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Moderators - "The Fun Police"

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Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar Havingfun_ISKEY
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Okay, the first thing I want to make clear is just in case you couldn’t tell, I WAS BEING SARCASTIC. The moderators are NOT evil, they are NOT fun police, and Azie is NOT trying to become queen of PMC.

Most of the information in this story is also 100% false. Azie was not even close to becoming PMC’s first moderator, and neither was Paril. Zitzabis, Snowy, and the others also didn’t become moderators for a long time after the beginning of PMC, either, and some of them didn’t even actually start out as site moderators. Zitzabis probably wasn’t the one to ban DashLash, either, and him and I didn’t start a friendship until about three months after I first joined PMC. Zitzabis, by the way, shoutout to you, bud. ;) None of this was meant to be taken seriously. I respect the moderators very much, and I think they’re very, very good people just trying to do their jobs. That includes Azie, who’s actually one of my favorites. :D By the way, she never actually banned me.

The reason I made this was to show you guys that yes, I do have a VERY good sense of humor (I think), and yes, the members of PMC have to realize that the moderators are only human. They aren’t perfect; they make mistakes. But sometimes, they DON’T make mistakes, but will still be ridiculed and flamed on for doing the right thing. I want each and every one of you to realize that sometimes YOU are the ones that make mistakes, too, not just the moderators. The moderators are only here to help us, and if they remove a submission, ban you from chat, lock your forum thread, or whatever, please try to understand the reason they did it. If you truly think they made a mistake, respectfully contact them to find out the reason why they did what they did.

I hope you guys liked this little story, and a Merry Christmas to you all. :3

Once upon a time, there was once a computer geek known as Cyprezz.

Moderators - "The Fun Police"

As Cyprezz devoted his time into computer programming, he discovered a game called Minecraft.

Moderators - "The Fun Police"

Cyprezz had so much fun with Minecraft, in fact, he decided to make an entire website about it.

Moderators - "The Fun Police"

Cyprezz, being the good man he was, wasn’t at all overconfident when lots of people began joining his website. He was only happy he had done something meaningful in his life.

The only problem was, Cyprezz quickly realized that he couldn’t handle several thousand members all by himself. Using his brilliant mind, he called up his younger brother Paril, who lived several thousand miles away.

Despite Cyprezz’s and Paril’s combined efforts, however, the two of them found they still couldn’t moderate an entire website on their own. So, in one single day, Cyprezz and Paril promoted dozens of members by random.

The first of these lucky members was Azie, a hot-headed miss that absolutely nobody liked. And she knew it.

Azie quickly seized the position for herself and made it her duty to rub it in everybody’s faces that she was now a moderator. From that day to the present, Azie is known for influencing a LOT of the other moderators’ decisions.

But we’ll get to that later.

The next new moderator was Zitzabis, who unlike Azie, a small percentage of people liked, but was often overlooked. Perhaps his beard has something to do with it?

There were several others, too, including Snowy, Luis, Pepijin, and Ludicrous, but there are no defining features about them to include.

The new moderators were having a lot of fun with their new powers. Too much fun, in fact. Members were beginning to realize that the moderators were abusing their powers, simply for fun. Cyprezz and Paril, however, being the lazy bums that they were, did nothing to stop it.

Azie, still the most disliked moderator on the website, decided to shake things up a bit.

Unknown to Cryprezz, Paril was secretly just as power-hungry as all the other moderators were. He wanted to bring misery to all the members on the site, and with being the site Administrator, he had the full power to add in any feature he liked.

The second Paril asked the question, a team of inexperienced members jumped at the position. Surely the forums would be an easy place to troll all the members on the site, right?


It didn’t take long for the forums to become a place of instant popularity. Bubz and Chron were locking members’ threads left and right, and then were even locking continuations of threads that were already locked. The only thing that was missing was…even more moderators.

The next new feature was PMC chat, where members could talk to each other about anything – except servers. There was another place for server talking, but it was so hidden and hard to find that most members gave up and tried to talk about servers in the General Discussion.

The new moderators were once again chosen by pure randomization. The only things they could do were give infractions and ban members from chat, but that was good enough for Paril.

A few years down the road, the moderators were getting bored with their powers. There was nothing new added, and the PMC members were planning a revolt against the cruelty they were experiencing.

The moderators had absolutely no idea what to do. Usually, their plans involved banning everybody and removing their submissions, but with almost two million members, it was getting impossible to track them all. The bickering increased, with one side saying to run while the other – led by Azie – said to stay and fight. Finally, Cyprezz had had enough.

Azie was getting quite annoyed. Her secret plan was to overthrow Paril and Cyprezz and take over as queen. Then, she could destroy everybody and demote all of these crazy baboons!

Azie went AFK to go over her plan of taking over Planet Minecraft. All she needed to do was to wait for several of the moderators to retire, so that she would have less resistance. Then, the revolt would take out even more of the moderators, and Azie could just waltz in and take the throne to herself.

But suddenly…

Azie, as per usual, despised the new member – at first. Quickly, though, she realized she was wrong – perhaps this new member could be used as a tool.

After Havingfun_ISKEY gave Paril the cookie, the moderators went back to being evil and ruining everybody’s day, and Azie went back to pretending she wasn’t trying to destroying them – for the time being.

The first thing she did, though, was ban Havingfun_ISKEY for being such a nuisance.

Then Havingfun_ISKEY was sad.

The end.
CreditAll the moderators in the story; thank you for your permission :D

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Cardinal System
02/05/2021 12:52 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
Cardinal System's Avatar
Kek Bubzie a marshmallow
02/13/2016 4:49 pm
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
I can't help it, but I always re-read this blog. It's just too funny!! XD
I love it how Bubz says he looks like a marshmallow, the part they decide to fight or runz, and Paril saying: Let's make a pointless feature. XD

I noticed you wrote "Cryprezz" under Azie giving the forum idea XD
02/13/2016 5:25 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
I had way too much fun working on this and the sequel is even better xD

02/13/2016 5:29 pm
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
When's it coming out? :O
02/13/2016 5:32 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Less than a month
02/13/2016 5:41 pm
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
02/07/2016 4:03 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
DeJay's Avatar
This is so great haha
02/13/2016 5:25 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Thank you
02/04/2016 7:28 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
TKroggy_and_Psyduck's Avatar
☹⚐☹ ❄👇👋💧 👋💧 ☺✝💧❄ ☥⚐☥
💣✝👍👇 ☥⚐☥
02/05/2016 5:12 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
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