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Pay for Staff?! [Rant]

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jakesoboy01's Avatar jakesoboy01
Level 38 : Artisan Caveman
So sups guys?! Well then, obviously I'm back for a bit till my next blog and anyways topic for this blog is people getting to pay for staff positions. Omg, I just realized I'm doing a lot of rants... I should probably stop that on my next blog. :3 Anyways, let's begin :D Jeez this topic really cranks meh.

What Staff Truly Is

We all know the importance of staff right? They're supposed to

administrate and moderate the server. Well many people who

apply probably don't know what that means so here's the definitions:

Administrate: to manage the operation of (something, such as a

company or government) or the use of (something, such as property)

Moderate: to make (something) less harsh, strong, or severe or to

become less harsh, strong, or severe.

These two positions are the most efficient positions and most spot

wanting to be taken. This is what owners offer players. They shouldn't

just be some nick knacks of people on the internet who are rich and stupid.

They should be well-deserved people and actually know how to run a server.

You should also be loyal and dedicated to servers.

Actual Rant

Now that I have told you about what being a staff member truly

means, time for the actual rant. Now this doesn't go out to

the people who buy it but the owners of the server who give out

this deal. I haven't owned a server but I have co-owned a few

that had some financial issues. I know what it feels like when no

one donates to the server and then you panic about the server

shutting down but you shouldn't be worrying if you just started out.

Now servers that have been around for at least a month and have'

an average player base of 5 - 10 people should be worrying. First of

all, why should you make a server if you aren't even that serious about

it getting griefed or some crap. Server owners should be very serious

about owning a server. It's not just about being gaining money and

screwing the server, it's about actually owning it. You really want some random

stranger and have moderator or admin abusing power? I certainly wouldn't. Maybe

you should even change the content of the server if you are actually serious about it

such as the RPG servers those are the high priority servers, they have to

try finding some coders to develop a plugin to help it feel more like a RPG and

gain some crazy builders. You don't see any of those servers saying, "Pay me

$$$ to get some staff rank!" No, just no. Even you say if you abuse it then you shall

get demoted then that shall make you a bullcrap server. They payed whatever price

for the rank and you take it away? I would call you the imposter than the person. You

took money that someone gave you to give them whatever and keep the server up and

you just take it away?! That's not their fault, it's yours. You took real money so now it

isn't just a game, it's about actual money. These owners shouldn't be so mad about

their servers going down because frankly mostly only the ones that are made by youtubers

and that actually are popular are the ones that succeed sadly and if you do succeed well

then props to you, just get some REAL staff. These people should also

earn the rank than rather having to buy it. kthxbye

Thanks for reading this rant guys. This has been aggravating seeing forums saying to pay for staff. Hope you enjoyed reading. As always, leave feedback and comments no matter how harsh! :D I like effective criticism.

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CreditMerriam Dictionary Online

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