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My Personal Experience as Staff on a Popular Server

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Phillies's Avatar Phillies
Level 27 : Expert Architect
So, I figured that I would start off with a bit of background information. I am one of 10 staff members on a very popular server called "Pwego Server." Some of you probably already know about or play on it. There are also 10 admins on this server. On this server the staff rank gives you the privilege to have OP (operator/overpowered.) With Staff/OP comes some very intense responsibilities. I have to deal with griefing (which there is a lot of,) I have to promote people, I have to deal with players who get pissed off because I didn't promote them for their crappy build, I have to deal with spammers, etc. etc. The list could go on forever.

So, Pwego Server is a no whitelist server, so you don't have to apply to be able to build in the plot world. This means that there are streams of noobs who come on thinking that they can build a 10x10 block of wooden planks and get promoted. Then I have to come along and tell them that they need to add detail, depth, etc. and all they do is just get pissed at me and go along and bother other staff members to promote them. This is probably one of the most stressful things about being a staff.

Also, since we have so many noobs, griefing is something that is an everyday occurrence. A lot of my time on the server is spent hawkeying grief and rolling it back.Then I have to either ban or jail the griefer depending on the severity of the grief.

Pwegoserver has around 40-50 people on at it's highest point. So since it is so busy, we have signs at spawn that CLEARLY detail every one of our rules, where to go to build, and any other basic thing about the server. WE did this so that new members wouldn't have to ask many questions, because chances are they will be drowned out in the chat spam. Well, idk why, but some people just don't know how to read, because there is CLEARLY a sign that is in your face when you spawn in that says "If you don't read the rules, staff DO NOT have to answer your questions." Even though we have this, many people still come in asking "Where do I build?" "How do I get promoted?" "Can I grief?" So then I have to tell them to read signs at spawn and of course they ignore me and continue to spam.

There are many more hardships of being a staff, but there are also many benefits. I get to be involved in server decisions, I get to promote people and see how happy they get, and I get to help out a server that I love.

All in all, being a staff has its ups and downs, but I have tried to stick through it and I will continue to, because I love the server community, as nooby as it can be sometimes, and I love the friends that I have made there.

I hope you enjoyed my story (that kinda turned into a rant, but meh.

Also, if you want you can leave a comment with your story as a staff. I would enjoy reading them :D


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12/22/2012 6:18 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Hero
Creative-Node's Avatar
i agree with everything on here!
06/10/2012 9:15 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
IM_A_H0B0's Avatar
Phillies, Secrely.. I was once op on Pwego.
Food for thought right?
Nice Blog Phillies.
06/10/2012 9:22 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Phillies's Avatar
lol h0b0, and thanks
06/10/2012 2:41 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
_Wright_'s Avatar
Great Job On The blog Phillies! and Nice Story!
06/10/2012 3:13 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Phillies's Avatar
06/10/2012 1:35 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
zeus127's Avatar
06/10/2012 1:46 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Phillies's Avatar
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