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Listen well, all of you.

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Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar Havingfun_ISKEY
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
I want to address a serious issue here, not just on PMC.


And no, moderators, this is not going to be a ranting blog, even though the picture above may make it seem so. Despite the fact that I actually want to go ballistic in this blog for how long I've let my anger build up inside, I'm going to be very calm and very mature. This is going to be...constructive criticism.

I want each and every one of you to learn something. This NEEDS to stay up, and this NEEDS to be shared. 

I've had quite enough. I'm going to tell you very politely what is going wrong and how to change.

I don't even know where to begin. There's so much that needs to change. I just know I'm going to miss something. I'm going to keep on editing this until I think it's complete and perfect.

Welcome to my most serious blog about Five Night's at Freddy's.

I should have done this a long time ago.

The Fanbase

More Games! More Games!

Ever since FNAF was released in 2014, it garnerned a lot of attention from kids ages 10 to 13. Of course, there are other age groups, but I'm going to be focusing on the 10-13 age group because they're the majority.

Listen, kids...I know you're young. It was only a couple of years ago I was your age too. And I know you mean well. I know you like this game series. I know I can't take away your innocence of not knowing right from wrong.

But I think you can benefit from what I'm about to say.

I know where to begin. When the sequel to FNAF was announced, everybody went crazy with delight. So did I. Then it was released and people begged Scott to make a third game.

Scott made a third game, but not neccessarily due to the fanbase's requests.

Then everybody begged him to make a fourth game.

So he did, but not neccessarily due to the fanbase's requests.

Then people begged him to make a fifth game.

Thankfully, he didn't. Not quite.

Please understand what I'm saying. This is so rude and disrespectful. Many of your age group seems to think Scott is some sort of machine that just spews games out on demand. He obviously isn't. He's a real person with a wife and two kids. He works by himself to make these games. He constantly has to have his lawyer take legal action on merchandise that is being sold without permission.

And yet nobody pays attention to this. You continue to beg him to make more games.

You should feel lucky. You got 4 excellent-quality games in under a year. You shouldn't keep on wanting more. Just think about it: would you rather have a series end with just a few titles, but them all being REALLY good, or a never-ending series that keeps dragging on so it's not fun anymore?

I thought so.

Attacking Other Fanbases

Again, I can't blame you for wanting to protect your interests.. I'm kind of doing that right now, to be honest. 

But every single time another person says they don't like the series, you go insane. 

It's their honest opinion. Not everybody has to like this series. Let them be them.

HOWEVER, I am not okay with people making videos or comments "ranting" about how much the series sucks and offending the fanbase and the developer himself. You'd be surprised how many Youtubers do this. Will.craft Animations, Hunter (the guy who's a brony and has his "It Sucks But I Still Played It" series), and Jacksepticeye are just a few examples. Believe me, I'm going to be getting to them later.

Even Pewdiepie has a lesson to learn here, because this guy is the MASTER at faking how scared he is even in crappy horror games, but couldn't even TRY in FNAF 4, only putting the videos up on Youtube due to popular demand.

I just don't know how to feel about that.

The Saddest Part

You know Dawko, Razzbowski, Zombiewarssmt, TheIronMango, PrettyGrumpyBear, Smike, and 8BitGaming?

All of them are Youtubers who focus mainly on FNAF. However, all of them post other content too.

Their FNAF-related content gets around 100,000 views per video.

Their non-FNAF-related content gets around 3000.

This applies to all of them.

I can't describe how heartbroken this makes me feel. It seems most of you only expect them to upload nothing but FNAF, and you don't care about their other content.

All of the Youtubers listed above have shared their sadness and frustration in this topic. Dawko has gone so far as to quit his Fallout 4 series because it wasn't getting any support.

Even I went through this. I'm not a Youtuber (YET), but when I first started out, I posted nothing but FNAF skins. Then I ran out of ideas, and I posted my first non-FNAF related skin, Professor Quirrell, with an awesome new shading style, and I expected to gets the hundreds of views I still got when I did FNAF skins.

I got four.

This continued for my next skin, Cleverbot Evie, and I became so downhearted I quit skinning for a while. I only garnished the same amount of attention as I once did when I started doing blogs.

And if this wasn't enough, you wouldn't believe some of the things people will do to try to make the Youtubers post nothing but FNAF.

They will threaten, bully, and rant about that Youtuber.

So, what is my "constructive criticism"? What advice do I have to suggest you change?

I'd suggest you realize FNAF isn't going to be around forever. It's sad, I know, but you have to move on. 

The Haters

"What an autisic fanbase!"

I see this in just about every single video ever made of FNAF. Somebody will say, "I hate FNAF. The fanbase milked the series to its core and ruined the games. They're so autistic."

These types of comments get about 80 or more likes.

Listen, guys. I don't like the fanbase very much either. That's why I'm making this, a constructive criticism and not a rant blog, to change them. But I'm also changing YOU.

Autism is perhaps the most wrongly-used word in the English dictionary. I know two people who have it and they are just like normal people. I also have Asperger's Syndrome, which is similar to Autism, and let me just say this without making this blog be a rant:

It hurts.

And don't judge the games based on its fanbase. They didn't ruin the games. They ruined their image, that's what. I know you're trying to help.

But please do it so in a nice way.

"The Developer Should Hang Himself"

Story time.

Once I was on the FNAF wiki, and I went onto one of the pages and saw a reverted edit. I looked at the page's history and saw something horrific.

All the information on the page had been erased and changed to this:

"FNAF is a terrible game. Scott should hang himself."

If you could ever bring yourself to say or think something like that, I have no pity for you. None. I'd like to rant about you all day long, but since I don't want this blog to be deleted, I can't. I'm going to be just as polite as I have been the entire way throughout.

You should never ask anybody to die just because they made something you didn't like. Imagine somebody said that about you. How would that make you feel?

Then why would you do it to Scott?

A message to Jacksepticeye

Jack...I want to focus on you in particular.

On August 15, 2014, I was browsing through Youtube videos and came across a video on your channel.

It just so happened to be Five Nights at Freddy's.

I clicked on it, watched it, and fell in love with the games. And now here I am.

I knew for a long time you became distasteful of the series after the first one. I know a lot of people did. And here's the thing:

I don't care.

Unlike some people, I will let you have your own opinion on these games.

But don't you think I'm finished with you yet.

Only about a week ago, I finally watched your latest Akinator video, and came across you telling the FNAF fanbase how ridiculous they are.

And let me just say...wow.

You don't know how much that hurt me. Not only am I a part of the fanbase, or even the fact that this was coming from the person who I had discovered FNAF from, but I realized something right then and there.

You are not quite the same kind and humble Jack as I remember.

I've been noticing this for a while. In that one Boibot and Evie video, you openly stated how upset you were that your idea had been taken by "smaller channels", and you muttered to be careful about sharing ideas on your channel from now on. People automatically assumed you meant Mattshea, you "good ol' friend", and they went to attack him like crazy. You had to apologize and everything.

You just don't think about your actions beforehand, do you? You even had the choice to edit that part out of the video to not hurt other people. You should have thought about how snarky you sounded.

It's not just that, either. You seem bent on making fun of FNAF. In your Life is Strange playthrough, you went onto Victoria's computer and looked at how many subscribers she had on Youtube. You noticed she had a couple thousand and remarked, "Oh, she must have been playing Five Nights at Freddy's. You know how popular THOSE people become! Hahahaha!"

You never apologized to Dawko, Razzbowski, Zombie, 8Bit, PGB, Smike, MatPat, Markiplier, IronMango, or anybody else, now did you?

That was one seriously offensive jab. It's as if you think that all people who upload FNAF are only doing it for views.

I know you probably think you were doing absolutely nothing wrong. And to be honest, maybe I am overreacting. You are still the same man I've known for so long. You haven't changed.

But you've never seemed this bent on hurting a game's reputation before.

So please...please...don't.

The Good Things

Yes, there ARE some good things about the haters and the fanbase. It's not all bad.

Certain parts of the fanbase are extremely considerate. For example, Dawko Five Nights at St. Jude's event raised over 300,000 bucks. And I know that many of you do care about Scott, just like I do.

And even the younger parts of the fanbase aren't all bad. Not even close.

Many FNAF fans exist on PMC itself, and a big handful of them are my close friends. They're all very, very nice people. It's just that the bad apples stick out like a sore thumb.

And as for the haters...?

Well, people like Jack - who don't mean to be so offensive - are simply trying to help out, like I am. They just aren't doing it in the best way that they can.

I hope you all learned something, and please do share this around with as many people as you can. If you think I missed something, I'll add it. Peace out!

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12/28/2015 4:20 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
_-Inactive-_'s Avatar
wow, nice way of addressing the fanbase.

i used to love fnaf, but i lost my interest after the third game because it got so gory.

i still respect the fanbase,but i just honestly can't be nice to the bad side. That's the place i honestly cannot stand, but i still respect the fanbase, even though i don't like it, and try not to get into fights.
12/28/2015 4:23 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Good for you. :3 I'm not into FNAF either, not after what Scott personally did to me.
01/18/2016 12:20 pm
Level 24 : Expert Toast
Torrum's Avatar
Wait what did Scott do to you? Im not trying to be nosey or anything (and tell me if I am) but I am just curious.
12/28/2015 4:30 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
_-Inactive-_'s Avatar
i can still remember how obbsessed i was. i had over 10 ocs.

i can also remember the day i figured out that the purple man was in springtrap and i was grossed out for the rest of the day lol
12/26/2015 11:11 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
MangleProxZ's Avatar

the "bad h8erz" and stuff: some people need a high five...in the face... with a hammer
the rest:the world is just SO NEUTRAL huh?!
12/23/2015 10:40 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Mandy7's Avatar

Where fingers will cramp up.

Just looking at all these long comments make my fingers ache. XD
12/19/2015 2:29 am
Level 38 : Artisan Soldier
FazbearStudioz's Avatar
Same here. I only made a fan-character for Jordanw5432 and before I knew it, I already got over 80 views and over 40 downloads. I got so enraged, (I have anger problems irl) I nearly quit PMC.
12/19/2015 10:40 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Don't quit! :O You have too much good talent.
12/19/2015 2:04 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Soldier
FazbearStudioz's Avatar
Even my Evan for Possession - Season 2 is already like 40 views. I'm like "WTF?" Litterally, theres already a Diary of a Wimpy Kid version of FNaF already! That's like making the fans wanting more!
12/19/2015 2:06 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Oh I hate that fanfiction.
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