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Poultry Press & Blog

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chickenpants93's Avatar chickenpants93
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
Welcome to Poultry Press & Blog!
Here we post interviews and occasionally blogs as well!


Vonk Interview! - CONIDAE


A Vonk interview


Hi I’m here to ask you a few questions!

not in a police investigation kind of way but as one of the first interviews from the Poultry Press & Blog
Poultry Press & Blog

in case you haven’t heard, The Poultry Press is my new project that aims to interview PMCers in a fun and new way!
so if it’s okay with you, can we talk about your new project?

CONIDAE seems to have caught PMC by storm, so we want to catch you while we can for a few questions.

hello yes please ask away

So to start off, what is the world of CONIDAE and what do they do?

In the universe where CONIDAE exists, those who are unlucky enough to be very traumatized are lucky to get their powers awakened. When they gain their powers, the CONIDAE organization sweeps them up and trains them to use their power for the greater good. There is no other kind of military around the world, only the ones that hold power defend.

Pretty scuffed, I do say so myself.

Well first off, let me say this is a very good story idea, and I’m happy to say I made a character for the event. (Which by the way future readers, yooooou can too and I’ll link it at the end)

But if it’s not too much of a spoiler for your future story, What are they fighting against? Lone villains? An organization maybe?


I see! Well I personally can’t wait to read about it.
What’s life like for the typical employee of CONIDAE? And is there a rank system? If so, how is it ranked?

Life is pretty simple, after the usual CONIDAE employee is trained they just live life as usual and go out working on some occasions. They do have to wear the cloaks or at least something that holds in their powers.

There are 3 levels/ranks for CONIDAE (as of now), the normal employee (what everyone is making rn), trainers, and administration. The most powerful employees make it to the trainer rank, and they help new employees harness their powers.

Sounds pretty cool!

Speaking of powers, you mentioned above that the power is caused by trauma, is the power greater with higher trauma? And in that case, can extremely traumatized victims even control their ability’s?

Well since power is gained by giving the user a way to solve their trauma (ex. wanting to know if people talk about you behind your back = telepathy) I'd say yes. It really matters on what happened. Some people might be so traumatized and just get water powers.

As for controlling powers... we'll see :)

Makes sense! Annnd it makes for interesting character development.
I know this question is already fairly public, but how did you come up with the name of the organization? And what does it have to do with the organization itself?

google it :)

: )

Well yes I already did, but hey! You readers should too! Research is good for you and journalists are far too overworked and underpaid pal.
nah I’m just kidding, I’ll link it here!

but now vonk it is time

for the FINAL question

the most important of all

the one that EVERYONE is wondering

Just how many buildings HAVE you burned down you self proclaimed arsonist?

I'd go on poultrysmp if you wanna find out the answer, chickenman :)

I see!

well folks it seem this reporter may have water powers soon! Thanks for reading.
drown ya later vonk! Thanks for answering.
Join Conidae

Rae Interview!


wanna do an interview?

ooh sure beyond the grave cp! :D

great! Welcome to the third interview of the poultry press and blog!


before we get to some of our bigger questions, tell us a bit about yourself! What do you do here on pmc?

Thank you! For the most part, I'm an artist. I submit a lot of art through wallposts and the occasional submission with some photography and writing mixed in. I build a lot in Minecraft, but those builds don't usually get posted to PMC. I also am the creator of the Waffle Comics, a collection of comics centered around the Whiteout SMP.

I do wanna get to the waffle smp in a minute, but while we’re on the subject, what’s your favorite creation youv made? (Art, Build, Both even!)

It's hard to pick just one, I do a lot of different types of art between the builds, the traditional and digital art, and even a little costume design, but I'm really proud of how this piece turned out. I surprised myself in a way, I didn't really know I could make something that looked like that haha.

That’s awesome!

Your a very talented artist, but I’ve also heard your a bit of a writer as well! wether it’s whiteoutSMP or The Stuck, can you tell us a bit about them?

Thank you!
  I've helped out as a writer in the Whiteout/Poultry SMP for a while now. The main arc I worked on was the Flower arc. Here are the basics of how the story went: Moltenoni gave Rae (the characters, not the people) a Wither Rose when he first met her. As the flower grew, it gained sentience and a desire to survive and choose a host to further its growth. Since Rae was its caretaker, it chose her. Chicken (the character) and Molten began to notice changes in Rae's behavior and confronted her about it. Chicken's approach was fairly soft while molten's was to chase Rae with a chainsaw, after which she fled and went into hiding for several weeks. Chicken found a book at his house that Rae wrote asking him to come to help her. When Chicken came to the location specified in the note, he found that the flower had grown much larger and was draining Rae's life. Chicken attempted to kill the flower by cutting the head off and pulling it through a portal. He hasn't been seen since. (do you happen to have a screenshot of the Flower that we could insert here lol)

  The Stuck is a world I created based on the idea that nearly every missing person on Earth fell to a place called the Stuck. There are four kingdoms in the Stuck, all with different forms of government and people groups. One of these people groups, currently dubbed 'Naughties,' though that's more of a placeholder name, is trying to get back to Earth headed by their leader Malo. He's willing to go to any lengths to return his people home, even if it requires messing with the stability of the entire Stuck. Also, there's magic. I could go on for ages, but I expect most people don't have several hours to read this interview. xD

That’s all really cool!

I know i personally am a big fan of the flower arc (obviously)
and I honestly can’t wait to hear more about The Stuck! I think you got a really nice plot going there!

do you have any advice for anyone who might want to get into art or writing?

To get into anything, I think you have to recognize that your first creation is going to be bad. The Wright Brothers technically built one of the worst operational airplanes ever, but history commended them for their efforts because they did it first. If you put in the time and practice, you're going to get better. Something I've found as well is that when I work on a project with friends collaboratively, or even just go to my friends with my art or writing and ask for honest feedback, that's when I really find out what I need to work on improving and I can usually figure out through their help how to actually improve said thing.

I wholeheartedly agree!

working with friends on projects is EXTREMELY helpful

So where do you think your going in the future? In 2-3 years where do you see yourself?

Well in 2-3 years I'll probably be in college. Not sure if I'll be going to art school or something else, I don't have everything figured out yet haha! I plan to at least keep doing art as a hobby if not as a job. Speaking of jobs, I probably won't be working in the floral department by then. As for PMC, I hope I'll still be active here. I imagine I'll tell lots of stories in the next few years both collaboratively and independently. Maybe I'll even start streaming or making a comic! :D

I can see you doing really well in those areas honestly!

our interview is nearly over, but I have one last final very very important question

what’s your favorite fish?

I really like the Japanese Pufferfish. They're pretty dull looking fish, (although since they're pufferfish it's an automatic win in my book,) but they create this really cool sand art to attract females that looks like this. I mean what's not to like about this little dude xD

except for the poison I guess

Everyone loves poison
anyways, thanks for the interview! It’s time to type this up before I return to the land of the dead!

See you all there very very soon.

Bye! Enjoy the land of the dead! Ring me up if you need any assistance from a necromancer

SUBSCRIBE TO -Rae- deactivated

Creative Kylee Interview!

About three months ago, I created my own blog titled “The Poultry Press & Blog”
I figured that it is only fitting of me to interview you, especially since your the whole reason I started the thing lol

so is that cool with you?

Yeah go for it mate!


well to start off, tell us a bit about yourself!
what do you do here on pmc?

I make Minecraft skins-

Fair, but you also draw, and you have a youtube channel!
can you share a few of your favorites as well as where people can find your art?

Most of my art is on my Instagram, or my YouTube channel

My proudest animation would have to be my El Dorado one.

Here are some of my best artworks at the moment:

Poultry Press & Blog
Poultry Press & Blog

(Yes some of these are from my El Dorado animation 'cause I'm really proud of them-)

Wow those are really cool! (Love the lighting!)
do you have any advice for people who might be interested in art or animation?

For art, I'd say you could start with tutorials and such

But for animation. Just wing it and see if it's the right thing for you. The more you do it, the easier it gets.

That’s a good idea! I started a little bit of animation and thats worked for me so far as well
some may not know this, but last year you created something called the PMC Press, it’s been a while since it ended, have you done any more writing since?

I haven't really done much writing since the PMC Press. Maybe someday it'll be back, but it may take a while since I'm usually busy with other things.

heck i completely forgot about mine for three months lol

on the note of the future, where do you see yourself a year or two from now?

Animating on an animation tablet, hoping to be a big animator TvT

Ooo! Honestly sounds worth it, I recently got a new tablet for digital art and it’s worked really well for me
just two more questions!

what’s your favorite thing youv ever done on pmc, and what did you like about it?

My favorite thing I've ever done huh? Well, I'd have to say it was the moment I learned that you could copy and paste in the PMCSkin3D. A long time ago when I first started skinning, I had accidentally made a skin backwards and didn't know how to fix it. So, I made an entirely new PMC account (-No-But-Yes-) to make a forum thread to ask how to reverse it. I made the account because I was embarrassed to ask the question of how to turn the skin around. Then someone (The_Terminutter) told me about the copy and paste in the comments.

This information changed my skinning career forever. I could make skins faster than ever before. (Btw this also led to my discovery of the "Mirror" option, which helped me further on.) I enjoyed the process of turning the skin around.

(Btw what kind of tablet do you have?)

(O it’s an apple tablet, so not the type you connect to a computer, I use the procreate app!)


What’s your opinion of grapes?

Green grape = Best grape

SUBSCRIBE TO Creative_Kylee!!

Fishstacks Interview!

As you know, my name is Chickenpants93, but what you may NOT know/remember is that I own The Poultry Press!

We've been absolutely desperate for sales recently and this modern economy has really forced us to actually start doing our jobs! So we were wondering... You up for an interview?


Well FishStacks you're known on this website for many things, great texture packs and pixel art, hilarious wall posts, and also for being suuuper British!

So to start things off, tell us a bit about yourself!

Well, as you know I am FishStacks, the VERY AMERICAN PLANET MINECRAFT USER, and I make pixel art that I almost never finish and just end up feeding my singularity of a wip folder
and instead of the usual brain i just took mine out and filled it with a bunch of fish
which explains my wallposts

Sounds a lot like my strategy!
were gonna get back to that American thing later, but you mentioned your pixel art.
What's your process like for making the stuff you do finish? do you have a specific technique?

I have no process for pixel art tbh
I usually just start placing pixels and then if I manage to hit inspiration I keep going
Also doodling designs on paper can help, espically if you're bored in class (which for me is often)

Sounds a lot like my strategy too!
Gee its almost as if were the same person and this is a plot to gain subscribers on both my/our accounts
Speaking of us, its time to talk about race.

You British?



So whats the story of your texture pack? was it hard to make? is it fun?
any advice for a new texture pack creator?

Basically the story of StackPack is that uh
i saw other people making packs and I just went "i wanna do that"
and so i did
and yes its normally a lot of fun to make (dear god i hate grass) 

and advice? try and stay consistent and just do whatever you think nice, its worked out decently for me

whats up with seagulls?

french fry stealing criminals who need to realize tHAT WE LIVE HOURS FROM A MAJOR LAKE OR OCEAN WHY ARE THEY IN FRONT OF WALMART

That is incredibly fair
Where do you see yourself in a year? even a few years!
Either on pmc or otherwise, what are your plans?

Not really sure where I see myself anytime besides like a month in the future, but been trying to grow my Twitter account (and to try and reach for 1000 followers before my 2 year pmc anniversary in may)

But I will almost definitely be doing the same things I am now for a while

is there anything you'd like to say before we finish up? Anyone to shoutout or recommend for a future Interview?

yes! you should always remind yourself that I am digging up all of the pebbles in your front yard and putting them in your water pipes!

also, i would suggest interviewing lovfallande or stlMitch for their cursed mob skins and other posts!


And now for the final question

Whos Reba?

this. this is reba


CreditAll the people we interview! And the amazing pmc community.

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by chickenpants93 01/03/2022 5:00:10 pmJan 3rd, 2022

The Fishstacks Interview!

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01/04/2022 1:02 am
She/Her • Level 57 : Grandmaster Ranger Mountaineer
PsioPsia001's Avatar
Great new interview!

What's with this Oil?
01/04/2022 11:01 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
01/03/2022 6:29 pm
Level 44 : Master Grump
MisterGriimm's Avatar
Good stuff! Love it
01/03/2022 5:03 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Stack
FishStacks's Avatar
i would like to say reba there has nearly crashed my google browser like twice now
-Rae- deactivated
07/22/2021 2:24 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Sheep
-Rae- deactivated's Avatar
Great interview my dude!! and while green grapes are good, I prefer these cotton candy grapes we've gotten a few times. They're really sweet :D
07/23/2021 7:55 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Creative_Kylee's Avatar
07/08/2021 4:09 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Creative_Kylee's Avatar
Now THIS is a whole other level of pog!
07/22/2021 2:37 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
just got more pog!
(sorry i took so long to post it)
07/02/2021 2:43 pm
Level 45 : Master Button Pusher
LadyBerry's Avatar
Very cool interview I’m looking forward to more ;)
05/22/2021 2:40 pm
She/Her • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Zombie Princess
wow that moltenoni fella sure sounds cool!
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