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New Players -- Using the Word 'Noob'

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Dreaches's Avatar Dreaches
Level 34 : Artisan Pirate
I joined minecraft in 1.2.5 and knew nothing about the game at that time. I'd ask things in multiplayer like 'how do I craft an axe?' 'how do I create a faction?'. And got a ton of people calling me a noob. It was hurtful, but it was true. 

So the issue I have is people calling out 'noob' and 'scrub' whenever they see a new player, and in turn make the player feel bad. Let's have an example. 
You join a Minecraft server, build yourself a shack out of wooden planks, and are very proud of yourself for figuring out how to craft them. You surf the wiki and get yourself some new recipes. Wooden sword, built. Wooden pickaxe, built. Wait, how do you make an axe again? 
"Hey, how do I craft a wooden axe?"
"u nub"

Feeling bad, you just go back to the wiki. Wooden axe, built. You go gather some more logs and get some stone. You upgrade your tools. Wait, how do you craft a stone hoe again?
"How do I craft a stone hoe?"
"i said gtfo"
"u suck"
"g3t a lyf"

You start to feel really bad. Sadly, you go to the wiki for the 3rd time and figure it out. Stone hoe, built.
Still feeling down, you go mining and get some iron. While it smelts you start a farm. Wait, how do you make a bucket? Not wanting to tab out again and go to the wiki, you go for the third time to the chat for help.
"How do I make a bucket?"

You feel insanely bad. You don't want to play the game anymore right now. Closing Minecraft, you stuff it into a folder and don't touch it again. 
Bam, there. Future Minecraft youtuber, more popular than those already known, never made. Charities hosted by the channel, millions of people made happier, gone. 

How many times has this already happened?


Next time that you find somebody asking how to craft something, help them out. Maybe give them some supplies. Teach them how to build, how to pvp better, everything. You never know if that person you're helping out could amount to something huge.

Edit: Pop Reel! Thanks!

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08/11/2014 7:42 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
CoffeeCat's Avatar
This is easily one of my favourite blogs on PMC, I think kindness is seriously lacking these days, not just in Minecraft, but everywhere! Thank you for addressing this! ♥♥♥
08/11/2014 8:47 am
Level 23 : Expert Spider Rider
HDsadness's Avatar
I like it. Thank you for pointing this out! Hopefully some Cyberbullies see this and realize they need to stop.
08/11/2014 7:07 am
Level 35 : Artisan Artist
Ellie's Avatar
I personally dont call people "noobs" or "scrubs" when they join a server. mainly because im admin or something so that would just be downright dumb of me  if i want my server to do well haha. But servers like hypixel on mega walls the abount of comments calling you noobs because theyve donated and you havent is rediculous. Just makes them look childish. I dont like it, and if people are saying those comments to you, you should tell a server moderator or above. It actually says in the minecraft EULA that abusive behaviour isnt allowed, and it shouldnt be allowed on most servers anyway.
08/11/2014 6:23 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
luigi_vampa's Avatar
Good post, well said. 
Everybody is a newbie at some point.
08/10/2014 11:13 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
AlchemistSun's Avatar
When ever that talk like "KL UR SLF" tell them, "Hey, at least I can spell and use propper grammar. Hmph whos thew Noobie now?
08/10/2014 11:15 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Pirate
Dreaches's Avatar
This would have been more convincing if you had spelled everything correctly, and used proper grammar.
08/11/2014 11:21 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
AlchemistSun's Avatar
True but sadly typing is not my strong suit, but the general point is just because you have your faults that doesn't mean that they don't have theres.
08/10/2014 8:36 pm
Level 23 : Expert Geek
flyguy23ndm's Avatar
What i wish is that people would use newb instead of noob or N00B, it's newbie not noobie
08/10/2014 11:34 am
Level 37 : Artisan Explorer
TastyYoghurt's Avatar
"Bam, there. Future Minecraft youtuber, more popular than those already
known, never made. Charities hosted by the channel, millions of people
made happier, gone."

I'm just loling at the amounts of wishful thining there.
I mean, I get what you're saying. Of course we should be polite and nice. But if the best reason for being nice you could come up with is: "what if that person never becomes a youtube superstar if I act mean?" then you might as well start acting mean, because anyone's chances of becoming that are 1 in a hundred million or, in English: "never going to happen, nuh-uh".
So, act nice, but not for that reason. That reason is not a good one.
08/10/2014 12:34 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Hunter
B-Beck's Avatar
Well, he is right though. Maybe not as as POPULAR but most players have the potential to do amazing things in minecraft. And he's describing a possible scenario which can be done as impossible. So in that case, there are loads of possibilities that a noob could conquer when he is better at minecraft. Hes pointing out though that if your nice to someone in the past, it can benefit your future
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