This Blog is an entry in the completed A Life of Steve.

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{Minecraftia} Chapter I: Origins

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-DarkAssassin-'s Avatar -DarkAssassin-
Level 24 : Expert Hunter
I open my eyes. I'm lying on the soft sand of a small beach. I look up at the position of the sun. "It must be at least 9:00 AM." I say to myself. Slowly, I stand up. Getting a good look around me, I am facing a small forest. To the southwest, there's a stretch of grass spanning as far as I can see. Everything else is the ocean.

Where am I? How did I get here? Am I alone? Questions like these flooded my head. I decided to walk along the stretch of grass. It went along the beach and finally expanded into a moderately large plain. Here, many familiar animals seemed to have made their homes. There were chickens, cows, horses, pigs, and sheep.

It took me a while to realize that I was hopelessly lost. There were no signs of civilization. It seemed as if I had been transported to an entirely new world. My memory was intact. I remembered Earth, if that was not where I was. I remembered my town, my home, my family. I missed them. That was when I felt a chill running down my spine. It travelled down my legs, through my arms, everywhere. It was getting dark.

I went back to the small forest, its edge lying just a few meters behind me. I snatched some leaves from nearby trees and piled up a small mound of dirt. I covered myself with the leaves and fell fast asleep.

I woke with a start. I heard something. I grabbed a nearby stick and slowly sat up. I looked around. Nothing. Was I dreaming? A rustle came from some nearby grass. Something was out there. There was a tree with leaves that hung low about a meter from me. I crawled under it slowly. What I saw made the hair on my back stand up. There, about ten feet in front of me, was a creature I had never seen before. Its back was hunched over slightly. It had torn clothing. And its flesh was a sickly green color. It was looking right where I had been sleeping just two minutes earlier. Slowly, I crawled deeper under the leaves. The thing stumbled over to my 'nest'. It sniffed the air and that's when I heard the noise. Off in the distance, a slow, ominous howl drifted through the air. The creature looked up and stumbled away quickly. I stayed under the tree for about ten minutes watching the creature. Then I saw a red glow on the horizon. The creature, which was now some twenty meters away looked up and began to panic. I was wondering why it was doing so when the sun came out. Suddenly the creature burst into flames. It flailed around for a few seconds and then sank to its knees and collapsed. Dead.

I breathed a sigh of relief, although I didn't know why. What was that strange creature? What was it doing near my sleeping place? Was I supposedly its next meal? More questions. "This is getting ridiculous." I said. I glanced at the twig that I still held tightly in my hand. I doubted that it would have done any good if I was to be the creature's next meal. I decided to scrape some bark off the trees using a large rock I found in the dirt. Soon, I realized I was very hungry. I looked around. There were all those delicious-looking creatures, but the meat within them would be no good raw. Then I saw it. A lone apple hanging from a branch. I snatched it and finished it off in what seemed like no time at all. Next, I used the rock to cut into the finer wood of the tree. In about ten minutes, I had fashioned a wooden axe. I then chopped down the rest of the tree and gathered the wood. I then fashioned a crude sword out of the wood. I was ready.

I set out from my location heading slightly southwest. I travelled for what seemed like hours. As I was walking along a narrow strip of sand near a lake, I found a cave that led deep underground. "Stone would make a good source of containment for heat." I thought. I made a small pickaxe and began digging away at the rock. The sun was setting by the time I finished it. It was small, but it had a small shelf inside it that I could cook meat on with a fire below. I slaughtered a nearby pig. I didn't like doing this, but I had to eat. I then gathered a small amount of grass and started a small fire inside the oven. While I waited for the meat to cook, I cut some wool off of a sheep using my sword and fashioned a small mat to lie down on. I then ate a piece of pork and went to sleep.

Hours passed. When I finally woke up, I was wrapped up in my mat and freezing. I stood up. I was at the mouth of the cave where I had made my lodgings last night. A faint smell of smoke was coming from the charred remains in my oven. After I packed everything up, I began heading southwest once more. After about a half hour, I came to the edge of an ominous forest. The trunks were very dark and the leaves were very thick. Nevertheless, I found a place where I could climb above the trees. Once I climbed up above the forest, I got a good look around me. In front of me, there was a vast desert. Slightly towards the south was what appeared to be some sort of savannah. I headed over to the savannah and walked across it. I was now heading south. As I walked, I found a small cave that jutted out of the side of a large hill. But there was something standing at the front. It was green, its body was covered in scales, and it had four legs. Carefully, I crept towards this unknown creature. When I was about twenty meters away, I called out to it. At first, it took no notice of me. I called out to it again. This time it heard me. It turned to face me. That's when I saw its face. Its mouth appeared to have been twisted into a permanent frown. Where its eyes were supposed to be, there were large gaping holes. It had two red dots inside the holes, indicating that it could see. Suddenly, it rushed forward. "Stop! Don't come any closer! I will use my weapon!" I yelled at it. It was upon me in no time. And it just began hissing. I took a step backward, but I was too slow. The creature gave off a violent explosion that threw me back.

"Agh! My leg!" I screamed. It seemed broken and was bleeding heavily. I grabbed my sleeping mat and fashioned it into a makeshift cast. I had no place to sleep now, but I could not walk around with an unprotected, wounded leg. Using my pickaxe as a support, I slowly got up. My leg felt like it was on fire. I managed to dig a small hole in a nearby hill. There, I fell fast asleep.

Another morning. I yawned and looked around. I found a flock of chickens, all of which I slaughtered. I cooked up some of the chicken with my oven and a few pieces of wood. It was a lovely breakfast. I unwrapped the cast concealing my wound. Complete shock overtook me. The wound was gone. I felt relieved, horrified, and baffled all at the same time. "This--- this isn't happening!" I said. "This is all a dream!" I pinched myself as hard as I could. Nothing. I was wide awake. After I had calmed myself, I packed up my belongings and began heading south once more. In about thirty-five minutes, a large desert stretched out as far as I could see. Something caught my eye. "Is--- is that a mirage?" I questioned myself. No. It was definently not a mirage. Standing about one hundred meters from me was a village...

End of Chapter One... If you liked it, consider a diamond. If you loved it, consider a favorite. If you want more, consider both! Also, if you like my content, feel free to subscribe! If I get at least five diamonds, I'll make Chapter Two. Thanks for reading! Bye!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by -DarkAssassin- 10/08/2014 11:38:02 pmOct 8th, 2014

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10/09/2014 6:01 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
Helipline's Avatar
Bravo. I enjoyed that. Just some tips: Work on your grammer some, and be more decriptive. But truly a great story. Also I don't think that it will win the contest because the contest was supposed to be about the time before steve was alone. But still GREAT!!!
10/09/2014 6:14 pm
Level 24 : Expert Hunter
-DarkAssassin-'s Avatar
You spelled both grammar and descriptive wrong. Also, I double-checked the original draft and read, slowly, through the final draft. I saw no errors.
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