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Minecraft XBL skins system -.-

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calvinisgod1's Avatar calvinisgod1
Level 55 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Okay im having some serious thoughts regarding the Minecraft Xbl edition Skins in general

First off, just to point this out before i even start, a minecraf skin is what defines you as a player. In this endless world of endless possibilities, with endless amounts of players and friends competing and cooperating together, you are just one more player with one more block, and the only thing that defines you against other players... is you skin.(unless you are wearing the stupid over used yogscast red dwarf skin, then you have no creativity or personality value whatsoever) Then theres the whole buying skin pack system. Which is a horrible idea, trying to individualize yourself between the other half a billion minecraft players between a "HUGE VARIETY" of like 20 skins.

Then you've got the skin chocies.....

like did they put any thought into any of these at all!!?? They're are a small handful of cool ones like master chief and a few others, but everyone equips those because they're the only half decent ones, so you end up with 10 identical master chiefs in one game. Feels real awesome when you look exactly the same as everyone else.

Now the biggest thing that drives me crazy. Set aside everything else, i guess il deal with the buying of skin packs, Xbox is the biggest money scamer for the video game industry ever and i recognize they need to live up to their title. But at least offer half decent quality skins!!! like holy shitt! look at the next upcoming skin pack


Seriously, one quick search on PMC for a Gordon Freeman, will get you something 1000x better than that balding, Down syndrome necrophiliac. LIKE CMON! WHO MAKES EYES 3 PIXELS WIDE??? and Alyx looks like a 1980's black guy. How bout this Alyx vance skin instead?

at least this one looks like a woman to some degree

Minecraft XBL edition should have just made their skin system open source, so people could just bring skins over from a computer on a usb and they could just upload them to their XBL account. OR even better, mojang could just work XBL through their actual Minecraft.net website and you could change your skin from there just like if you were to change your skin on pc, but you have to attach your XBL gamertag and upload the skin file!

but its too late now because thousands of skin packs have already sold and it would create a huge skirmish because tons of people would feel ripped off that they bought skins and then it went open source.

so fuck it all

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10/15/2012 8:26 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Puncher
Haasman29's Avatar
Agreed. I wasted my $20 on that game..... It's boring full of scams and ROAR I WANT MEH MONEY BACK!!!!!!!!!
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