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Nostalgia ~ Chapter II

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MadameRogue's Avatar MadameRogue
Level 52 : Grandmaster Toast
I walked through the doors and went upstairs. Being a senior is tough, isn't it? All of these teachers expect us to get into college. I mean, I'm top of my whole senior class, but I'm not interested into going college. If mom found out about my intentions of not going to college, she'd probably find a way to make me go. 

I found my locker and started getting my books for the day. I start hearing whispers across my locker. "Omg, Derek Samuels." one says. "Yea, he's the top of our class." another says. "He's good looking too." someone says. I shut my locker and travel to my first period class.


After fourth period ended I found myself in a library. I had a free period since I'm allowed to skip my classes. I need to find a book.. a book I haven't read since my freshman year. It was about a man who's trying to figure out his own identity, his surroundings, and everything about where he lives. He always goes through a sense of nostalgia by just walking around. His past remains mysterious. I got interested in this particular book because, It describes me.. I guess.

I found the book I was looking for. I hear footsteps coming my way. "Derek?" a voice says. I turn to my left and see a girl. She looks like a middle schooler with a lilac dress and a blue bow. "What?" I ask. "Why are you here?" the girl asks. "Why am I here? I'm here because-", that's when I realized, how did she know my name? "Wait, how do you know my name?" I ask. I turn to the direction she was in and she disappeared. What.. am I just... seeing things? Why was a girl her age in a highschool library. Who does she think she's talking to anyway? Ugh. Life is just confusing.


After school ended I was walking near a river. Mom doesn't come home until 10:00 anyway, so I walk around town until I'm satisfied. Man i'm hungry. I get off to where I was lying down and head to a drug store. Five minutes later I stumble across a store and enter. What should I get? I walk through a snack aisle and picked up a slim jim. Should.. I get two? Footsteps approach me as I decide. 

"Hello, sir." says a voice. I turn to the left and see a woman. She must work here, I could tell by the uniform. "Are you having trouble with anything?" she asks kindly. "U-Uhm, no.." I say embaressed. "Ah, so you're having trouble which one to decide?" she asks, pointing at the slim jim in my hand. "It's better to have two then one." says the woman, smiling. She looks like a highschooler. "Excuse me for being rude, but what's your name?" I ask. "Mikasa Asami, I go to Hikarizawa High School." Mikasa says, bowing politely. "Are you a senior?" I ask. "Yes. You must be Derek." she says chuckling. "Yea.." I say. "Here, come up front. I'll pay for those slim jims." she says, signaling me to come up front. I pay for my slim jims. "Have a nice day, Derek." Mikasa says, waving at me. "You too..." I say awkwardly.

I exited the store. She was nice. I wonder how everyone seems to know that I'm Derek. I still think my name is weird because it's American. I'm living in Japan so it just has to be weird. I chuckle and then look ahead. I drop my school bag and stare blankly ahead of me. It's..

Yep! Cliff hanger! Sorry for the LONG delay, but here it is.
I hope you enjoy! Stay hooked for the story! 

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