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The Right to Voice Your Own Opinion - Is it Really That Easy?

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Whoever01's Avatar Whoever01
Level 47 : Master Princess
99% of all users using Planet Minecraft live in a country where free speech is a right.  It is our right to speak up, and voice our opinions on anything we like, hate, or thing should change.  It's one of these things that makes the world go round and possibly the only thing that makes great things great.

What is Free Speech?

Free speech is what I just talked about.  The absolute majority of all democratic countries give the right to free speech, the right to voice you rpoinions about anything.  Free speech is basically the right to vote for the new President, the right to make a complaint to the food company that put an illicit drug in your peanut butter and the right to host a meeting to brainstorm ideas for a company's new product.

Now I'm not saying that every opinion that you voice gets into power.  You might vote Banana's for the school canteen but more people vote Creeper Cookies.  Nobody (Except Kim Jong Un) has 100% of their ideas implemented, and that is what free speech is, and that is what makes free speech fun.

In Minecraft

In Minecraft free speech can get a little out of hand.  Sometimes, people don't have the maturity to make mature rules, and it can also be hard to tell the difference between voicing opinions and complaining.  Some server owners couldn't care less about anything but the money the server generates whereas others make sure it is the absolute best experience that they could possibly make to the users.

The first problem here is that some people "complain" and some people "voice suggestions".  There is a "clear" difference between compaints and opinions.  Complaints usually arise when someone has broken the rules, been PvP, griefed, whatever THEN makes their opinion and usually does it in a rude and unfair manner.  They usually rage on and on and become generally annoying.  Someone who wants to voice an opinion usually waits a little while after the event has happened, and then approaches the staff maturely then gives a quick suggestion, and doesn't rave on about it and doesn't make it sound negative.

Now you might be thinking that free speech has no place in the Minecraft world, but it has done more than you could possibly imagine.  Many servers have staff meetings where they discuss new ideas, letting people voice their opinion.  many servers have hoppers and free (or cheap) books, where people write suggestions and put them in (also can be done on the forum).  The owner can be confused about whether to add parkour or spleef next, so he asks his fellow members.

On Planet Minecraft

Planet Minecraft has always been a site where you can speak up and say stuff, and this is why we have blogs.  We can write our opinions, post suggestions in the forums and moderators chat to see if anything new can be added.

Now, if this blog gets removed for any reason at all, it would probably be because of this paragraph.  Free speech is always encouraged on PMC.  Some may not believe because they post a suggestion and it never gets implemented, but instead goes on a "To Do" list.  Because people complain so much to the moderators because of "strict" rules, they kind of get into the habbit of thinking everything is a complaint, and for some mods, it can get harder and harder and harder to tell a complaint from a respectful dispute.

Now when we do satire and ask about the rules on PMC, it can end badly.  Firstly, since so much PMC satire is disrespectful, we can't really do any because the mods are "sick" of it, and since many people complain about the rules being changed, a respectful request on a change, not why they are there, can be taken the wrong way.  I'm not trying to say the rules need to be changed and I'm not trying to egg on complainers, but I am saying that we should have a right to speak up for ourselves.

So as you can see, not every form of free speech goes well, and that the right can be revoked, although it shouldn't.  It is a human right which we can all use, as long as it is not used to complain.
The Right to Voice Your Own Opinion - Is it Really That Easy?

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04/10/2015 7:19 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
LetsGoTrippin's Avatar
You wanna know what Kim Jong Un's favorite song is?

Rocket Man.
01/18/2015 6:51 am
Level 33 : Artisan Pixel Painter
RetroCityRampage's Avatar
I live where there is sopossed to be freedom of speech, but  #1, People abuse it, #2, The only thing they don't want is "Bulling" Or "Flame wars".
02/24/2014 12:27 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
PixelCrash_'s Avatar
Congratulations on catching the attention of the moderators! But seriously, I have to agree with them on this one. Also, this is a private website, so they can take down basically whatever they want (though if they did that too much, it wouldn't be as popular as it is, so they must be doing something right).
02/23/2014 6:18 am
Level 46 : Master Artist
Igorgames's Avatar
Pfft you have no freedom of speech on pmc did you see how fast mods made comment's "setting you straight " on there rules ? They hate when you show a voice and use it!  They dance around with pretty words on why they silance you (i have been banned more then once for staiting something a mod did not like) you are on the wrong site to say anything you want or feel! And you must say only things they feel are ok...you are only free on planet earth not on pmc.
02/24/2014 4:14 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu
Ash's Avatar
freedom of speech is subjected to several restrictions such as libel or falsities and of course our terms of service. I'm sure a mod would not have banned you because they did not like your opinion, rather they would have banned you because your opinion, and the way you voiced it, broke our rules and ToS
02/24/2014 9:47 pm
Level 46 : Master Artist
Igorgames's Avatar
No ...in one case i even had pictures proving i did nothing wrong and the mod did and other mods said i was breaking the rules for showing the picture (Even tho i blacked out the mods name with paint .net) I know how things work and have seen it many times and this dance is part of it (The "it's never are fault it must be you" dance)
02/22/2014 9:21 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Freedom of speech was originally so people could speak out agains the government without fear of punishment, but has come to apparently mean say what you want about anything. Rules are not there to restrict your freedom of speech, they are there to protect others from harm such as how if you yelled "Fire" in a crowded place you would most likely go to jail for endangering people. People are more than welcome to make suggestions for the rules which was why Midnight made that thread which can be found here.

If anyone ever needed rule clarifications, they are more than welcome to PM me or talk to me privately in the chat room where I can be found a lot. '-_- I just wished kids wouldn't swear so much, it's a nasty habit that I dropped months ago.
02/22/2014 9:00 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump
Azie's Avatar
There's one problem with this: This is a private site that does not exist within a single government. We get to decide what is allowed to be expressed and can decide to remove anything for any reason. "Freedom of speech" simply does not exist on a private website as it is defined for a government.

Civil discussions about rules or expressions of opinion are encouraged, unless it is inappropriate in some way. Most of the time, when people question the rules, they do so very rudely and we end up feeling hurt and harassed in the process. Free speech doesn't mean people will necessarily use ideas given to them either, as you stated. Free speech only means someone will listen to them.

On the conclusion of your blog, you can speak up for yourself: privately and civily. We simply ask that people PM us instead of ranting in the forum. I see how the public image of how we handle ban/other moderation complaints could be that we just reject them all, but that's only what you see. People who PM us appropriately often have their issue resolved and/or we're happy to explain to them what happened and how to avoid it in the future. As for rule/site suggestions, those are always welcome as long as they are civil and appropriate. Just know that your "cool idea" has likely been suggested before.
01/18/2015 6:54 am
Level 33 : Artisan Pixel Painter
RetroCityRampage's Avatar
So we don't have Freedom of speech!?!?!?
01/18/2015 11:46 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump
Azie's Avatar
Given that this is a privately owned site and we have the right to remove any content we deem necessary, no.
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