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Kindness on PMC

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C0smicCow's Avatar C0smicCow
Level 56 : Grandmaster Batman
In a review of PMC I've seen that there isn't much 2 way Kindness! I've been posting on PMC a while now, and I think that you should always check out the people who diamond and fav your stuff. These people have taken the time to support your MC skills so I think you should check them out in return, see if you can support them too! It will also be good for you for I have gotten into this habit and sometimes I even see stuff that will help improve my building skills.  You should also never be afraid to comment suggestions or just compliments it will help imporve the posters skills and help publisize their post. This will help improve the whole PMC community and even open MC oppertunities!

Be Kind and support others on PMC!



Post 2

       In the past weeks since I made this post I've noticed much more PMC kindness than before, it seems that many people do practice this type of two way kindness and do practice the sort of empathy I dscribed above. I just want to thank those of you who do practice kindness and community on this awesome website and hope you and others will continue to spread community

Kindness on PMC
And I'll get you back!
CreditJust me :D

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by C0smicCow 10/22/2014 3:03:07 pmOct 22nd, 2014

Added new points

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09/29/2015 1:35 pm
Level 40 : Master Cowboy
TwizZted_uP's Avatar
I feel exactly like you....

SO I'm going to check out your profile, diamond and favorite this post and subscribe if I like what you do!

EDIT: Looked at your profile and absolutely loved it. Boi you just got yourself a sub!
09/29/2015 6:16 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Batman
C0smicCow's Avatar
09/30/2015 10:43 am
Level 40 : Master Cowboy
TwizZted_uP's Avatar
Anytime bae
04/04/2015 4:24 pm
Level 23 : Expert Crafter
BarkySharky's Avatar
I agree, you subbed to me I check you out :)
12/26/2014 12:14 am
Level 1 : New Network
thaNOAHtank's Avatar
“Oi m80’s Im XxDebateDestroyer69xX and Im a popular on teh interwebs xD like what I post? U better m8 cuz utherwise ud b missing out LOL please leave nice comments on my posts and surscribe to me :D”


Had enough? Me too, glad we’re all on the same page here.


   Now, before I begin I’d like to address something to everyone in the room. The content in my speech is not an attack to those whom are hurt easily nor does the content promote bullying or cyber-bullying in anyway. Why do I say this? It’s because what I am about to say to you all, is a very serious topic and shouldn’t be taken lightly at all. So pay attention and feel free to take some notes. Now, I am a respectful guy, yet I completely ignore the, so-called “Golden Rule”. Now the “Golden Rule” in short means “I treat others the way I wish to be treated.” In todays society people, teachers, and parents like to praise this wonderful concept and use it repeatedly in terms of “Respect” Henceforth changing it’s meaning to their will to were the concept now means “I respect you if you respect me” Nothing should go wrong correct? Everyone respects each other. Or at least you thought as much. You see, the word “respect” means many different things to many different people, and belief systems. These different views collide almost everywhere and there will forever be a problem. So a certain person A will always disrespect person B and it causes confusion only making things worse. Surely there must be a compromise! Some how, someway there must be understanding, peace, equality. Here’s an idea, why doesn’t everyone forget the “Golden Rule”? Today’s society is so fed up with feelings. How did it get this way? The lack of criticism to tell you the truth. And to pinpoint one of the places we as humans lack this, is called the Internet. On the Internet people can talk to each other but not face to face. This promotes a rather big problem for there are a vast number of networking sites where people upload content and expect the best reviews. From here, the person can either get the reviews expected or they get criticism. Oh dear. There’s that word again…

   Communication, it's what we do on this wonderful planet. Even though communication happens every day here, people STILL fail to understand how it works. Allow me to paint a picture.

Sender > Message > Receiver > Feedback

This is how communication works, either intrapersonal or interpersonal, in this case with a mass group. I will walk through this picture with you all. The Sender is the original poster of content on the Internet. The Message is the content. The Receiver is the reader/viewer. Feedback is the comments. This is how it works on the Internet, but it's when the Sender does not like what the Receiver has given in terms of Feedback is when things hits the fan. The Sender hates the "You're terrible" "Get off the site" "Stop whining loser" "You're such a nerd". The sender hates.. lesser things. Criticism. "Constructive criticism". The sender sees this as an attack if it isn't sugar coated to the point of no return, at least in most cases. As Jacob Silverman put it in his article “Against Enthusiasm” “…cloying niceness and blind enthusiasm are the dominant sentiments. As if mirroring the surrounding culture, biting criticism has become synonymous with offense; everything is personal” Feedback is Feedback, you can't be mad at them for using the comment section. If you post ANYTHING on the Internet you should EXPECT Feedback, regardless if it's "mean" or "hurtful".

   Moving on with the Feedback... Like I’ve stated before it's Feedback. Be glad you got it. People are free to express their opinion, without using profanity and breaking the site rules. So, again, it's illogical to get mad at the Receiver of your Message. I commented on a recent blog about "think before you act/speak" and the entire blog consisted of questions about "how will this benefit you?" and "Why am I doing this?” As an experiment I took every single question and answered them to were I would still be able to "act/speak" the way I wanted to, when the blogs purpose was to not encourage that. I even ended up with the original poster siding with me.

   Now to constructive criticism and criticism. This creates such a problem for many people. They get upset very, very easily about the concept. Mainly due to the fact that they don't understand the many ways both can be used to help others grow as a person. I understand the dictionary definitions of both are different, but they can STILL be used to build the characters of others. Constructive criticism is, yes, when you give suggestions on how to make the content better, such as "Perhaps work on your grammar and spelling before your next post, you have good ideas it was just a bit hard for me to read them that’s all". That is a good example of constructive criticism, another one, yet a bit harsher would be, "This is the equivalent to trash, did you actually try to spell anything or did you simply slap your keyboard you dweeb." It's different, yet the same thing. It's still constructive criticism, but if I were to take a poll on how many people would rather take the advice from the first example rather than the second, I’m sure everyone would vote for the first. Just because its "nicer" and less "hurtful", does not mean you should just listen to that person and then go off on the second. Take advice from both, because the more you do, you'll receive less of the "mean" comments, and more "uplifting" ones. 


      Criticism. This is a topic nearly every person refers to your comment by when they attempt to strike up an argument. They will refuse to believe your comment is useful, and say that you're wrong. The comment section is for Feedback, which typically is just opinions, and it's really difficult to successfully express your opinion when all the Sender does is insist on giving you theirs and saying yours is completely wrong in every way. "I just wanted to help you get better-" "Well you're wrong, I believe my content is good, so it's good. There is no need for your rude comments here." That about sums it up for everyone here. I digress; criticism can still be used however. Here's an example, "You're post truly sucks" That is criticism, am I wrong? The comment is still useful, the original Sender just needs to think about it for a second. "Hmm, this fellow believes my post is bad, perhaps I should post better content by changing my topic, or just go back to my original content I used to post." In that example the Sender takes the comment into consideration, and will try something different in his next post. This is what every user who posts regularly should think about when given criticism. Not argue with the other person. 

   Many of you are thinking, "Wow, this was just a huge, drawn out insult to us who have feelings, and care about our content!" No, it's not an insult, or at least it shouldn't be. What I am saying is that the comment section is there for a reason, and you can't get mad about someone using it correctly. And by correctly I mean by giving Feedback to the Sender about the Message. If you care about your content so much, don't cry over the fact someone hated the post, instead take it as "They are making my future content better, even though the comment was a bit harsh". 



   It’s high time people stop <3 everyone’s content out of blind morality. If you wish to actually help the Sender with his/her future Messages, criticize them. Similar to the judge whom is criticizing me at this moment. I’m not going to beg for your thumbs up buddy, I am going to beg for your criticism because that’s what’s going to help me improve and unlike the rest of the online society, I can take it. “Smiley face”


Aside from the Internet realm, it’s safe to say that this is the generation of sensitivity. This is very noticeable has it is literally everywhere. For example, our education system. As Naftali Silberberg put it in the Article “In times past, an educator's mission was to impart information, with little regard for the feelings and unique personalities of the members of the classroom. Today, education is rightly focused on building healthy and secure people, talking to children in stead of at them.” Given it is in the past our ancestors faced many more difficult hardships and paid little attention to trivial matters such as their students’ feelings. You can visit a elementary classroom today and when students are faced with a challenge such as “Who can write a better story” the teacher won’t actually pick a winner, because in todays society EVERYONE is a winner! Even then, laws are created, enforceable by police mind you, that kids must wear safety gear every time they desire to skate around or bike with friends. People in jail have so many rights that there are literally tons of people seeking to get arrested so they can get a hot meal, medical attention and even clean clothes. Lets not forget the Anti-Bullying campaigns and how its now unethical to call Negroes “black people” and people from other places “foreigners”. If any of these boundaries are crossed you are disrespectful. Respect, “Golden Rule”, it all ties together. All of these different views on respect have made it nearly impossible to say anything without it being misconstrued by some sect of society. Our society is going down hill and fast. Oh but there must be resolution, there must be a way to a happy ending! Oh, yes there is still time to save ourselves once again, but only if we grow as people and take criticism willingly and stop the ‘likes’ and ‘thumbs up’ quit ‘favoriting’ and ‘<3 lol’ing everything. For once we need a ‘poke’ and need to realize that we are ‘Dm’ing our way into deeper unfixable problem. We can turn this generation around, and as funny as it sounds we can do this if we just stop being so happy.
04/13/2015 7:59 pm
Level 42 : Master Slime Tamer
flyer4life's Avatar
Just seeing this even though it's been here for three months. Anyways, I agree with you on a lot of your points especially the one where you highlighted the fact that everyone is considered a winner in today's modern times. However, just to bring a different persepctive onto things, I'd like to add these: While the comments section is indeed made for all types of responses, the trouble occurs when people feel obligated and the need to make some sort of comment, whether useful or not. Often times, the comment is truly mean, and it isn't intended towards helping the person improve in any way. In addition, I would reword the phrase "stop being so happy" because it approaches the problem incorrectly. (In my opinion, of course) It is not the happiness of society we should be aiming at. Rather, we should focus on being more direct towards others and more often (for lack of better wording) accept the truth. As you hinted towards, if someone is the true best, we should be able to tell the others that they weren't. On a wider note, a lot of these arguments come from the fact that "society has issues." More often than not, people fail to realize that WE are society. Society is not some distant inanimate object with a bunch of problems. Every single one of us are a part of society and we must first fix our own actions behavior we try to fix those of others. Now, since you don't seem to mind the directness, I'll say that you should hold a lesser of a destructive mind. To specify, if we all live life believing that 'our generation' is doomed, we won't make any better progress. Instead, it all must start with a positive attitude, which was not seen anywhere throughout your argument. There's a reason behind everything, including our 'problems' and thinking that by becoming losing our basic human morals will solve all of our 'problems' is a mode of thought on a one way street towards nihilism.
04/10/2015 9:51 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Batman
C0smicCow's Avatar
You know, I could respond to you with a long paragraph saying how I agree with some points and not others but I'm not going to bother... All i will say is that while you were correct about how uptight our society is, you're talking from an angle that is basically saying, people shouldn't be kind and you are not seeing what your way of living would be like from everyones unique charachter and background. Its the God damb internet mate, people are aloud to have fun here its not real and "people are too happy"??? People aren't happy enough, the average anxiety of a hs student is the same amount as a phych patient in the 1950s. Im not gonna waste my time on anything else you are obviously an oblivious conservative American that can not look from more than one point of view. Also... People in jail do not have tons of rights, the state of most prisons are inhumane and contribute to the problem they try to fix.... God Damn wasting my time, Why do i even talk Im to old for this stuff
11/13/2014 8:20 pm
Level 40 : Master Nether Knight
Viisjea's Avatar
I hope everyone will see this blog so that more people would be like this
11/13/2014 9:54 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Batman
C0smicCow's Avatar
11/11/2014 8:58 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer
Laserbilly's Avatar
Couldn't agree more
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