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New Updates Ruining Minecraft

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Drakonixal's Avatar Drakonixal
Level 3 : Apprentice Dragon
Am I the only one who feels like 1.9 and 1.10 are horrible updates? Here are some reasons.

1. Shulkers
I hate shulkers. The levitation projectile is probably the most annoying mob projectile ever. No one wants to be fighting a mob, then be launched into the air for 10 seconds. It's such a waste of time to just fight one of these. I think that if you wanted to fix it, you could easily just change it to blindness. I honestly think that they should add blindness and nausea potions to the game too!

2. Combat
I play kitpvp a lot, and if you play any kind of pvp too, you can relate to how annoying the new combat update is. Many pvp players spent tons of time to getting good at pvp and now it's all changed. Now that might not be that bad but the new update just ruins pvp. Whenever I pvp on my realm, I just enchant stuff like steak with sharpness. I'm never using swords. Another thing is that axes do more than swords? Swords are the main combat weapon in Minecraft. I shouldn't be able to craft a wooden axe, and have a chance to kill someone with a diamond sword. Sure it has lower attack speed, but if you're slightly better at pvp then them, you can easily beat someone with a diamond sword with a wooden axe. It's honestly ridiculous.

3. Rushed Updates
I feel like Minecraft 1.10 was extremely rushed. They just added a polar bear, and some new blocks and called it a new update? Personally, I never use any of the new 1.10 blocks in building or any other aspects of minecraft. Nether wart is plain ugly and red nether bricks are too. They are both not needed blocks that were added to Minecraft for no reason.

Things I want in 1.11

1. Fixed Combat
I want combat to be how it was in 1.8. I don't want to have to wait to hit. Many servers are worried that if they change their server to 1.10 pvp, many people would leave. If Mojang fixed this in 1.11, servers would be a lot better. I wouldn't have to switch my version everytime I want to play pvp, or on my realm. Plus, I would be able to build with new 1.9 blocks and 1.10 on servers! (Even though 1.10 blocks are really bad.)

2. Switch Realm Version
This one is simple, I just wanna be able to switch the version my realm is set to. I could always access my realm and change the version it is on. Other people could still go into the realm settings. If they have the version the realm is set to, the realm will say the version it's set to in normal colours. If they don't it will say the version the realm is set to in red.

3. Worldedit
This is probably just me but I really do want a worldedit setting! It would be so much easier to build in small amounts of time. There isn't much explanation needed here. It's pretty self explanatory and I bet a lot of Minecraft builders could relate.

4. Use For Bats
I think that it would be really cool if bats dropped something. Maybe what they dropped could be used to make a nausea or blindness potion. Bats are really useless and I don't want them in my world. It they had a 1 in 10 chance of dropping something that could be used to make nausea or blindness potions, I would be so happy.

5. Autojump
As said in an AntVenom video, autojump is only useful for minecraft PE and I really don't want it set to on by default. Everytime I switch versions to 1.8 (to play pvp) then to 1.10 (to play on my realm) autojump is on.

6. Food
Also stated in an AntVenom video, the food should be as it was before when you only had to eat to heal yourself. Maybe provide a gamerule that can set it to this old version of food. Or even just a gamerule that disables having to eat at all. I want to have mobs on my survival but not hunger.

7. Higher Resolution Settings
If you know what the Faithful Texture Pack is you know what I'm talking about. There should be an options for 32x, 64x, 128x, 256x and 512x texture pack. (Although there should be a way to turn them off in the launcher if they crash your game, or maybe a warning telling you if the texture pack you're about to select is to much for your computer.)

Things That Just Need To Be Fixed In General

EULA sucks. In my favorite server, people are not allowed to simply vote because of EULA because "voting takes time". Is Mojang saying that since voting takes 30 seconds, it's an unfair advantage? This could be fixed by instead of removing every "unfair" advantage from servers, only the over op ones. For example, on a kitpvp server I play on everybody gets chainmail armor as the free starter kit. If you pay money, you can get an op all diamond kit. That's something that needs to be removed. Not being able to vote!

2. Realm Options And Maps
I'm the owner of my realm and when I put it to an adventure map I don't have permissions? I want permissions to my own realm. Another thing that needs to be fixed in realms are the maps in general. I want more parkour maps, adventure maps and good minigames. A lot of the maps are survival or minigames that get boring super fast. The only parkour map is a broken map that it hard and very annoying. Not hard as in the jumps. Hard as in, the next jump should appear in front of you, but I have to guess where it is by randomly jumping and hoping it'll appear there. It's ridiculous and I can't see where it is in two seconds. One of the levels is just plain broken and you can walk through it all. I feel like Mojang should provide a long thing of parkour maps, adventure maps, minigames etc. I don't care if they aren't perfect Mojang quaility. A lot of maps I play that aren't on there are just fine and could be on there without a question.

If you have any other ideas, helpful criticism, compliments or anything you want to add, tell me in the comments! :D
CreditAntVemon's Videos xD

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09/20/2016 1:54 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
Cinnamon_'s Avatar
You do know there's an option to set Auto jump off, right? Just switch it before you start killing others and all that stuff.
Also, Mojang explained that they will have a series of minor updates.
I've also noticed that your just giving your opinions.
Plus, shulkers are supposed to be challenging otherwise you could get an elytra really easily.
And worldedit is a PLUGIN.
Mojang did not create it.
Mojang can't just simply put something they didn't make into the game.
You think Mo
09/21/2016 6:40 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Dragon
Drakonixal's Avatar
Oops Sorry If It Was Unclear By Autojump I Meant How Whenever I Switch Versions I Have To Always Turn Auto Jump Off xD It Turns On By Itself When You Switch From 1.8 Back To 1.10

And I Know They Didn't Make it But Maybe Their Own Spinoff Of It With Wayy Less Commands :P I Had To Put It In Because I Can't Stand Doing /fill xD
09/20/2016 8:14 am
Level 34 : Artisan Magical Boy
willclo's Avatar
"EULA sucks. In my favorite server, people are not allowed to simply vote because of EULA because "voting takes time". Is Mojang saying that since voting takes 30 seconds, it's an unfair advantage?" Uhh. This is not how it works. You can not vote and get anything in return that gives an advantage to you as a player.
"I want combat to be how it was in 1.8. I don't want to have to wait to hit. Many servers are worried that if they change their server to 1.10 pvp, many people would leave. If Mojang fixed this in 1.11, servers would be a lot better. I wouldn't have to switch my version everytime I want to play pvp, or on my realm. Plus, I would be able to build with new 1.9 blocks and 1.10 on servers! (Even though 1.10 blocks are really bad.) "
I love 1.10 combat. No more kiddies with 20cps destroying me because they have the time to work that up. That kind of combat is skilless. However, in 1.11, I'd be nice to see a medium reached where sometimes, jitter clicking is okay, but more often, you are going to want to wait for the cooldown. Also, the new combat pretty much kills killaura
09/19/2016 6:16 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Dragon
Drakonixal's Avatar
I don't know how to edit this but also I want a /gamerule doIceMelting and a /gamerule doLeafDespawning
I also want a way to teleport pets to you because I kept losing my pets on singleplayer... ;-; And a /gamerule EntityDespawning. Also, frost walker needs to be removed because it's just a new way to grief... If you want to get across water use a boat!
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