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Minecraft 5 Stages of Grief: Getting Griefed

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Pandasaurus_R's Avatar Pandasaurus_R
Level 75 : Legendary Ninja
(This contains mature (censored) language, click away now if words with small stars offend you!)
The following is an actual conversation that has been professionally engineered to be colorful and funny and conceal the original players name!

You log into your favorite Minecraft server, quickly teleport to you amazing castle that you built the other day. However just before you brag to your friends, you look horrified as chunk after chunk wreckage and mayhem from what was once a elegant castle lay before in a wasteland of cobble and enderman (Not being racists to all the endermen reading this, love you guys!). Here are the 5 Stages of Grief you will encounter during your rage within the chat and eventual silent and over-dramatized rage quitting.

Graphical Representation

You can't believe your eyes, this can't possibly the bloody happening to you, not now, not when your internet friends have expected so much from you! You scream (or type loudly) in chat.

[Member] Steve: Wait this isn't my f*****g town, right?
[Mod] Ham_Sandwich: Steve please don't swear, there are children playing...
[Member] Steve:/home castle
[Member] Steve:/home castle
[Member] Steve: Ham get over here now, i need you to roll this back!
[Mod] Ham_Sandwich: I'll come have a look at it in a sec.
Ham_Sandwich has left the game
[Member] Steve: Goddammit
[Member] Steve: Are there any other staff on?
[VIP] RichKid_69: Nope, if you were VIP though, oh wait don't worry :P
[Member] Steve: F**K you, this is probably just a glitch

But even after doubting yourself millions of time over and choking yourself to death with steak you stole from that n00b who joined yesterday, the truth finally sinks into your pixelated heart. Thus the anger sets in and we look at the wonderful next stage of grief!

After tens of minutes wasted denying the fact the incomprehensible pile of cobble was your once spectacular castle, you quickly delve into rage as the staff seems to be purposely ignoring your requests with the utmost of urgency.

Warning 1/3, don't write in caps
[Member] Steve: f*****g hell the staff on dis server are retarted!
Warning 2/3, don't write in caps
[Member] Steve: don't you f*****g tell me what to do you peice of s**t plugin
[VIP] RichKid_69: Jesus calm your bloody mammaries and stfu
[Member] Steve: Why the F***k do ya care! Did you grief my bloody castle you half-bred little s**t
[VIP] RichKid_69: Why would I want to grief your stupid little build.
Ham_Sandwich has joined the game
[Member] Steve: Stupid Little Build? Your te little s**t that payed money to build on a s**ty suirvival surver.
[Mod] Ham_Sandwich: Steve! Language, thats strike 2/3, your muted for 10 minutes!
You have been Muted
[VIP] RichKid_69: lol
[You] --> [Mod] Ham_Sandwich: Oh c'mon he swore at me first!
[Mod] Ham_Sandwich --> [You]: 10 minutes mate, I warned you already!

That mute may have been a good thing for you since the anger started to die down and the grammar started improving (partially). But the next stage started to set in.

Pissed and not ready to accept the consequences, you beg the already busy moderator to come and roll back the damage, but Ham_Sandwich just isn't listening, I mean he has to be able to do everything for you right?

[You] --> [Mod] Ham_Sandwich: Ok fine I'm sorry for swearing but can you please fix my griefed castle!

[Mod] Ham_Sandwich --> [You]: Sorry steve, I don't have rollback, please wait for an admin.
[You] --> [Mod] Ham_Sandwich: CMON, your a moderater for christs sake!
[Mod] Ham_Sandwich --> [You]: Steve, wait for an admin to come on!
[You] --> [Mod] Ham_Sandwich: Then Get the ADMIN on! C'mon dude, I'll suck you off!!!!
[Mod] Ham_Sandwich --> [You]: NO!, please shut it and wait it out!
[You] --> [Mod] Ham_Sandwich: Unmute me! Unmute me! Unmute me!
[You] --> [Mod] Ham_Sandwich: Unmute me! Unmute me! Unmute me!
[You] --> [Mod] Ham_Sandwich: Unmute me! Unmute me! Unmute me!
[You] --> [Mod] Ham_Sandwich: Unmute me! Unmute me! Unmute me!
[You] --> [Mod] Ham_Sandwich: Unmute me! Unmute me! Unmute me!
[You] --> [Mod] Ham_Sandwich: Unmute me! Unmute me! Unmute me!
Warning, you are sending messages too fast, please wait 25 seconds before typing.
[Mod] Ham_Sandwich --> [You]: Stop Spamming, the mute will now be 20 minutes mate.

And the beg-athon doesn't seem to push the moderator into helping you, in fact he probably hates you now. The cobble blocks seem to tease and laugh at you as you feel worse and worse.

Raging didn't work, arguing didn't work, begging didn't work, but suicide might right? Honestly at this point I think Ham_Sandwich might do the same from your stupidity, hypothetically that is. Maybe a facedesk would do instead.

*Steve writes a sign*
Steve tried to swim in lava
Steve tried to swim in lava
Steve tried to swim in lava
Steve tried to swim in lava
Steve tried to swim in lava
Steve tried to swim in lava
Steve tried to swim in lava
Steve tried to swim in lava
Steve tried to swim in lava
Steve tried to swim in lava
Steve tried to swim in lava
Steve tried to swim in lava
*You have been kicked: Last warning mate!*

So after all the emotional PMS you just experienced, you feel like you should just sit there and wait for an admin to come on.
Thus leading us to the last and most idiotic stage of this story.

Your previous rantings and suicidal acts haven't left you in a very good place with the staff, but the admin doesn't know about it yet right? Plus it seems Ham_Sandwich left when you were kicked as well as that stupid donor kid.

Bossman has joined the game
[Member] Steve: Hey bossman, could you come here and roll back the grief that happened on my castle?
[Admin] Bossman: Yea sure, be there soon.
[Member] Steve: Cool, so yea my whole castle was destroyed.
[Admin] Bossman: Hmmm, well it seems like there arent any logs on the grief. I'm afraid I can't roll it back mate
[Member] Steve: Your kidding right?
[Admin] Bossman: I'm sorry dude, did you lose anything? I'll replace what was lost
[Member] Steve: you know what, f**k you, this server is f*****ng stupid!
Warning 3/3, don't write in caps
*You have been kicked for using caps*


*Ban Hammer has spoken*
*Your ban will be removed in 9001hrs* (That's 375 Days for all you non-pandas out there!)
*Reason: Spam, Caps, Rude Language, Disrespecting Staff, Please don't come back"

Thus concludes our amazing adventure through the first of the 5 Stages of Grief series on PMC!
For more please subscribe, leave a diamond and comment on what you think!

Thank you all from the Pandasaurus_R
CreditMojang AB (For that amazing photo, it was like spot on!)

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02/18/2014 12:51 pm
Level 24 : Expert Ninja
PengoPenguinRocks's Avatar
Hah das funny
02/18/2014 12:21 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
02/18/2014 12:19 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Archer
MrBoom's Avatar
lol ha :) that was good! i enjoyed it diamond for you and also a nice sub :)
02/18/2014 10:52 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
MortenMBK's Avatar
i remember once on a server in the nether, i kept spawning in lava... it sucked and people kept raging on me :L
02/18/2014 9:10 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Modder
HbTextures's Avatar
I hate staff that doesn't care a f***. I am an admin on a server, it's my job to let teamkillers "disappear".
02/18/2014 8:07 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Scribe
Jiloacom's Avatar
Interesting. I like it aside from the language.
02/18/2014 7:15 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Pony
TheSniperWolf's Avatar
Do something about how to raid, BTW this is great *diamond* *favourite*
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