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Massive Credit Theft - Builders Need To Know

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Atrocities's Avatar Atrocities
Level 71 : Legendary Ghast Rider
Updated: By request, and after his apology, I have removed the guys name from the blog. I will keep the blog up as it is now a part of the PM community and deleting it would be a crime.

As a builder one of the greatest thrills is to share your builds with other minecraft players. The time one spends building their creations is rewarded by each and every download of their work. No greater honor can be given to a builder than to have his or her work placed onto a server to be shared with all those who come to visit.

However with this good comes the bad and the ugly side of sharing. Most notably credit trolls and thieves.

Recently I posted a blog about such activity regarding this very issue. One would think that by now people would be wise enough to honor the builders of unique works and avoid claiming them as their own. However that just simply isn't the case with many.

Case in point, a person posted a video where in he lays claim to everything from the RMS Titanic, many of Spee's Naval ships, and many many others well known and not so well known star trek, naval, historical man of war ships, and others. Every builder who has made anything to do with Star Trek, Star War, Historic Naval ships, Modern Naval Ships, and space in general should look over this hacks video before he pulls it to see if your work has been stolen.

A bit of history concerning this guy. A while back a member on the forums noticed and flagged a posting of my work by another member whereas he claimed it as his own creations. I sent the guy a very polite PM about the matter only to have him send back a rather dubious response.

FU I upload what I want and NO bitch is going to stop me after the
two weeks are UP ( I ) is going to have several projects stolen and reposted HAHAHAHA evilxxxxxx

Thankfully, due to the diligence of the members of this forum, the attempt to "steal" credit for my work resulted in his upload being removed.

However this didn't stop him from posting a video (now removed) about his server wherein he laid claim to my builds once again. He didn't even bother to change the names of the builds.

Now while I generally don't care if my builds are used on servers, or modified and re-posted, I do require that credit be given for the builds. Stealing credit for other peoples work is kindred to the lowest form of loathsome repugnance that one can stoop too. Not only are you lying to yourself about your own abilities, but you are also lying to others who don't know that the work you are claiming to be yours is actually the work product of someone else.

If you are going to be a complete (insert unkind words here), and steal credit for things you didn't create, at least be smart enough not to post a youtube video about it.

It is credit trolling in general that is causing a lot of builds to stop posting their work for other to enjoy. Hell the guy has even laid claim to the NX-01, The USS Enterprise (Naval ship) and many other projects that others here have made. Spee's work, along with the work of Blibbob, 14joyner, and many many others are on his server and he is laying claim to them all as his own personal builds.

Stealing credit for other peoples builds is an absolute betrayal of other minecraft players and is not only an insult to the game itself, but to the community as a whole.

If you cannot build it yourself, learn how and then take credit for your own work. Stealing credit for other peoples work just makes you out to be a pathetic little loser with no life.

Builders affected by this guys theft of their work should consider contacting him and asking him, albeit given his response to my request, to remove your work from his server or provide proper credit. I sincerely doubt that he'll acknowledged any request with anything but contempt, but one can try.

He has several comments in the official minecraft forum as well. Be sure to go and post your displeasure about his credit trolling there as well.

I think its a review site but I haven't had time to go over it yet. If you want, and please do, if it is at all possible to do so, go there and post the truth about him and his server.

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by Atrocities 06/04/2012 7:01:03 amJun 4th, 2012


Sent: Today
From: (Dude who Caused This Mess)
To: Atrocities

To whom it may concern, I am sorry if I had offended anyone with my actions concerning Builds from other people. I come to you now asking forgiveness in hopes that atrocities And the rest will forgive me for claiming their builds as my own, it was not right in any way Shape or form I was taught better than two lie to people I was taught better than to steal My actions were deplorable intolerable and plain out unacceptable. Also you're right Atrocities I am 24 live at home with mom and dad sister brother in law aunt and son Because the rent is to high where we live. It would cost more than I make in a month just for a one bedroom apartment. I deserve the ridicule and malice from all of you, but I come to you now on bend and knee telling you all I will not touch your work ever again nor claim it for my own. I hope in some small way this reaches you all. I was taught that the highest form of flattery and emulation was to copy and Be like them, I was also taught that if someone copies your work they are beginning to learn to do it on their own. I see in this day and age people are not raised in that belief anymore hence why I am saying sorry to you all, atrocities you were also right about me not having any talent as far as A builder one thing I have come to learn is that people will say and do unspeakable things never apologizing.

I say to you all now that I am so very sorry that I have hurt you so deeply I only humiliated myself made myself out to be something that was not "a builder" and only made myself out to be a thief a liar and an all out despicable person. I do not know what more I can do to make it up to you all but I will do what ever you request.

Your hated person J_Archer

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07/11/2013 11:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
oscar1873's Avatar
that motherlover!
12/17/2012 11:29 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Network
StarOtter's Avatar
He is not a very nice guy that stealer...
09/29/2012 10:05 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
SolitaryPoet's Avatar
You are a good builder. I have started building ships as well, so I can sympathize. I am building a 1:1 scale Daedalus on the WoM realms classic server without the aid of MCEdit. I know how hard it and so far the Daedalus is the best that I can do. I hope that one day I can do what what you can do. I love your work and I am enjoying the tours of your ships.
06/26/2012 7:57 am
Level 36 : Artisan Blockhead
Mikemc's Avatar
You should also replace or remove the screenshot as it contains his Youtube name. And your letter in the Update Log is signed by his name.
06/26/2012 12:33 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Ghast Rider
Atrocities's Avatar
I think its important to leave some evidence as is. The key points were adjusted already to accomodate the primaries request. The screen cap is evidence and will remain. I might blur the name though, but honestly I don't think it matters any more. The guy has stepped up and become a builder in his own right and is doing some pretty cool things now. This entire affair is just another chapter in the history of "air out the airlock" saga.
06/09/2012 8:23 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
flipoffaclif's Avatar
well thats not the out come i was expecting i thought it would turn into a giant war
06/11/2012 4:19 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
UnKnown_Soul's Avatar
just because he didn't fight and apologized for his actions is the best possible outcome there is. I would not want this whole thing to go into a war. I can't see this going that far, It has come to
an end the best way
06/04/2012 6:45 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
UnKnown_Soul's Avatar
well said Atrocities and 14Jroyer about J_Archer it took courage to do what he did I applaud that and accept the apology from him
06/04/2012 11:24 am
Level 74 : Legendary uwu
TheOfficialNano's Avatar
Omg that message made me cry
06/04/2012 8:06 am
Level 71 : Legendary Ghast Rider
Atrocities's Avatar
J_Archer sent a message expressing his regret over the unfortunate error of his ways. I can post it if any one wishes to read it. In response I sent this to him. I hope no one is offed by my words as I know I have no right to speak for anyone but myself. However that being said, I tried to convey the crux of our displeasure in as few of words as possible. I hope I accomplished that objective in an acceptable manor.

"I don't think any one hates you per-say, just that you misappropriated credit for builds which you had nothing to do with..

Building should be its own reward. If you use other peoples work as inspiration than that is honoring them. However, if you just use other peoples work without do acknowledgment, well then, thats honorless.

Correcting the situation is the first step toward rebuilding the ruble of your reputation. I wish you the best, and look forward to seeing of builds by you in the future.

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