10/2023 12:37 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Procrastinator
FluffyGuy201's Avatar
1: December. Cause Christmas!

2: Saw my sis make an account so i jumped in too.

3: Don't really remember!

4: My sister.

5: My sister. (should i be tagging them or)

6: 5.

7: 10.

8: 1.

9: 6.

10: Around a few times a week or so.

11: Mods.

12: Dunno.

13: Honestly, maybe Doors on Roblox or something.

14: Halloween!

15: Getting ripoff or terrible candy.

16: Maybe candy on the pages. Whoever has the most till November 5th wins!

17: @NeonChaos.

(dunno how to @ ppl)

18. NeonChaos.

19: The community! Like, some parts are good, but some are bad!

20: The epic skins!

21: Nothin' on me rn.

22: The awesome fanskins!

23: ~ h // fanskin for my little brother ~ This one.

24: None is my least fav. Nothing.

25: @xaero968

26: None rn.

27: I'm only in 2 groups, and both are inactive, so none.

28: No comment.

29: Cubing. I'm a total n00b at it but yeah.

30: The Harry Potter seiries.

31: Oddballs.

32: Roblox.

33: Pasta!

34: Cyan!

35: No comment. Hasn't affected me.

36: Fluffy.

37: (what was a clique again? oh) None.

38: Map-making. Based off of this meme: 'SOMETIMES MAYBE GOOD SOMETIMES MAYBE S**T'

39: No comment.

40: N3onCha0s.

41: 5.

42: Dunno.

43: I've been @floofydoggo1275, and goodbye!

Phew! That was a lot of questions.
04/10/2023 1:01 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
04/10/2023 1:10 pm
She/Her • Level 28 : Expert Explorer Pixel Painter
SynthesizedEcho's Avatar
hello there
10/26/2022 4:06 pm
He/Him • Level 47 : Master Sweetheart Kitten
6138's Avatar
I dont know and dont think I was supposed to do this, but i dont care lol

1. To get started : What is your favorite month of the year? December :)

2. How did you first find PMC? Around when I was 8 I only used 1 specific type of skin, and in my search to find this skin, I found PMC

3. What were the first things you did when you first joined? When I made my account I posted some badly made animal crossing skins.

4. Is there anyone that really helped you in the beginning? Nope

5. Who is your biggest supporter as of now? Uhh... snowyvulpixes and Greppi

6. On a scale of 1-10, how good is the Community side of PMC? mmm... 8/10. Im mainly just here to make skins :)

7. On a scale of 1-10, how good is the Minecraft side of PMC? again, 8/10?

8. On a scale of 1-10, how popular do you think you are on the Community side of PMC? 2/10. I don't really participate in community events too often

9. On a scale of 1-10, how good do you think you are at Minecraft? 10/10 baby B)

10. How often do you actually play Minecraft? Honestly, only when my friends play it.

11. What kind of content do you like to see on PMC? Skins, art, photos, everything really

12. What is the Spoooooooooookiest thing you've watched this year? Nightmare on Elm Street 3

13. What is the Spoooooookiest thing you'd suggest to others? The f***ing Conjuring. I was watching the movie in complete darkness at night, when my black cat jumped up on my sofa's arm and scared the f out of me.

14. What is the best part of Spooktober in your opinion? Updoots :)

15. What is the worst part of Spooktober in your opinion? The pumpkin thingy

16. Is there anything you would personally add to PMC for when Spooktober happens each year? Why? No, not really

17.Who is your favorite member to talk to on PMC? (This has nothing to do with the quality of the person, just who you talk to the most) I dont talk to anyone on pmc that much lol. I respond to Snuffy's comments a lot

18. Is there anyone on PMC that you would highly suggest people check out? snowyvulpixes Greppi Nitgo , and many others! Theres too many to count!

19. What, in your opinion, is the worst part of PMC? The toxic people.

20. What, in your opinion, is the best part of PMC? The nice, supportive people!

21. What would you add to PMC if you could? A better way to submit images

22. What is your favorite corner of PMC? The furry side

23. What skin, if you have any, is your favorite? Raymond by Hello Blueshell its so cute with the huge glasses!

24. What skin, if you have any, is your least favorite? i ran out of ideas :( | ce by yours truly i hate this skin

25. Who do you think is the most influential on PMC? (other than people like Cyprezz) Nitgo

26. Who do you think has become the most involved on the community side of PMC? I dont really know.

27. What group that you're a part of, if any, is your favorite? The PMC artist community theres so many good artists here!

28. Do you have any IRL friends on PMC? (you don't have to answer this one) No

(now time for the basic questions)

29. What is your favorite hobby/activity to do other than other video games? Doodling on the sides of school papers rather than actually doing them

30. What is your favorite book? I hate books, so Dr Seuss's 1 Fish 2 Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

31. What is your favorite movie/show? uh... Beastars :))

32. What is your favorite game (board, video, or otherwise)? Metro Exodus, is too good

33. What is your favorite food? This specific cheese bread from this specific place

34. What is your favorite color? Pastel Pink <3

35. How do you think your involvement in PMC has changed you, if at all? I don't think it did honestly.

36. Is there any nickname given to you or made by you that you like? Avery / Tam

37. What clique would you be in, if any? The one im in right now with all of my friends. I dont think I could have a better friend group than I do right now.

38. What do you think your inevitable PMC fall will be from? Inactivity

39. Do you have anything you'd like to tell all other PMC members? Dont be scared to post your skins. We all start from somewhere.

40. Who else do you think should be interviewed? (@ mention them if possible) dont know

41. 1-10 How bad was this interview? 9/10

42. What other questions do you think would be good to ask? Favorite cheese type

43: Anything you want to tell the readers? Have fun with life and be yourself :)
10/26/2022 7:41 pm
He/Him • Level 54 : Grandmaster Fox Artist
snowyvulpixes's Avatar
thank you for mentioning me in this! i really enjoyed reading it :3
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