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Irresponsible & Abusive Staff Members

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ThatCobblestoneGuy's Avatar ThatCobblestoneGuy
Level 58 : Grandmaster Lad
Hello Fellow Members of PMC! :)
So it has come to my pleasure I shall post another blog. Recently you may have read Vikki's blog on over responsible staff members. That sprung something into my mind, and this topic needs to be discussed. This topic concerns me, as this takes place on one of my main servers that I play on. I'm talking out about staff members. Not just all staff members, but the irresponsible ones.

I have been playing on a server since September 2012, and it has been a great server, fun, and great community. It is just that some of the staff members are just a pile of dung. I am not going to be giving out the server IP, nor the people that I am talking about, but it they know who they are, don't consider banning me, consider improving your acts.

My Experiences With These Staff Members:

-I was in a Skype call with a friend, and I was working on my map that was going to be put onto the server. You had to be whitelisted to join the server. My friend politely asked the moderator "How to I get whitelisted on the server?"
The response given was "By storing swag, and using swag points". My friend got all stirred up, and asked for a proper answer. Same response was given.

-On my old account, I was donor, but not on my new account. I kindly asked to have my donor status transferred to my new account, I was given a thumbs up, and they said sure. But what did they add on the end? A big. Fat. LATER. Oh, and how long was this later? Lets say, a week? Yes - It took them a week to open a file and write down my name? That just proves laziness.

-My friend and I where playing on the server, enjoying our time, the casual day you would have on a server and then all of a sudden, my friend was muted. PERMANENTLY. The reason given to his mute was "lel". He did absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever.
That was a month ago, and he is still muted.

Why Doesn't The Owner Demote Them?

With behavior like that, a demotion is most likely to happen. But why doesn't the staff get demoted? Here is the answer....
They are best friends with the owner, in real life.
That is just not fair. Just because you are friends with someone doesn't mean you can give them permission to treat everyone unfairly. The owner is completely cool with it. When I was mod on the server, I pulled off one little joke - Well, thats my mod down the drain.
I have friends that play on my server that aren't even MEMBER rank. As mentioned in my previous blog, staff should be earned, not be given to due to friendship.
it is find to give friends rank, but don't make it ruin the servers reputation. You want your server to look like a friendly environment, which mainly attracts players. But if your friends are going to act like that, just give them a VIP rank at the most.
Every server that I join that has a rude staff member, forces me to leave. Staff members are supposed to help, and guide the players, not mute and ban them for the fun of it. I believe that if your going to be a staff member, if you WANT to be a staff member, act like one. Don't just abuse it because you're the owner’s friend and that he wont demote you.

"If you're a staff member, be one" - TCG


It is conclusive that many staff members don't truly act like them, and abuse it due to the friendship they bond with the owner. Abusive staff members mislead players, and create hatred amongst the players and server. If you know who you are, or are one of these staff members. Get your act together, because us players don't like it.

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07/02/2017 3:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
sampfire9's Avatar
You know whats funny? I was best friends irl with the owner of a server, and I never did any of this. I am sorry to hear that other people do this though.
05/08/2015 3:14 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Taco
Kickrad's Avatar
I know what your talking about!
Nomadic Miner
01/17/2014 1:11 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Explorer
Nomadic Miner's Avatar
You seem to have bad luck with staff. Then again I stick to the server I work for and the other professional servers that are well known
01/17/2014 8:03 am
Level 21 : Expert Button Pusher
HaloMrFrags's Avatar
I just had to fire an Admin on my server for giving diamonds out... -,-
01/16/2014 4:11 pm
Level 48 : Master Artist
janidorr's Avatar
Some of them are just being trying to be funny. Some of them are just really busy at the moment (not all staff have the entire day to themselves). Some are stressed. Some are busy.

Being staff on a small handful of servers, I do get stressed or sometimes feel like cracking a joke with the players. Even if it does come off as abusive, I'm really not. Think about what's the real motive for the abuse.
01/16/2014 6:54 pm
Level 44 : Master Architect
SnoweyRawr's Avatar
Indeed, coming home from work and having half the server badgering you for something normally leads to the "I'm kinda busy" response. It's not your fault, some people just need a few hours to chill. Abuse mostly is from childish OP's I see or those who go somewhat power crazy with their new found commands.
01/16/2014 1:15 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Snark
Aximili's Avatar
This is why server owners should be lonely little trolls instead of party animals. Then they can judge staff much more strictly.
01/16/2014 11:06 am
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
MaxBFalcon's Avatar
I stress this so hard on servers. I have only joined around 5 servers that actually have good staff. On my server, if one of my staff starts up that sort of thing, it is an instant demote, and they never get to be staff again. Staff like that destroy a community. I used to play on a great server with an awesome community, then one day a new admin popped on. He happened to be the owner's friend... After about a week, he began to be irresponsible, and be a general jerk. Banning everyone, kicking random people, giving mutes for the lolz... Did the owner do anything? No. Did he know what was going on? Yep. In fact, it took that owner 3 months to ban the Admin. Needless to say, that community is looong gone now.
01/16/2014 3:58 am
Level 76 : Legendary Button Pusher
DragonsDungeon's Avatar
Ah this is just too over blogged. try to find new things that we can relate to to blog about. Even though this is important more rants about it wont change things. People must just think about it them selves. try to find all new ideas. because i wanna see new blogs and not just a repeating pattern.
01/16/2014 4:33 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Toast
JustAnotherCrafter's Avatar
Couldn't have said it better.
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