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Kitty's Poetry Blog!

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KittyCat12346's Avatar KittyCat12346
Level 27 : Expert Artist
hello there! i noticed a lot of people were creating art blogs. since i enjoy writing poems, i decided to create a poetry blog to share my poems. i am not a professional writer, it's just a hobby. feel free to give me constructive criticism, but just know that the poems are ordered from oldest to latest. the poems at the bottom are my newest poems.

You may not plagiarise (steal) my work. This includes (but is not limited to) copy and pasting it and/or claiming it as your own.

Am I Awake? | Poem
My head is screaming
The silence is deafening
My mind is dreaming

Flowers around me are blooming
The dusk is glowing
A soft breeze is blowing
The darkness is knowing

A roll of thunder wakes me
Dragged out of a nightmare,
Only to discover that
this is my true fear

That Friend | Poem
I have a friend
that won't go away
They aren't the kind
that just wants to play

They call me mean names
instead of playing games
"Stupid," they scold me. "Dumb."

This kind of cold
doesn't make my fingers numb
It makes me cry
I ask the friend,
"You aren't even real, so why?"

Flight | Poem
The young bird hesitates
at the edge of the tree
Her mother twitters at her impatiently

The other fledglings sing to her,
calling her to play
The bird looks down
into the empty space

To fall would surely mean death

Finally, her mother tires of waiting for her to jump

and pushes her off

Swim | Poem
Dark assaults of water
swarm everything to see
Furious black clouds flicker and strike,
cold swords blazing
A battle with no room for air

One small, cold, drenched hand
claws the surface
A soaked head rises, pale and desperate
Nature sends it tumbling under

Again, it appears, flickering beneath
They sharply gasp for salty air
only to have it beat from their lungs

You can hardly tell in the dark,
but a tear trails from their shuddering face

Dawn | Poem
Poised and ready
That is what it seems
but really she's vulnerable
Dressed in pastel peach
Adorned with light

Is she ready for this fight?
Can she reach up to the heavens
and revolve and catch a miracle?

A slow, graceful sound floods the air
Illumination splits the careful shadows

So it begins

Home | Poem
It isn't possible
Yet it's the only thing that's real
In a world of nothing
It's the only thing you feel

Let the Earth freeze and starve us
Let the world burn and scream
Let this world be engulfed by darkness
It doesn't matter
After all, life's just a dream

You can find us
Cocooned in a soft blanket
Or curled in a dusty, cobwebbed corner
Or hiding in the pale cover of night

We won't care

After all, this is home

Moon Dragon | Poem
Silver armor of moonlight
Golden jewels gaze upon you
Glimmering flames in the night

This is a beauty I never knew
That my eyes would find

Such a knowing mind
Sapphire wings
On a dragon that sings

Slither | Haiku
Sneaking around bushes
Draping tail from tree branches
Tongue flicks out of mouth

Laughing | Poem
Bursts of colour
Lighting my face
Suddenly the whole world
Seems a lot less duller

A sunrise at midday
Like on an oil painting
Comes out to play

Bubbling, escaping
Bliss escapes my lips

Run Free | Poem
Bring me up to the mountains
Where the trees grow free
Bring me up to the mountains
Where the sun smiles on me

Bring me down to the forest
Where the wolves run wild
Bring me down to the forest
Where I'm nature's child

Bring me down to the water
Where the fishes swim
Bring me down to the water
Where the waves leap at whim

Bring me up to the soft clouds
Where the kindly birds fly
Bring me up to the soft clouds
Where I don't have to try

Bring me back to my safe home
Where my family waits for me
Bring me back to my safe home
Where my eyes are starry

My Birds | Poem
Fly away, birds
Fly away home
Except, don't leave me here
Everywhere we shall roam
Love is a thing that takes many forms
Looks like for me it is my flock of birds

Singing and fluttering, all of my birds
Kinds that are grey and so many more
What else is there that you're looking for?
Air embraces us gently, all around
Really, you can join my birds and me
Dancing, twirling, a wonderful sound
See me with the birds, joyful and free

Quiet Again | Poem
Soft drumming outside
Pitter, patter
Deep greys of clouds
Patter, pitter
Leafy mirrors on the ground
Pitter, patter
Whispers in the trees
Patter, pitter
It's warm and bright inside

Pitying Anxiety | Poem
The cage falls
It shatters into a flood
Millions of sparkling pieces
You'd think the bird would be joyful
But towards it crawls
Creatures of darkness with
Eyes of blood

Nobody foresaw it
Did it tumble
From my hands?
Or was it when
the wind did hit?
No one knows, no one knows

Before I'm choked by the sea
Don't let the wind blow, oh no
Before the salt suffocates me
Take me home
Far away

Creditmy sadness and fear write my poetry for me.

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06/25/2019 12:14 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Princess
MidnaMoony's Avatar
These are beautiful. I definitely understand the meanings of some of them. I've never written poetry or taken much of an interest in it, but this definitely changed my mind. I might try writing sometime!
06/25/2019 12:52 am
Level 27 : Expert Artist
KittyCat12346's Avatar
i'm glad my writing has made you feel this way! if you do write anything, be sure to show me. i would love to see it!
06/24/2019 6:05 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Sus
Nitgo's Avatar
Interesting, how many do you do per month?
06/24/2019 9:07 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist
KittyCat12346's Avatar
eh, it's really inconsistent. whenever i feel a strong emotion, words just pop into my head and i have to quickly write it down. an example is grief or surprise.
12/29/2018 6:32 am
Level 24 : Expert Taco
ChocolateGhast's Avatar
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
Your Poems are good,
And Everyone Else Thinks So TO!
12/29/2018 1:22 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist
KittyCat12346's Avatar
aw, thank you!
11/18/2018 5:57 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Narwhal
BarKode's Avatar
that's ah.. kinda dark
11/19/2018 4:39 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist
KittyCat12346's Avatar
which one?
12/04/2018 6:14 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Narwhal
BarKode's Avatar
well the swim one sounds like its drowning
the flight one sounds like the bird fell to its death
12/04/2018 7:26 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist
KittyCat12346's Avatar
actually, none of that really happened that i wrote. it is essentially a cliffhanger open to your interpretation. if you want it to/think it should happen, that is fine! i hope this was creative!
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