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Net Neutrality - What is it and why is it so important?

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Smexybeest's Avatar Smexybeest
Level 22 : Expert Architect

What is Net Neutrality?

The principle of Net Neutrality is that you get to use ALL your internet, ALL of the time, not depending on which site or service you're using. This means that you can access anything on the internet at the same speed. and you download everything at the same speed. This is a very simple concept and usually it works like this. If you pay for 25Mb/s, you ought to get that. Net Neutrality simply means that your internet works the way it should.

Why is Net Neutrality so important?

Net Neutrality is a part of freedom; the freedom to use the internet for whatever you feel like. If Net Neutrality isn't maintained, it would mean that some internet sites would be slowed down. In some cases a certain website or service might even become inaccessible. This is censorship and this is just plain wrong.  

Net Neutrality is better for everyone using the internet.

Now, some ISP's (at&t, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Verizon) want to be able to charge users for a so-called 'fast-lane'. What this really means though, is that they slow down a user's connection and charge them to get it back to normal.

It's like saying the speed limit right now is 70mph, but if you pay for it, you can drive in it at 70mph. But everybody else, has to drive on the slow lane, at 30mph.

This does not make anybody faster. The only results you get are either your internet connection slowing down or your internet bill going up.
Now if these companies have their way, you will have to pay extra to use services like Netflix or facebook. This is like an electricity company charging you extra, because you use it for your computer, instead of your TV. They can't sell you 'premium electricity' for your computer, that'd be crazy. They can only charge you for the electricity you use.

These companies want to dictate what you can and can't use and even worse: they have a great interest in doing so.
Comcast and Time Warner also sell television services, similar to Netflix. Their profits have been declining due to competition from Netflix and Amazon instant video. So ofcourse they have a great interest in slowing down their competition. If they succeed in getting the power to dictate what you watch, they will take a position of internet-god. They get to decide what you watch, what company succeeds (themselves, ofcourse).

This will lead to censorship and it's contrary to freedom of speach and the ideal of a free and open internet, which encourages technological innovation, a stronger economy and healthy competion.

Support Net Neutrality

If you live in the US and wish to support Net Neutrality, I suggest writing to your local congressman or state senators and request that they support the principle.
You could aslo message the FCC, since they currently hold a vast amount of power over the rules and regulations that ISP's must abide by. The FCC recently gave an option for public comments, basically inviting everybody to give their opinion, so I highly urge you do so.
There's a massive petition going on as well, you can find it here.

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09/12/2014 6:41 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
I recommend rephrasing stuff when plagiarising it.


Try not to steal others work, or at least rephrase it in your own words. Looks cheap and sloppily done otherwise.
09/12/2014 8:14 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Dguy's Avatar
TB gets plagiarized all the time... it's only because he is correct...
09/12/2014 8:24 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
Doesn't mean you have the right to plagiarise him word for word though.
09/12/2014 8:35 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Dguy's Avatar
I'm not justifying anything, but it's still rather hard to not copy people who did it right.
09/12/2014 8:28 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Smexybeest's Avatar
I really prefer 'getting inspired' over plagiarising.
I tried to rephrase most of it, but TB used some good metaphores. I feel like his message is an important one and needs to be spread, and that's exactly what I've done.
09/12/2014 9:12 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
I understand the want//need to spread information, and nothing wrong with that, but if you admit to taking a good amount of inspiration from a particular source, at least include a link to the video. Surely you understand where I'm coming from.
09/11/2014 5:30 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Reer123's Avatar
What happens if you live in the EU? Does america dictate the EU's Internet now?
09/11/2014 5:36 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Smexybeest's Avatar
This issue is something occurring in the US at the moment. The FCC is the American instance that wants to enforce a law which would allow companies like Comcast and Time Warner to charge people extra for certain services. Unless your country agrees to approach it the same way, you don't have to worry.
09/11/2014 7:02 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Reer123's Avatar
*wipes sweat from forehead* safe for now.
09/11/2014 4:51 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
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