Minecraft Blogs / Interview

MerryR's: Fun with Fawkesy! {Q & A}

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MerryRainbow's Avatar MerryRainbow
Level 36 : Artisan Unicorn
Today is a special interview with Fawkesy! She will answer our burning questions all about her! Please do subscribe to both of us for we can both say, we've got quality content just waiting for you! Without further a do, let's get started!

Questions: Pink
Fawkesy's answers: Blue

1st Question:
What made you make the PMC acount you have today?

I used to just browse the website for skins, and then I thought to myself 'Hey, this would be pretty cool to make for my own...' So I started up a PMC account mainly to post skins! c:

2nd Question:
Do you have any skinning inspirations? And if so, could you name some?

I would have to say Oblivion. I feel as if she's the most iconic skinner here on Planet Minecraft and inspires everyone. c: I also really admire Untaken, Falna, Elisabeth, Jeoni and JennaAmber

3rd Question:
What is your favorite skin of all time, that you made?

Ahh I really don't have a number one favorite.. But I like this skin which is entitled "Bunnies & Rainbows"
MerryR's: Fun with Fawkesy! {Q & A}

and this skin which is called "What Went Down"

MerryR's: Fun with Fawkesy! {Q & A}

4th Question:
What's your go to skin editor?


5th Question:
What type of skin style is your go to and why?

To wear - simple and cute skins. I prefer simple shaded skins as I feel they look adorable. They're not over done and are lovely. Also quick to make!

6th Question:
What do you think judges in competitions look for?

Definitely creativity and originality. Also shading of course, but I think they look for those more c:

7th Question:
What's your favorite thing to do on a weekend?

Play Minecraft or ride my horse c

8th Question:
What do you usually listen to when making a skin?

I made a Spotify playlist that I normally listen to, variety of different things into one! ;p

9th Question:
What are your go to colors when making a skin?

I don't really have too many go to colours, but I always like to keep my palletes shifted and semi faded

10th Question:
If a genie would magically appear before you, what would you wish for?

Honestly I would wish to be someone else xD, I would wish to end all animal testing and animal cruelty; and I would wish for something very personal to me

11th Question:
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?

I would probably donate a lot to animal charities ;w; (such animal lover such wow: from MerryR)

12th Question:

What's your horoscope? (According to birth month)


13th Question:
Was I quite annoying/ Did you enjoy this interview?

Not at all, I loved it! Thank you for interviewing me! ;w;

There you go! 13 questions with the lovely Fawkesy!
She has been absolutely amazing during the process of the interview so do please check her out overrr here!

tell her I said hai :P for meee |

Thank you yes YOU! For reading through this simple blog I've put together :) If you enjoyed this one consider looking at my other blogs! AND MAKE SURE TAHHH
Mine that diamond!
Hug that favorite button and..
SUBSCRIBE! Who said you couldn't?

Also check out...
A Guide For your Thumbnail needs! |
Me getting 34th place whoop! whoop! |
A special skinning guide with Ambience and Felll! |

See ya'll later


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09/25/2016 7:56 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster uwu
Fawkesy's Avatar
Thank you so much for the interview, I loved it!! ;;;u; <33
Planet Minecraft


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