Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Interviewing Sparki Wolf

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Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar Havingfun_ISKEY
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Well, I promised her an interview, like, a LOOOOOOOOOONG while ago. Seriously. So...yeah.

Haha, yes, I'm MUCH more excited than that. There are so many people waiting their turns (so many I won't even bother listing all of them), and many of them have been waiting very unfairly for over a month and a half now. As you can see, it's now Sparki Wolf's turn in the spotlight! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome the talented artist! Go to her profile, love her art, love it, LOVE IT NOW.

Okay, before I begin, yes, I am going to be doing my interview pictures in a different style now. I decided that the old style was getting really repetitive, and doing it this way should make it a lot more interesting and fun.

Me = Magenty/Pinky :D
Sparki Wolf = Navy Bluey :D

Are you prepared for EPICNESS? 
Most likely. How "epic" are we talking? 
(*Giggles* VERY epic, darling.)

How did you get the name Sparki Wolf, and where did you get the adorable profile picture?
There's a long story behind the name. Basically, my friend nicknamed my fursona, Sparki, but the name stuck and now that's the name I go by. ^^ I drew that profile picture, but I'm planning on making a new one soon. ;3
(Nuuuuu your current one is so cute ^-^ Don't you just love it when you don't mean to have a name stick but it just does and it becomes a part of you? It's the most hilarious thing ever.) 

I hope this one isn't too personal. What's it like being homeschooled?
Oh, it's great! I can wake up when I want, and work when I want. Basically, my dad tells me what I have to get done by the end of the week, and I can do it at my own pace, but I have to get it done by the deadline (Saturday) or else, I have to work on the weekends. I have all my tests (history, science, and reports) on Fridays, and I can do anything I want on Saturday and Sunday! Jealous yet? c: 
(Oh, wow! But no, I'm not jealous. Surely it would get very lonely? Plus, I love my school and my teachers a lot. They're almost like a third family to me (PMC and real-life family being my two others). So while that does sound pretty cool, I wouldn't give up public schooling for an instant. :D)

Your art blog has become very popular. Do you have any adivce for an aspiring artist? 
Is it really that popular? Wow, okay. XD Well, I'm really not sure of one thing that I could say. I do give tutorials and tips to anyone who asks me though, but I can't really think of a general tip. cx 
(Yes, my dear, it really HAS become popular, and rightfully so. And come on, that's boring. :P)

Has your interest in robots influenced your love of Five Nights at Freddy's, or vice versa? 
Neither actually, I actually hated the very idea of FNaF when my cousins first told me about it, but for some odd reason it began to grow on me, until it became my favorite thing in all the world. :3 I used to be easily scared, but for some other odd reason, I suddenly got really into the "horror" genre, so.. yep! 
(I used to love it too. I learned of it myself from Jacksepticeye, and I fell in love with it immediately. Unfortunately, FNAF isn't very scary!)

Do you have any plans of ever publishing your stories? I'd buy them. 
Gee, really? I didn't know anyone liked 'em that much. ^^ But yes, I have definitely considered publishing. I'm thinking of putting together a series of oneshots (because I seriously can't stay with just one storyline) and selling them as a book. 
(Well, I certainly do! As a professional writer, I say you may have something coming for you. I hope this happens in the future, and that you have no difficulties!)

How does one draw using Photoshop? I can't even draw a perfect circle on there. xD
I'm not exactly sure how to explain it. XD But actually, I need to update my art blog, because I've recently been using PaintTool Sai, which I love. 
(Gersh dern it. I was hoping to learn some tips and tricks. My digital art SUCKS! Please teach me. xD)

So, you often use GIFs in place of text. What's your favorite GIF? 

Did you naturally have the talent to draw, or were you taught? 
Despite what many might think (seeing as my parents are both artists of sorts, and actually met in art class) I actually learned to draw completely by myself. I've only taken one class in my entire life, but it was on watercolor, which I rarely do anyway. c'x
(Your parents met at an art class???? Awwwwww. I have a friend whose parents met at a gas station. xD It's nice to know that art is a natural talent, too!)

Do you have any goals you'd like to reach with your art blog, or PMC in general? If so, what?
Gee, I'm not sure, to be honest. I've never really thought about goals. ^^
(Boooooooooooriiiiiiiiing. xD)

Can you share a story with us? I mean, you are 156 years old and all, right? ;) You must have a good one!
Eh, not really. All I have are the ones in my blogs. ;3 
(*Facepalm* Sparki...I'm trying to be entertaining...-_- xD)

If you could bring one character from your stories to the real world, who would it be?
ONLY ONE?! What kind of person would I be if I picked only one Stephen..? 
(Yes, only one, silly. :P And Stevie's a pretty cool guy, so yeah.)

Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Potatoes. This interview needs more potatoes. 

So, that was Miss Sparki Wolf! Not Sir, like I originally thought. xD If you love her, give her diamonds! If you love her, give her favorites! If you love her, give her subscriptions! DO IT! If you want to be interviewed, friends, ask me down in the comments below! PEACE OUT! <3
CreditSparki Wolf for her time

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03/18/2016 8:54 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Fox
Jordanw5432's Avatar
...I just now realized that the skin on the thumbnail is my really old skin of Sparki... ew
03/02/2016 4:38 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Archer
qwEArfzwsertgredtyhr's Avatar
12/25/2015 9:25 am
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
Too much Sparki...
Not enough Sans...
12/25/2015 9:41 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
12/25/2015 9:42 am
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
Also,  too much Gravity Falls
12/25/2015 9:50 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Dats nice
12/25/2015 9:57 am
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
But it still could've had some Sans... or at least Papyrus... XD
12/25/2015 6:58 am
Level 49 : Master Magical Girl
Prinxen's Avatar
This made me balloon laugh XD
*thumbs up*
12/25/2015 8:49 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Thanks! :D

12/24/2015 6:41 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
If you interviewed me, your profile would get a whole lot more popular.... just saying.
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