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Laziness-A BIG Problem on PMC?

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Whoever01's Avatar Whoever01
Level 47 : Master Princess

To Start us Off

Every time you go through the blogs and find a blog like 'Lookin 4 server 2 be op on' or 'Watch my youtube vids and subscribe for ponies,' you are most likely reading a blog that has had very little time and effort into it. You might think that every blog is supposed to be like that, think again! Because you see that most blogs found in the Recently Updated or Latest lists are like that, it is NOT the smartest idea to upload blogs like that.

Skinning is another perfect example. People often upload Pig or Zombie skins and expect to get good credit from them. Shading is another issue! It is completely fine if a skin is not shaded but as long as it has a legitimate reason to. One example is if the skin has a blocky sort of effect. Another is if it has a special theme to it. Any other skin MUST have shading if you don't want people to think that you are lazy!

Laziness on all 6 Types of Submissions

All 6 submissions occasionally show some kind of laziness, especially blogs. Here is a walkthrough on how to make great submissions

Projects: Projects are the most competitive submissions of all when it comes to the pop reel. As you know, almost all submissions on the pop reel have had heaps of effort put into them. If you want your project on the pop reel, take as long as you need and work as hard as you can to get the great result you want to achieve.
Textures: You can get the diamonds in by just thinking of a great style and spending heaps of time and busting your guts out to make something amazing. Realistic packs get on the pop reel quite easily, but if you want a simplistic one, I beg you not, it must be really good!
Skins: Skins are the most common submissions in all of PMC. Nearly every member has at least one. You do see heaps of skinners on PMC who upload nothing but skins, so skins can be competitive. But the pop reel is very unfair with skins. Pretty much every skin shown on the pop reel is by a popular skinner, so you must get popular somehow?
Servers: Most servers are uploaded by people who have their accounts only for their server, nothing else. These are also the people who get on the pop reel, but if you are popular, your server will be up there in a flash! You MUST put some effort into architecture and have a banner. The more features and less lag, the better!
Blogs: Possibly the easiest submissions to get to the pop reel. As you see, 99% of blogs are 'spam' orientated, and have no real purpose. Make a quality blog like this one (I think this is quality :D) and promote it on the chat, and the pop reel is coming your way!
Mods: The hardest submissions to create, mods. Only some people know JavaScript. Since linksei's mod maker was banned from PMC, there are less mods therefore more chances for the pop reel. Nobody wants to see another Herobrine mods or mo ores mod, so make something original and put some hard work into it!


As you know, there are monthly contests on PMC. Lately, this monthly concept is turning into bi-monthly due to slow judges. This may not be a complaint blog, but those judges are not spending time on judging. Just like some moderators don't come on anymore. But anyway, to the point, heaps of entries are rejected due to laziness and not bothering to read the rules. Before December 2012, pretty much every contest was a kin contest, that has now changed and we now see quite some blog and project contests. Most blog contests are rejejcted due to the spam thing. Project contests are also rejected as some people only build dirt houses (yes, seriously) in the maps they downloaded. The winners are always the ones who put in heaps of effort.

Unfair XP

I've said this before, some submissions have more XP than others due to spam and over advertising. More XP is rewarded to mods as mods are what people want. That is unfair to the people who can't code. Bloggers and skinners are the most popular PMC users, however get the least XP? Why is this? Well if you are a blogger and/or skinner, you must put some more work in!

To End us Off

Just don't be lazy! Just... don't. All the community wants to see is quality work made by other people in the community. Every single user to have ever signed up for PMC has the potential to create the most awesome submissions ever. The reason why popular people are popular is because they put time and effort into their submissions to make them as good as possible. ZaphodX might be the highest XP blogger at level 69, and disco_ the most famous builder at 99, but maybe you must try? Even disco_ and Scuttles can put more effort in, even though they have the highest XP in all of PMC! So try and put some effort in!

This blog was written by Whoever01. DO NOT STEAL!

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07/05/2013 1:15 am
Level 47 : Master Princess
Whoever01's Avatar
Did I say JavaScript instead of Java?
01/21/2013 3:42 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Pirate
LordTrilobite's Avatar
I don't entirely agree with the skinning thing. Posting pigmen and zombies, or any other texture from an ingame character is not lazy, those kinds of skins aren't even allowed on the site.
Otherwise, yes there are a lot of skins with very little effort in them. Though laziness isn't the only cause of this. Minecraft has a large player base, many of which are still very young. Many of the skinners are just starting out. Not everyone that starts skinning really has the skills but most just need practice.
And I don't see what unfairness of the popular reel has to do with laziness. Of course lazy skins aren't going to get on there. But I disagree that it's unfair. Becoming popular and getting on the popular reel takes time and effort, whining about it doesn't do anything. But it's definitely not unfair.
01/21/2013 4:04 pm
Level 47 : Master Princess
Whoever01's Avatar
That was a guide for the more advanced skinners lol
01/21/2013 2:54 pm
Level 22 : Expert Grump
Arty's Avatar
I've been meaning to subscribe to you for a while now, instead of being lazy, I finally got around to doing it today. ;)
01/20/2013 5:19 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Nerd
lil_zigzag's Avatar
I had a blog about lazy skinning and it got a nice amount of views, this is quality diamonds to you!
01/20/2013 4:02 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Toast
_ElegantEphemeral_'s Avatar
sooooOOOOOoooo true mate. i see bad posts all the time with 1k posts, and think " why is this so popular?" i post projects that i put effort in, and i sometimes get little amounts of views.
01/20/2013 7:35 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
ObsidianMinerMan's Avatar
01/20/2013 1:05 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Bunny
crazyeagle's Avatar
Amen brother ! listen to this stuff
01/20/2013 9:34 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Meme
PeterKramer's Avatar
"Only some people know JavaScript. "
Not to be a Grammar Nazi Coder/Whatever, but there's a huge difference between JavaScript and Java. JavaScript has nothing to do with MineCraft, it's solely used for Web Development.
Anyway, good blog in total
01/20/2013 8:54 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
JackOrmel's Avatar
But what if we aren't very good at shading? :(
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