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Nomocratic Federation Lore: The Complete Second Edition! (CC)

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eab_'s Avatar eab_
Level 28 : Expert Button Pusher
Many thousands of years ago, a massive civilization entered the galaxy. This civilization was known as Kyremia. The Kyremians came to the galaxy en masse, bringing with them their technology and cultures. The Kyremians appeared to outsiders to be one unified force, but in fact, nearly the opposite was true. The Kyremians had long struggled with the administrative challenges inherent in so large a force, and soon, they would split apart. Their differences were just too great. One faction was convinced that expansionism was the only way to survive, so they devoted their time and energy into the construction of terrifying weaponry and shields. They split off from the main group first, and eventually met their downfall at the hands of the Republic of the Dragon, whose overwhelming size was their greatest weapon. After this crushing defeat, these Kyremians took to the warp stream in record numbers, in an event known as the Kyremian Diaspora. A second group of Kyremians focused on genetic purity, and wanted nothing to do with the Kyremian ideas of genetic adaptation for new environments. They left, and settled in the Teset system, where they were eventually discovered, befriended, and annexed by Miraculum. The third group to leave was known as the Nomocracy. The Nomocracy believed in form and order, and was disgusted by the fragmentation of Kyremian goals and ideals. The Nomocrats left Kyremia knowing that they would have to adapt to the galaxy they had come to, so they entered a warp stream to stretch time. During the time they spent in the warp stream, they evolved themselves into a race perfectly suited to space and time travel.

            Upon exiting the warpstream, the Nomocrats began looking for signs of where they were. They had exited the warpstream in a system with no near solar neighbors, and only two planets. One had a molten surface, but the gas giant had two moons, both covered in plant growth and organic life. The other planet, which they christened after the star it orbited, was nigh on uninhabitable. Beautiful and bountiful, Harvest was the first moon they settled. Before landing, the Kyremian people tested the atmosphere of Harvest to determine whether it was breathable. Discovering a rich oxygen and hydrogen atmosphere, they landed, and began building a new life for themselves. Armed with old Kyremian technology, in old Kyremian ships, the Nomocrats still felt too tied to Kyremia, so they began using their knowledge of warpstreams and advanced weaponry to construct a new fleet, and rechristened themselves after the star around which they now orbited. Rather than Kyremians, they dubbed themselves Virgones. With this new name and determination to remove themselves from Kyremia, they became the Nomocratic Federation.

1 Update Logs

Update #2 : by eab_ 08/01/2015 8:59:37 pmAug 1st, 2015

I didn't do a log for the big update, but that one was a complete overhaul because it came to my attention that it interfered with other lore. Anyway. This one fixes some scientific errors, namely the fact that my first planet is liquid rock. cant land on that. ;)

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05/15/2015 7:23 am
Level 48 : Master Botanist
Sbia's Avatar
uh, i think ganymede is the biggest moon of jupiter
05/15/2015 8:13 pm
Level 49 : Master Unicorn
AirshipsEverywhere's Avatar
I think the size clause is referring to Iocaste, like "just as the satellite finished documenting one of Jupiter's smallest moons, Iocaste, Ganymede was sucked into Jupiter's core."
05/19/2015 7:21 am
Level 48 : Master Botanist
Sbia's Avatar
05/15/2015 8:38 pm
Level 48 : Master Botanist
Sbia's Avatar
05/14/2015 9:46 pm
Level 49 : Master Unicorn
AirshipsEverywhere's Avatar
"its scarred and piecemeal surface as red and cratered as a greasy high-schooler’s face."
Very creative simile.

Noice lore here.  Seems to tie everything together from a lot of our civlizations, and maybe now all subsequent lore for us can be related to this.
05/16/2015 10:34 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Farmer
Yarra's Avatar
Unfortunately, I'm still stuck on Terra for the time being... Any way around this issue?
05/17/2015 1:07 am
Level 49 : Master Unicorn
AirshipsEverywhere's Avatar
We could give you some rudimentary space tech as we have with other countries in exchange for you helping maintain an Earth orbit-based fleet.  Helps free up my extra-solar capable ships for operations in deep space.

Nothing super-advanced, but maybe some better thrusters and engines, artificial gravity (will help with your designs), and light weapons.  If you want we can give you hot fusion reactors for power generation.
05/19/2015 4:11 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Farmer
Yarra's Avatar
First things first and all that: I'm fine for power. My Arcano-Tech Type-VII reactors are measuring in at 600% more efficient than the cold fusion reactors onboard my seaborne fleet (turns out I have one after all). I can adapt my ionic thruster technology into a caterpillar drive for maintaining rotationally stable orbit. That artigrav will come in handy though.

The Commonality has been drawing up plans for an orbital railgun platform to launch Balefire clusters at incoming target and they feature some pretty effective point defense cannonry to boot. I can construct these if you need an orbital defense network on the cheap. They aren't hard to build (bloody big though)

I've also had an idea regarding TNT-based weapons... what's to say that these aren't actually plasma-based as common lore since direct plasma would be fairly easy to achieve for any space-faring civilization? It also makes Sam's shields more believeable as a projected plasma field would disperse and even deflect the impact of a plasma-based projectile. In the case of using fireballs, they could simply be more refined versions of basic plasma weaponry such as my scatterguns and ACs. Also, my new TNT Autocannon for 1.7-1.8 would be a decent standard for simple plasma-based weapons. It's pretty much a "fire and hope to buggery it hits something" technology anyway.
Just something to think about...
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